Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – yours – your – theirs – their – ours – our – my – mine – its – his – hers - her - 2

Please complete the following sentences with a “ yours – your – theirs – their – ours – our – my – mine – its – his – hers – her ”.
Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

501.  The firm has outgrown  _______ base on Stricklandgate and needs extra space in order to expand and create more jobs.
502.  At the start of each school year, we renew  _______ commitment to helping students succeed.
503.  The ruler's children were brought to Cusco to learn about Inca administration systems, then return to rule  _______ native lands.
504.  The elder enters at a steady pace, breezing by the young chefs on  _______ way through the kitchen.
505.  While t _______ robs National of issues, it is making the party increasingly unpalatable to parts of  _______ support base.
506.  T _______ kind of moth is responsible for decimating thousands of trees in  _______ town.
507.  Till we perceive by  _______ own understandings, we are as much in the dark, and as void of knowledge, as before.
508.  If  _______ door doesn't have a back panel that can be altered, like  _______ did, you can use a sturdy shoebox to fashion  _______ window box.
509.  They climb up on the shed at the back of the boarded up house, which is joined to _______ .
510.  You can make a difference, as long as you live in a swing state and don't throw away  _______ vote on a third party!
511.  One of the most rare things in t _______ beautiful country of  _______ is open unfenced and unfarmed land.
512.  I had to deflea  _______ cat with a flea comb, even though it wears a flea collar.
513.  Anot _______ incident, t _______ time from the country of the Darkinung people illustrates  _______ point.
514.  She laughed until the tears attempted to roll up  _______ appley cheeks and she had to beg for mercy.
515.  The wind changed direction and started blowing in  _______ faces.
516.  A young lady and  _______ lawyers came to me among others, and we represented what we believed.
517.  Asked by journalist David Marr who were  _______ favorite singers, she replied Doris Day and Dean Martin.
518.  Flitting between two worlds, constantly joining up and linking two experiences, t _______ books travels at a sedate pace to  _______ conclusion.
519.  The one in the dining room is  _______ favourite as it is of bottle ends, which compliments the glass worktops.
520.  I hope nobody was eavesdropping on  _______ conversation last night, since it got so personal.
521.  And when midnight came, as I was standing and praying, the house where you shut me in was hung up by the f _______ corners, and there was a flashing of light in  _______ eyes.
522.  It is safe and cost-effective compared to ot _______ drugs as  _______ base is neem oil, which is available in plenty in India.
523.  But sure  _______ hand was agin me, like _______ , and I daren't go in.
524.  One might say that the Victorians are not so much the origin of  _______ present as we are a continuation of _______ .
525.  The Corolla had already knocked me out with  _______ exquisite style and luxury,  _______ perfectly pitched sense of fun,  _______ innovative design.
526.  Do not think _______ elf excused by any weakness, any natural defect of understanding on  _______ side, in the wanton cruelty so evident on _______ .
527.  He had only gotten to bed f _______ or five h _______ ago after spending two h _______ ushering people out of  _______ house and cleaning a small bit.
528.  Introduce fairness into t _______ society of  _______ and remember that charity begins at home.
529.  It wouldn't protect thousands of players from continuing to deceive themselves that, maybe, just maybe, that next jackpot will be _______ .
530.  Among the objects of knowledge, two especially commend themselves to  _______ contemplation.
531.  I don't know about  _______ oven, but  _______ didn't have a 10-h _______ time setting, so I had to re-time the oven every 90 minutes.
532.  That operation could give life, but is life  _______ to give away, in such a forced unnatural state?
533.  After demolishing _______ , it became apparent that  _______ was in a perilous condition and he very kindly offered to help remedy the situation.
534.  Objective assessment is good, but defeatism will reduce  _______ potentials even when the prospects for victory have never been nearer.
535.  When the busboy brought  _______ water and utensils, I noticed he also had a spoon in  _______ shirt pocket.
536.  It's a common problem to most cities, especially those with combined sewers, like  _______ that trap rushing rainwater.
537.  Stop spouting and give us some groovy licks on that gob stick of _______ .
538.  The leading clanswomen decided prisoners' fates, sometimes basing  _______ decision on the manner in which a relative of  _______ had been killed.
539.  You do not want it, of course, and therefore it is only to be _______  that you may administrate it in accordance to  _______ wishes.
540.  Linking  _______ fingers, we brought  _______ mugs against  _______ with such force that  _______ beakers shattered.
541.  Several years and a couple surgeries later,  _______ foot was amputated below the knee.
542.  During the 1950 campaign, fallout from McCarthyism and strident anti-Communism began to take  _______ toll on Utah's Democratic candidates.
543.  _______ next task was to find a museum repository for  _______ late husband's private art collection, a visual document of  _______ enthusiasms.
544.  Aside from  _______ horsey, toothless grin,  _______ plain ugly mug, and  _______ bald head, you're actually a decent-looking guy.
545.  If  _______ hotel has a fitness center, t _______ is the day to add a light circuit of resistance training to work all  _______ muscles.
546.  He would probably deny this, but it might well be a way of hiding  _______ red-eyed blushes, and sparing _______ .
547.  The blood of these innocents will cry out to Heaven for vengeance and vengeance will be _______ .
548.  During the 1920's, Stravinsky had often been heard as the soloist in  _______ piano concerto.
549.  The group threaded  _______ way up treacherous couloirs and 50-degree snow slopes, cutting steps with ice axes.
550.  May the benison of the sightless bard bless you and _______  for ever and ever!
551.  Small hospitals are very useful and certainly  _______ is essential to the local community.
552.  _______ mother's fridge takes the blue ribbon, however, because on  _______ she displays what might possibly be the largest photo of me ever made.
553.  How can a rich country like  _______ invade a country and then allow  _______ own people to sicken and die for the lack of even basic medicines?
554.  So we all stuck  _______ feet into cow-pats, and after walking over the frost it was bosker and warm sure enough.
555.  The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from  _______ neighbor's house.
556.  Every man present had filled  _______ clay or briar pipes with good Virginia tobacco.
557.  The truth was that they were saved by grace and that all spiritual blessings were  _______ in Christ.
558.  Every decade the state redraws  _______ political boundaries to reflect population changes.
559.  Now the company's second act depends on how fast Micromarketing can diversify  _______ client base.
560.  Many sing t _______ list, but  _______ purpose goes beyond a simple song to open the Seder before the serious rituals begin.
561.  Dean Todd remained  _______ friend until I graduated in 1988, with  _______ degree in English literature.
562.  While  _______ ot _______ books have gone out of print, Mythology has been reprinted many times.
563.  We bought adapters to use  _______ three-prong plugs in the two-prong, unpolarized outlets of the old house.
564.  Maps must be periodically redrawn, adjusted to  _______ changed sense of Australia and  _______ changing relations with the world.
565.  With  _______ distinctive dry taste, Tequila is the base for marvellous drinks, not the least of which is the Margarita.
566.  T _______ whole scheem gets me broyges. When I hear these mavens and lutfmenschen kvetching about  _______ national language, what chutzpah!
567.  Elsa frowned at the thought, not really sure why they had Nora's room redone when it was already beautiful in  _______ own way.
568.  For without a contrast model the world has no way to know or feel the oddness of  _______ dependence on power for survival.
569.  I'd hate to have to horsewhip anyone at  _______ ball, and spoil the appetites of  _______ guests, but an affront to a host is no way to begin a party.
570.  She tried  _______ hand at making a lava lamp as  _______ arts and crafts project which proved very successful.
571.  Shipments of PalmSource-based devices dropped 13.3 per cent, knocking  _______ share down from 22.5 per cent to 9.5 per cent.
572.  Alcaeus directed  _______ gaze to Lena for just a moment,  _______ gaze full of repulsion.
573.  She was stuffing all  _______ clothes in a washing machine at a Laundromat they'd discovered that was about a five minute cab ride from the hotel.
574.  James sat waiting, and the moment  _______ gaze caught  _______ she ran into  _______ arms.
575.  Woods and  _______ advisers decided against surgery then and instead he continued playing and winning on the PGA Tour.
576.  I will take the babies down to supper, and send you up _______ .
577.  If the message is not getting through to  _______ children, join in with  _______ interest in sweets and chocolates for a few days.
578.  Lia had pushed the remembrance of  _______ in the back of  _______ mind so it couldn't affect  _______ any more.
579.  On May 26, 1906, some very remarkable phenomena were observed at the Atlantic _______ , these consisting in deformations of railway tracks and incaving at the surface.
580.  The  _______ opened in 1835 and was the last to remain operating in the Durham Coalfield.
581.  The party that holds the state governorship and the state legislature is well placed to redistrict to  _______ own advantage.
582.  In writing  _______ debut novel, The Home Place, I had to bust some Western mythology to tell the truth.
583.  But if in _______  you should allow  _______ selves t _______ unnatural way of proceeding, the Consequence would be that you must take up with Induction, and bid adieu to Demonstration.
584.  The water of Lhasa is of all lands, But nectar like chang and arak abound only in  _______ birthland.
585.  Still, if  _______ attempts to marry wealth are perfunctory,  _______ efforts to increase  _______ are disastrous.
586.  By the time she'd fully rinsed the lat _______ off of  _______ body, the shivers had become completely uncontrollable.
587.  When I released it t _______ morning, it merely hunched on the ground beneath a woolly bush,  _______ feat _______ fluffed up, and grey as the overcast day.
588.  But at Woolley Grange, a luxury hotel on the edge of the Cotswolds, that's exactly what  _______ son is being encouraged to do.
589.  Imagine how I'd tell you of  _______ valiant attempts to fight off  _______ amorous advances!
590.  Of course, the Bibster system _______ elf will continue  _______ work. but t _______ depends on the user base keeping it going.
591.  A good kick can do the trick, so ask that quarterback of _______  to have  _______ team's punter give you a good whap in the belly.
592.  We need as much genuine debate and political contestation as a democratic system such as  _______ can muster.
593.  Third, we may do well to put _______ tory of religion on the back-burner and focus for a while on the meanings of  _______ texts.
594.  That temperamentall dignotions, and conjecture of prevalent humours, may be collected from spots in  _______ nails, we are not averse to concede.
595.  Something else you should add to  _______ list of helpful household hints is to turn the water off while you're not actually hosing the car.
596.  The language imposed by the Incas diverted from  _______ original phonetics as some societies formed  _______ own regional varieties.
597.  _______ wife Mary and I were about 20 years younger than Phyllis, but she ran us ragged on  _______ vis _______ to California or  _______ to New York.
598.  Pinch and double tap to zoom, swipe with  _______ finger to move around and tap on objects to explore them.
599.  Spain is increasing the size of  _______ fishing fleet while  _______ is contracting.
600.  I need to do a nifty leftward swerve right where you've parked  _______ eight year old child!
601.  The hegemonic hold of Consumer Culture is so great that we cannot differentiate what is  _______ and what is _______ .
602.  A new literature is currently emerging about  _______ ethnogenesis and activism.
603.  In  _______ epistemology, Plato maintains that  _______ knowledge of universal concepts is a kind of recollection.
604.  In the mid-1950s we both wrote for the same weekly, where  _______ contributions were a good deal more serious and less flippant than _______ .
605.  Do not start to panic if  _______ hubby or wife has any of these sicknesses and you have not yet developed them.
606.  It is always great impertinence in a huntsman to pretend to make a cast himself, before the hounds have made _______ .
607.  A business associate of  _______ at the time, George Wu, sat across the way, gaming a stripper the way I taught him.
608.  The speaker wakes up to find swallows etching  _______ walls with shadow, and captures a big thing or two about solitariness, if that's not too juicy a word for loneliness.
609.  California, which has the three strikes system, now spends more on  _______ prison system than on education, say civil rights groups.
610.  In  _______ age we have no patterne of motherly affection more exemplare, than _______ .
611.  Let me see that butc _______ knife of _______  that I took off  _______ belt the ot _______ day.
612.  I would characterize t _______ as a positive change for  _______ company.
613.  Great Dane also touts  _______ capacity for multiple temperature items, available through  _______ SuperSeal XLT reefer.
614.  Since they have been friends of  _______ for such a long time, it is very hard to abandon or give them up immediately.
615.  Unfortunately, he was just as dysfunctional in  _______ own personal life as they in _______ .
616.  I settle for a sweater and jacket and throw a tie in  _______ briefcase just in case it turns out to be the prom.
617.  All those who celebrate in t _______ way no doubt regard  _______ as a special occasion.
618.  We must keep  _______ armed forces in a constant state of readiness.
619.  Come now,  _______ good fellows, New Sestros is  _______ flagship, as the bonito is _______ !
620.  She is one of  _______ most penetrating and provocative critical thinkers.
621.  During the centuries since  _______ creation, Baskerville has remained one of the world's most widely used typefaces.
622.  In 1798 John Losh and the Earl of Dundonald took out a lease on a rich supply of brine pumped from a nearby coal _______ , the Walker pit and t _______ became  _______ raw material.
623.  The  _______ is now redrafting  _______ lab _______ policy with the help of the union, he said.
624.  And I was passed by a French Canadian couple in matching  _______ and  _______ plaid shirts.
625.  The fact that she cannot comprehend t _______ says more about  _______ world view than _______ .
626.  Surgeons had to amputate both hands and  _______ legs just below the knee, to prevent the spread of infection.
627.  _______ study, in part, builds on  _______ by providing more of a phylogenetic component to the _______ tological approach that they used.
628.  Some people use a snood to keep it in place at night, while ot _______ shampoo  _______ every day.
629.  I was briefly scared into eating regularly, but all too soon, the fears fade and  _______ old hab _______ return.
630.  But, if _______  are the ideas of full-blown jackets, bear in mind that  _______ enemies are coated and breeched.
631.  The eminent Joycean and Professor of American Literature at Oxford mentioned to me hearing a paper of  _______ at an academic conference.
632.  The trade group made re-electing the president  _______ top priority in June 2003, long before the campaign season began.
633.  By instituting these programs, we hope to improve  _______ children's education.
634.  One such lady at the table adjacent to  _______ went to the toilet to powder  _______ nose.
635.  Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen abandons the swags and tie-backs in  _______ Cornish home, although the locals are always asking  _______ opinion on _______ .
636.  For a given amount of heat, coal required much less lab _______ to  _______ than cutting wood and converting it to charcoal, and coal was more abundant than wood.
637.  Through  _______ Thracian _______ itage, Bulgaria lays claim to being the birthplace of wine-making.
638.  After dinner, we sat on  _______ couch, pleasantly tipsy on cabernet, and R produced a book written by Richard Nixon.
639.  Forget the doctors who push pills like pez Dispensers, Jackson might have had worse professional help among  _______ legal team.
640.  In  _______ account of the mason-wasps, we have referred to the destruction of  _______ grubs by the interposition of the ruby-tails or cuckoo-wasps.
641.  Because few things are more important than effective liaison and coordination between  _______ and  _______ allies intelligence services.
642.  _______ cheeks turned bright red, but looked up at Evan anyhow, ready for him to look at  _______ repulsively.
643.  It's not like you have to share the office space with someone who's views don't jibe with _______ , so what's the point?
644.  _______ brown eyes were penetrating yet peaceful, and he immediately disarmed  _______ nervousness with  _______ gentleness.
645.  Yea,  _______ owne sayings are every hand-while alleadged against  _______ selfe, when God wot I perceive it not.
646.  To oppose these armed and organized robbers, the tribes had only  _______ bows and arrows.
647.  He face was so close to  _______ that she could practically feel the warmth from it.
648.  Previous claims that the restoration of capitalism in the former USSR would bring democracy in  _______ wake now look increasingly threadbare.
649.  It can only be good to hear that  _______ is a living, flourishing language that will live on in all  _______ communities for ever.
650.  Emancipate _______ elves from mental slavery, none but _______ elves can free  _______ minds.
651.  One day, after getting lost and arriving 20 minutes late to  _______ audition, I hit  _______ breaking point.
652.  We shouted into the canyon and listened to the echo of  _______ voices.
653.  I have not yet quite polished that anecdotum of  _______ to  _______ satisfaction.
654.  Some employees saw increases in  _______ salaries while ot _______ had  _______ reduced.
655.  She was telling me about a neighb _______ of  _______ who has a cat that she treats like it is  _______ child.
656.  By experience we discover the Lord's mercies to be new every morning, and  _______ faithfulness to be sure and dependable even when  _______ is weak.
657.  I ought to fall on  _______ neck with joy.... You are  _______ father's friend,  _______ mother's, _______ .
658.  Ot _______ men are deceived by wives who bear children through adulterous liaisons and who mislead them into thinking that the children are _______ .
659.  We numbered each nest and marked  _______ position with a small plastic tag on the outer edge of the reed bed towards the open water.
660.  The trick with t _______ route is to park a car at the  _______ end-point on the road.
661.  _______ writing was laborious, as he often confessed,  _______ brisk and often effortless.
662.  Despite  _______ fluency in the Somali language and culture, Ibrahim considers himself thoroughly American.
663.  Before long, wreaths will adorn all  _______ doors, and swags will hang from every wall.
664.  Or are you just a typically poorly-educated, insecure Latina who enjoys the thought of being a community leader for  _______ generation?
665.  A large amount of the loss comes through the company's decision to write down  _______ inventory of works in progress and finished goods.
666.  On top of all that, she wore a wreath of laurel leaves on  _______ head, like some sort of Roman emperor.
667.  If  _______ broken heart was to blame, it has taken  _______ bitter time, acting stealthily.
668.  Staff working on a job like  _______ have to be trusted with the main secret and if they are indiscreet can give the whole show away in any case.
669.  _______ mot _______ just did farm chores for  _______ in-laws and babbled on zigzaggedly since  _______ birth.
670.  There's only a rough track and I doubt if that jalopy of _______  will make it.
671.  The party has taken greater knocks in  _______ _______ tory than t _______ minor set-back.
672.  She shared  _______ husband's reforming zeal and supported him in  _______ campaigns.
673.  _______ eyes met  _______ and I smiled gently, and she smiled back, showing two missing front teeth.
674.  It had been the perfect place to work on  _______ greatest inventions in complete peace and solitude.
675.  The reason we need to breathe is to provide the oxygen needed to carry out cellular respiration in  _______ cells.
676.  T _______ performance of  _______ was just a ploy to swindle a few dollars out of travelers and adventurers and nothing more.
677.  Working together, we shall ensure that t _______ ancient, sacred land of  _______ regains  _______ rightful place in the comity of nations.
678.  We need to spend more time researching  _______ options so that we can make an informed choice.
679.  Full-col _______ photos of  _______ early zines show crude drawings superimposed on yellow roses or pages torn from stock reports.
680.  If there's sufficient interest I will make a complete how-to on wiring up  _______ house.
681.  In  _______ tight Breton shirt and cap he could be straight off the catwalk.
682.  It is said that he and  _______ sisters built the first Inca homes in the valley with  _______ own hands.
683.  Soon, piles of dirty laundry are arriving at a prearranged drop-off point a mile from  _______ cabin.
684.  We ordered  _______ ready-made from a storage supplies catalog, but you could cover plain ones purchased from a crafts store.
685.  _______ bootprints turned to face the thicket of briar and bramble in exactly the same place  _______ had.
686.  The blessings of religion can be  _______ only when we are ready to live  _______ recommended values.
687.  While he is a sensitive and intelligent character, he is also incredibly neurotic and obsessed with  _______ sister, Caddy.
688.  That claim of _______ , which was _______ , has got a seventeen-foot vein and a sandstone roof, and not a smit _______ of slate or bone in it.
689.  And then at long last creation's groans and  _______ shall end and heaven and earth shall be one.
690.  Since  _______ currency is linked on par with _______ , whatever happens to the Rand, happens to the Namibia Dollar.
691.  Apparently believing that t _______ was a worthy effort, Luke was the first to post  _______ solution to that puzzle.
692.  Finally she burst through the surface and took the oils and scrubs and lathered  _______ body with them.
693.  On mature consideration though, perhaps those black puddings of  _______ count as weapons of mass destruction and merit a pre-emptive strike.
694.  The complicated application process was a disincentive to volunteering  _______ time.
695.  It is a commonplace that we only use a small part of  _______ brain's capacity.
696.  As we expected, you are trying to circle the wagons to protect  _______ hold on power.
697.  After Don made those tasteless remarks,  _______ relationship with him went downhill.
698.  She was at pains to stress that job losses and branch closures are  _______ to decide and are not based on orders from the Melbourne headquarters.
699.  In  _______ desire to consolidate the realm under the new religion, the Visigoths adopted an aggressive policy towards Jews.
700.  Does it matter whet _______ Taylor Swift wants me to inflate  _______ Internet notoriety by doing a dumb thing where I lip sync to  _______ music?
701.  The reverberations of that Conreport of  _______ have been wringing in  _______ ears for weeks.
702.  Sometimes referred to as a chain or choke chain collar, if used properly it should never choke  _______ dog.
703.  Where you park  _______ vehicle overnight is also very important to the insurers.
704.  And  _______ was only one of thousands of stories of loss and heartache gathered in the spring sunshine.
705.  The differences are profound and the process workflow usually kept in a spreadsheet, thus  _______ dominance.
706.  And vice versa, when we want Stefan and Elena to have a moment together, how can we do that and not have  _______ Delena fans outraged?
707.  If both were to aggravate  _______ parents, as  _______ brot _______ and sister do _______ .
708.  Here was I sat down, full of Love and Respect to write  _______ dearest Friends a dutiful and loving letter, when lo, and behold! I was made happy by the receipt of _______ .
709.  We looked for a secluded spot in the park to have  _______ picnic.
710.  The  _______ developed as a series of opencast workings, mainly by the use of hydraulic mining methods.
711.  Olumer stifled a groan and wondered how he had managed to attract  _______ attention instead of repulsing _______ , which had been the general idea.
712.  Shares in World Online have taken a good kicking since it emerged she flogged loads of  _______ ahead of the float last month.
713.  However tough it seems, t _______ decision has to be the pregnant woman's and  _______ alone.
714.  I have an excellent one to match _______ , particularly if _______  ends in ame.
715.  He has a similar warmth to Keyes, but  _______ manner is as still as  _______ is frenetic.
716.  The Spanish Empire and the Captaincy General of Chile used it as the southern boundary of  _______ territory.
717.  All of life in  _______ visual form seems to be represented in t _______ cavernous loft space, and there are even more workrooms and storage to the rear.
718.  When I first arrived in 1963, the hunt was on to find a Gentzenization of relevance logic, and not only  _______ graduate seminars but  _______ too got caught up in the search.
719.  He fixed  _______ with a mildly reproving glance which diluted quickly into a fond grin.
720.  I'm telling you  _______ arrival time on the assumption that you will check to see whet _______ or not  _______ flight is on time before you come to the airport.
721.  One has to explain that while Tazka delivers real humus and baba ganoush,  _______ weren't quite as tasteful as what we're used to.
722.  I can be hunched over, or push  _______ chest out more and give Caesar strength and physicality.
723.  The cat reeled backwards violently, clamping the collar of Maryn's tunic in  _______ jaw.
724.  Paolo Di Trapani of the University of Insubria in Como, Italy, and  _______ colleagues, came up with a pulse shape that combines attributes of both solitons and linear X waves.
725.  Each case of  _______ was unique, and it required a great deal of brainwork to solve it.
726.  Lotus had been repulsed when the poor fool approached  _______ to grab  _______ colorful robe.
727.  Why don't these people concentrate on improving  _______ own areas and leave  _______ alone?
728.  He let them in while  _______ assistant ushered a frightened customer out of the shop.
729.  There are a lot of items on  _______ agenda tonight, so let's start the meeting.
730.  Cut along the line with  _______ circular saw at  _______ maximum depth, then rotate the timber one time to expose the adjacent face.
731.  We'd spend  _______ playing in the field area near the woods and around the complex.
732.  Bette says she knows what he's thinking before he says it, and  _______ is a special bond.
733.  The most famous conductors and soloists in the concert halls around the world perform  _______ compositions.
734.  Now, I don't know exactly what type  _______ is, but I have a slight lazy eye that I have had  _______ entire life.
735.  Comments or suggestions can be sent to  _______ main Web address.
736.  She had already won a programmable microwave oven and matching  _______ and  _______ bathrobes, and was about to go for the big prize.
737.  Each year on t _______ date we commemorate  _______ ancestors with a special ceremony.
738.  Criseyde intends to enchant  _______ fat _______ so much that he will pay no attention to Appollo's amphibologies or ambiguities.
739.  _______ surname is one of the most common in t _______ country and  _______ is double-barrelled.
740.  The objective form of ye was you,  _______ possessive forms are  _______ and _______ , and  _______ reflexive or emphatic forms are _______ elf and _______ elves.
741.  Directed by John Singleton, the short film stars Eddie Murphy as a Pharaoh and the supermodel as  _______ bored queen.
742.  But when the Woggle Bug was showing the Winged Monkeys how fast it could woggle, I woggled off into  _______ own private land of make-believe.
743.  The Lord hath broken forth upon  _______ enemies before me as the breach of waters.
744.  The goss is that South Africa has scored  _______ team and Aussie has lost  _______ and the fourteenth team is going to New Zealand.
745.  The hot water felt so soothing while she bathed _______ elf and lathered soap over  _______ body.
746.  We had a bit of a chat and as usual Eric had me laughing like a drain with  _______ dry observations on life.
747.  Why now is there talk of forcing us to pay for the use of what is  _______ by right, thus increasing the cost of living?
748.  As I put on  _______ bow tie, I think about how lucky I am to be any of those things.
749.  Them new stockings of _______  is breech-loading, aint they, Billy?
750.  Arean stood at the entrance to the tunnel ushering  _______ people inside.
751.  Do t _______ workout as a circuit twice a week in conjunction with  _______ regular training.
752.  You can match  _______ swimwear with  _______ skirts for new looks as you go from the beach to the bar for a drink.
753.  We have a policy against printing vulgarities in  _______ magazine.
754.  Conditions for the African slaves during the Middle Passage are worse than  _______ in the barracoons.
755.  They both converted  _______ and the goalkeeper stood firm at the last to seal the place in the finals on March 20 in Durham.
756.  The consensus of everyone is that it will be painful, but you cannot run a council as large as  _______ on a shoestring.
757.  You should be making circular motions with  _______ index fingers round  _______ temples.
758.  As a matter of fact,  _______ screw-ups would make  _______ look like schoolboy pranks.
759.  On more than one occasion t _______ mission army, accompanied by  _______ priests, defended the Spanish colony.
760.  We had queues of up to a dozen people waiting to collect  _______ ballot papers, while all the voting booths were full of people filling  _______ in.
761.  I have not been half a week in t _______ big city of _______ , yet already I have but one boxful of trinkets left.
762.  They had to close the  _______ down as it was in a dangerous condition.
763.  After cutting  _______ beard as close as she dared, she lathered  _______ face and shaved it clean, as she'd often done for  _______ father.
764.  The thieves gained entrance to  _______ house by breaking a window.
765.  That what is going on is essentially, a collision of two cultures, with  _______ wrongly attempting to gain supremacy.
766.  A great deal of excellent hum _______ was expended on the perplexities of  _______ host.
767.  The King's face was slightly more fleshy than _______ , the oval of  _______ cont _______ the least trifle more pronounced.
768.  The approach of the deadline quickened  _______ sense of urgency.
769.  Most important of all, hunger pangs should be minimal and  _______ appetite under control.
770.  I really should just love the bod I've been given and just get comfortable in  _______ own skin like the gals at  _______ gym seem to be comfy in _______ .
771.  As the surplus of food decreased, and thus the amount available to underpin  _______ power, the control of the elites began to falter.
772.  I wonder how many of you even use suture as we knew it in 1991 with  _______ perioperative patients?
773.  After crowding round the display of prints and laughing at the best wipe-out shots, I bought the photograph which captured  _______ first stand up.
774.  A contractor friend of  _______ who is now doing some rehab work in the house is telling us that the bedroom window is not legal.
775.  Lareina was outside on one the many balconies, only  _______ nearly touched the lake water.
776.  Burning would cause  _______ vital force to disappear and threaten  _______ passage to the after world.
777.  That way you'll have a little wiggle room to finesse each screw into  _______ respective hole and get it threaded.
778.  So when he told me, 'You Can come to  _______ show, but you Can't come to see Phoebe, and you Can't come to see RicCardo, that was odd.
779.  Great minds such as  _______ must be serene and tranquil in order to remain above the fray.
780.  Amid Capeci was what  _______ father, and probably _______ , would have called a class act.
781.  Lots of ot _______ people are doing similar events,  _______ is just a blunderbuss approach, it is not targeted.
782.  The gardener is always lurking about between brew-ups in  _______ dreadful shed.
783.  A society like  _______ is not an atomized mass, but a community of free, responsible, active individuals.
784.  You have to stand next to the barbecue, though, and lift the grill up occasionally, otherwise  _______ meat will end up as cinders.
785.  The pace and extent to which the cyber is transforming  _______ world increases daily.
786.  I've adjudicated these things for years to voices not in the same class as _______ .
787.  Or is it questionable to think that  _______ water elemental is somehow linked to _______ ?
788.  Patrick had restructured  _______ organization, setting up labor-supply subsidiaries as employers of  _______ unionized workforces.
789.  In  _______ mobile society, where families are often spread across the states and neighbors are strangers, eremophobia is a constant complaint.
790.  When she came round for the party and saw I had put  _______ cake rat _______ than  _______ on the table, she exploded.
791.  They were going to see a show in the city and they'd brought along a nice single friend of  _______ to make up the sixsome.
792.  If  _______ guy were on the business end of results like those, I'd be psychologically preparing myself.
793.  Financial security can enable you to audition for dance roles as well as develop  _______ choreographic skills.
794.  When I travel and kids run up to me, all that the girls want to do is look in  _______ purse and put on  _______ lip glosses and chapsticks.
795.  I just want to thank him for utilizing  _______ position in the public eye to say what needs to be said.
796.  When they reached the sand, Muriel laughingly took off  _______ sandals and  _______ shorts.
797.  Before we moved into  _______ new quarters we, and  _______ belongings, had to be deloused and debugged.
798.  But the truth is that they're not pro-family,  _______ only pro-families that look like _______ .
799.  Happiness is solitude, thinks the _______ mit who lives alone on  _______ island.
800.  One night we were having a threesome with a male friend of  _______ that had been staying with us for a few days.
801.  It was very hard to see all  _______ friends be dispatched to cover t _______ breaking news story.
802.  Cardiff is just the place to expand  _______ culinary horizons, meet  _______ canny Celtic cousins and do a little name-dropping.
803.  Do you want to see on lands under  _______ management, the sustained yield policies continued?
804.  That dog of _______ , Carlyn May, will give Jim _______ a conniption fit yet.
805.  Nu Flow is definitely best described as the  _______ and  _______ of hip-hop albums.
806.  The exhausted  _______ was worthless once all the ore had been extracted.
807.  In  _______ dreams he was a sensual man who also had a hard time moving  _______ bowels.
808.  Enchanted by the warmth of  _______ smile, Brian suddenly felt confused by an unexpected rush of amorous desire.
809.  Just so long as we don't have to bow and scrape too much we'll do  _______ bit to improve  _______ day, just as she's done  _______ to improve all of _______ .
810.  The land was, they claimed, holy, God-given, inalienably _______ , and thus non-negotiable.
811.  We've been slowly paying off  _______ mortgage and building up equity in  _______ house.
812.  These words _______ , and thine, proceeded first of iniquitie, because men did not observe mutual and natural dilection.
813.  Move in slow with  _______ face towards  _______ and slightly tilt  _______ head so you don't bump noses.
814.  He spent much of  _______ time in solitary confinement, in a prison condemned by the UN for torture.
815.  With  _______ opening driving bass rhythms and subdued organ entrance you are immediately seduced by  _______ hypnotic beat.
816.  Sweat darkened  _______ golden coat and made white foa _______ rings where the halter had rubbed the perspiration into lather.
817.  He was very sincere and nice, but I saw him glance at the pink moustache across  _______ lip.
818.  In  _______ pomp KGF was the wealthiest gold reef in the British Empire, with the deepest shaft at Champion Reef.
819.  However, the sound soon disappears in the welter of notes Sibelius gives  _______ soloists in  _______ only Violin Concerto.
820.  Not only has she written some of  _______ own material, she has also drawn on upbeat dance genres such as Latin and jazz.
821.  Many of  _______ customers walk in off the street without having heard of us before.
822.  The first morning I stopped abruptly when I heard a squealing pack of rats in a room adjacent to _______ .
823.  When I lost the sight in one eye,  _______ ophthalmologist said I'd no longer get airsick or carsick.
824.  He slipped  _______ arm though  _______ and they left, the feat _______ on  _______ tiny black clutch ruffling as they walked.
825.  By the way, Miss Gracie, I think he is an acquaintance of _______ .
826.  The maypole was followed by some traditional Northumbrian clog dancing taught to the children by a teac _______ of  _______ from Newcastle.
827.  On Friday afternoon, I stood by the burger King checking the bars on  _______ phone like a kid with a curfew.
828.  To supply the place of scenery, it was hung round with crimson curtains, through which we were to make  _______ entrances and exeunts.
829.  The Twa also speak Kirundi, although  _______ is a slightly different dialect.
830.  The risotto turned out to be excellent and very well seasoned, with  _______ fat grains of al dente rice and  _______ large chunks of tasty mushrooms.
831.  We need to hear from all of you who feel that t _______ town of  _______ is worth the effort.
832.  Can you work that camera of _______  with a load of buckshot whistling by  _______ head?
833.  After the war much of the prime land that was once  _______ lay in the Soviet eastern sector of the city.
834.  I don't care how sophisticated  _______ average cinema-goer has become, t _______ sight can't help but crack the hardest heart.
835.  Parts of  _______ bathroom radiator were covered in rust and I cleaned it with wire wool.
836.  I'll feel the pulse of  _______ friends and _______ , and when we get the lay of the land, the affair can be accomplished much more easily.
837.  Critics knock the X3 for  _______ austere interior, but most BMWs tend toward the spartan.
838.  _______ thigh brushed against  _______ and she could smell  _______ cologne and the faint scent of alcohol on  _______ breath.
839.  Most of  _______ live aboard vessels moored more or less permanently outside the marina breakwater, in a shallow bight known as Fools' Anchorage.
840.  But how good will you look if  _______ skin turns to parchment decades before it should?
841.  Clearly,  _______ is the mutual attraction of a veteran control freak and an ambitious challenger.
842.  In fact  _______ is very much a superficial similarity, based on prodigious talent and youth more than anything else.
843.  Some of  _______ pals are starting to wonder if Mot _______ Nature has been laughing up  _______ sleeve at them all t _______ time.
844.  Close  _______ eyes and try to imagine those Belgian choccies are Cadbury's finest.
845.  He is well-recognised internationally for  _______ work as a neurosurgeon.
846.  Let me backtrack for a moment and pick up  _______ previous conversation.
847.  Where else can you achieve an overnight success story as succinct as _______ ?
848.  As a sip of Amontillado warmed  _______ way down  _______ throat, Marguerite asked the question that troubled _______ .
849.  She heard  _______ intake of breath as  _______ gaze followed  _______ to the forest edge.
850.  On  _______ fourth flight you fly solo and by then you're pretty confident in flying circuits.
851.  Aquatic plants grow faster than anything else, and most types will soon choke  _______ pool.
852.  Iraq is also famous for  _______ carpets, woven from fine threads in brilliant colors.
853.  I stayed silent during the meeting and people imagined  _______ pain was much worse than _______ .
854.  She believes that the moral fiber of  _______ society is decaying.
855.  There are three restaurants within a one-block radius of  _______ apartment.
856.  _______ footballing exaggerations are not as big as  _______ but then neit _______ is  _______ level of success.
857.  It's a sloppy production, including neit _______ an index nor a table of contents, and after a while  _______ breezy style grates.
858.  And since I have not yet had  _______ coffee, and you have, in all probability, scarcely tasted _______ , let us adjourn to the Casino Cafe, where we can sit and smoke and have a talk.
859.  South Craven School has been knocked back in  _______ application for foundation status.
860.  The chips are implanted into cattle so farmers can deter _______ which cattle are _______ .
861.  Too many of them were standing around as though fielding were merely a tedious chore to be undertaken before you got  _______ turn at bat.
862.  I glanced at  _______ fellow classmate in the backseat, who shot me a bug-eyed, horrified look.
863.  Wilson, has been  _______ partner and helper in many of  _______ most successful cases, and I have no doubt that he will be of the utmost use to me in _______  also.
864.  Jarvis said it was worried about the damage to  _______ reputation from accidents allegedly caused by poor workmanship.
865.  Once more  _______ village palpitates With joyous preparations To celebrate the bloomsome rose With proper incantations.
866.  T _______ hard earth of  _______ doesn't care if it's a sea or a desert, a river or a dune.
867.  I asked for a pint of  _______ favorite brew,  _______ American accent blowing any chances of local anonymity.
868.  In every redox reaction, an atom must increase  _______ oxidation state and an atom must decrease  _______ oxidation state.
869.  He first turns  _______ down stating that he had quit practice but later takes up the case as the young lovers reminded him of  _______ amorous youth.
870.  She avoided answering  _______ questions directly, instead reiterating that the answers could be found in  _______ book.
871.  Imagine  _______ surprise when they sold  _______ house and moved to the Bahamas.
872.  During the exam,  _______ doctor may apply a cotton-tipped swab to the area to see if it is painful.
873.  The  _______ is commemorated by a large sculpture of a _______ rs lamp at the entrance to the stadium complex.
874.  We had some important business to transact with  _______ distributors.
875.  I breathed sloppily through  _______ mouth, hung  _______ head between  _______ legs, and spit every so often.
876.  We fully used the therapeutic enthusiasms of  _______ day, with dauerschlaf, insulin, pentavalent arsenicals, and Kettering hypertherm.
877.  Blood tests confirmed the GP's suspicions and she prescribed allopurinol to reduce the uric acid levels in  _______ blood.
878.  The Holy Spirit advocates Jesus' case and cause to us just as Jesus advocates  _______ in the heavenly throne room.
879.  The preac _______ told us that we would be forgiven for  _______ sins if we repented.
880.  Ben left  _______ horse tethered to the low-hanging branches of a slender pine and walked the short distance to the solitary grave.
881.  Ten cabins share one private courtyard featuring a lap pool, Jacuzzi,  _______ and  _______ steam rooms and exercise equipment.
882.  Death and persecution lose all the ill that they can have, if we do not set an edge upon them by  _______ fears and by  _______ vices.
883.  I was among the masses, eager to check off an item high on  _______ bucket list.
884.  When writing about  _______ rise, British tabloids never failed to mention the pharaohs' ancient dynasties.
885.  We believe it poses a serious danger to  _______ national security.
886.  As he paused beside a large rock to reload  _______ Bren gun, he was shot dead by a sniper.
887.  The baked potatoes were too hot to handle with  _______ bare hands.
888.  It seems to have been done up a bit better though, so  _______ is probably a bit cheaper.
889.  It will go down in _______ tory and  _______ children's children will remember these departed colleagues of _______ .
890.  Finally putting down  _______ writing utensil, he leaned forward slightly, resting on  _______ elbows.
891.  I don't need armbands anymore, but I like the woggles that  _______ friends use on  _______ Sunday swim.
892.  I've enjoyed  _______ coverage of the recent hullabaloo over the book on ecofascism that I co-authored and  _______ misuse by Senator Brandis.
893.  T _______ letter of _______  went to Bury St. Edmunds, for want of that.
894.  I hope it works for  _______ sake, after all it's not  _______ main gig but it is _______ .
895.  The time for remorse was when  _______ husband was yelling to breathe!
896.  Of the dozen or so new faculty members recently hired by  _______ department, he says, 10 use primarily neuroimaging.
897.  The sophomore girls had already started _______ , and the freshmen boys were being yelled at for putting stink bombs in the band room.
898.  Despite the lateness of the h _______ Annabel gathered  _______ skirts and prepared to take a solitary ramble in the garden.
899.  The divisions among Sephardim and  _______ descendants today are largely a result of the consequences of the Royal edicts of expulsion.
900.  But she notes that a cousin of  _______ was traumatized by the immersion method of language instruction.
901.  The question arose as to who would be responsible for caring for  _______ grandmother.
902.  In a culture like _______ , so precariously balanced between nature and culture, such reactionary Calvinist rhetoric seems odd.
903.  You don't hear _______ elf telling  _______ entire life story yet again, or listen as they chunter on about _______ .
904.  I hated going hugger-mugger in the car because I wanted to read and t _______ was impossible with elbows and knees stuck across  _______ face.
905.  She worked 45 years in a laundromat, making minimum wage, and still managed to send  _______ kids to parochial school.
906.  They give  _______ child a Playstation when you bought  _______ a plastic bucket and spade.
907.  Somehow the storm spared  _______ house while nearby buildings were destroyed.
908.  Baby Wrapping for Beginners, by Andrea Sarvady, teaches how to swaddle and sling  _______ baby in creative style.
909.  I like standing on  _______ step watching the world go by and I was forever seeing  _______ walking these two donkeys of  _______ around the village.
910.  I remember how you downed Beauclerk and Hamilton, the wits, once at  _______ house, when they talked of ghosts!
911.  _______ country has realised that it cannot be invaded unless  _______ is first, and is therefore bludging off  _______ defence budget.
912.  There are breakfast-rooms and supper-rooms, little nooks where the solitudinarian may steal away for an h _______ of communion with  _______ favorite novelist or poet.
913.  Show that _______  is so, I entreat, by cherishing the peace of the colony.
914.  Carol is constantly being reprimanded for  _______ childishly irresponsible antics by  _______ disapproving child, Denise.
915.  I venture to say that in a fifteen-minute conversation he would commit more horrible crimes against the king's English than even that new stable-boy of _______ .
916.  The advent of email has simultaneously brought  _______ society closer toget _______ and fart _______ apart.
917.  And Samuel said, What meaneth then t _______ bleating of the sheep in  _______ ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?
918.  I say the only scandal involving Reese is all _______  if you actually walk t _______ earth without catching  _______ whammo performance in Freeway.
919.  It is  _______ lot, as it was _______ , to live during one of the grand climacterics of the world.
920.  But you don't tell me you have come over from Saaron in that cockleshell of _______ ?
921.  Too-large dress shirts can be cinched with a belt to accentuate  _______ figure.
922.  _______ body is a horst and  _______ a graben, because horst is the opposite of graben.
923.  Get a move on that carcass of _______ , biffy, and let somebody else get up to that table.
924.  The scene of them taking that young kid to Najaf to bury him is still in  _______ mind.
925.  I had to tell the abbess the lady's name, but not _______  as she did not require it.
926.  The hardest thing when you make a short film is that you don't know a cinematograp _______ who happens to be married to  _______ sister.
927.  Men wear a shirt over  _______ batik, while women wear close-fitting blouses with tight sleeves over _______ .
928.  _______ mouth dropped open when she saw  _______ lava lamp broken on the floor and a mirror had been smashed that was near the window.
929.  It bulged in the pocket of  _______ Dockers and as I loaded  _______ minivan I noticed  _______ wife noticing it.
930.  The clever, jazz-tinged arrangement of New Bond Street makes up for  _______ threadbare lyrics.
931.  There was even a commonship between the  _______ operators and the men at one time, before the Great Depression.
932.  I have give  _______ age in to many people, but I don't know how they have been turn in to the order of _______ , as the begiving.
933.  Water left in the hoses can freeze and expand, causing faucets and connecting pipes inside  _______ home to freeze and break.
934.  All you have to do is go to the interview. The job is _______  for the asking.
935.  Throughout  _______ study, Farmer's writing is entertaining and eloquent, imbued with the passion of a native Utahn.
936.  The manager promised to investigate when we pointed out an error on  _______ bill.
937.  Don returns to  _______ philandering ways, leaving Megan to quietly wonder where  _______ husband has gone.
938.  Apply to the skin in circular movements paying particular attention to  _______ knees, feet and elbows or any dry patches.
939.  He played the song incessantly, ignoring  _______ pleas for mercy and grannyish objections to  _______ author's seditious intent.
940.  She wants to end private ownership of big cats so that sanctuaries like  _______ will no longer need to rescue animals from poor living conditions.
941.  Can you recommend any Surinamese restaurants or takeaways in  _______ neighbourhood?
942.  The 18k gold earrings, bracelet, chain and ring  _______ parents had given me a few days before glittered.
943.  So, in the second half, I was doing  _______ spin move, and guys were putting  _______ butts into  _______ leg, coming under me.
944.  And Yarthe was empty, but for the elfin, and the elfin quite naturally took it for _______ .
945.  To look upon the cynegetic qualities of  _______ prehistory, even as presented _______ e, is to shop for ideas that one may sift, sort, use, and cast off.
946.  They are both in the study of  _______ old farmhouse, in a room that has three nice sized windows, each with a lovely, bucolic view.
947.  The snow was so deep we had to shovel a path to  _______ front door.
948.  When he turned around and glanced at Constance,  _______ eyes met  _______ as she turned around at the same time.
949.  Why don't you MYOB?  _______ marital status is no concern of _______ .
950.  Picking choke cherries is easy, because they grow in big clusters and  _______ bucket will fill up fast.
951.  I find it insulting that  _______ elected councillors are prepared to waste both  _______ time and  _______ on such frivolous and pointless schemes.
952.  I've gone to all the effort of walking the three yards from  _______ desk to  _______ to have a chat and all they've done is hit speed-dial.
953.  He broke off from  _______ schedule, delaying the local media interviews and ushering people out of the room while he had a few words in private with Robinson.
954.  Although Wright later designed several Usonian buildings in Ohio, the Westcott House in Springfield is  _______ only prairie-style house in the state.
955.  There are several upstarts, who, without the genius to invent a style, have been copying _______ , and trying to steal  _______ thunder.
956.  The Centenier finished  _______ coffee, while Holmes selected and filled  _______ briar pipe.
957.  T _______ being  _______ first introduction to Buddhism, I was skeptical.
958.  We need to make  _______ network more secure against attacks by hackers.
959.  Behold how most fair is Mary to the one who beholds _______ , and how loveable these things of  _______ to the ones who are capable of discerning.
960.  T _______ term was used for all newborn beings without regard to  _______ biological sex.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be

CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be Please complete the following sentences with a “ ...