Monday, November 25, 2019

CEFR English Exercise - go - went - gone - going - goes

Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.              Their heroic exploits will _______ down in history.
2.              A great cheer _______ up from the crowd.
3.              _______ to college was not an option for me.
4.              The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still h
5.              She _______ aside for a few moments.
6.              In which direction are you going, north or south?
7.              She's _______ to bed with swollen glands and a temperature.
8.              You have to be a bit devious if you're _______ to succeed in business.
9.              Kindness will creep where it may not go.
10.         You can't cling to the past, because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already
11.         Fair and softly _______ far in a day.
12.         Agues come on horseback but _______ away on foot.
13.         Let's toss a coin to see who _______ first.
14.         A fellow doesn't last long on what he has doneHe's got to keep on delivering as he
15.         Iove is like a _______ where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
16.         He _______ to switch off the music.
17.         Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being proces
18.         Then the rain came and the red flag _______ up to signal a halt.
19.         They sat out until the sun _______ in.
20.         The room looks different with the furniture gone.
21.         The dogs bark, but the caravan _______ on.
22.         These views have not _______ unchallenged.
23.         I shall have a hot bath and _______ to bed.
24.         The forest is _______ for ever.
25.         She showed us a mock-up of what the car will look like when it _______ into production.
26.         Sam _______ into the kitchen to make a pot of tea.
27.         He regularly _______ to the races and bets heavily.
28.         When the _______ gets tough, the tough get going.
29.         What,am I _______ to herd your children this afternoon?
30.         When he left school, he _______ into business with his brother.
31.         The newspapers say that the yen will _______ up soon .
32.         I didn't expect to come home and find him gone.
33.         They _______ out at sunrise to _______ bird-watching.
34.         Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and _______ i
35.         I'm not sure how he's _______ to react to the news.
36.         She arranged all her business affairs before _______ on holiday.
37.         We are _______ out for big results.
38.         We awakened to find the others had gone.
39.         At that time, it was completely unheard-of for girls to _______ to university.
40.         Everything is _______ according to schedule.
41.         Children learn to creep ere they can go.
42.         She seemed to have _______ stark raving mad.
43.         Comes and _______ unceasingly, unceasingly analysis and synthesis.
44.         The rain discouraged us from _______ out.
45.         What is bred in the bone will not _______ out of the flesh.
46.         6When a crisis comes they have gone.
47.         Persistent criminals who have _______ unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by
48.         She _______ without a backward glance.
49.         To mourn a mischief that is past and _______ is the next way to draw new mischief on.
50.         If anything can _______ wrong, it will.
51.         Virtue and courtesy _______ hand in hand.
52.         Everyone wants to _______ to heaven but nobody wants to die.
53.         Though it was raining, he _______ there.
54.         A word and a stone let _______ cannot be recalled.
55.         I'm not _______ to try and second-guess the committee's decisions.
56.         Her voice began to quaver and I thought she was _______ to cry.
57.         1Can you stay behind after the others have _______ and help me clear up?
58.         They are _______ from Shanghai to Los Angeles via Tokyo.
59.         The cat curled into a ball and _______ to sleep.
60.         The tourists _______ back to their respective countries.
61.         The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction t
62.         Laws catch flies and let hornets _______ free.
63.         To make your life a sound structrure that will serve others and fulfil your own potential, you have to remember that strength, however massive , can't endure unless it has the interlocking supprt of others. _______ it alone and you'll inevitably tumble.
64.         He _______ upstairs and knocked at the door.
65.         It pains her to have to _______ there.
66.         The weakest _______ to the wall.
67.         It looks as if it's _______ to rain.
68.         Once already heals by the needle jianzha broken fingertip, whose horizon have you go
69.         Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as gone.
70.         In my opinion you won't go, you're habituated to luxury.
71.         Time _______ with wind,I love you forever.
72.         7The past is all gone.Being happy is the top priority.
73.         Chris is _______ to work overseas.
74.         I _______ to an employment agency last week.
75.         They had _______ two days without food.
76.         Neither my mother nor my father _______ to university.
77.         We may _______ out next Sunday, but that depends.
78.         The traditional notion of marriage _______ back thousands of years.
79.         If the orange is _______ to be bad ----for the best of us are bad sometimes ---it beginsto be bad from the outside, not from the inside.
80.         And when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved.
81.         This joke has _______ a little too far.
82.         Never let the sun _______ down on your anger.
83.         All the credit _______ to you.
84.         He _______ to a chemist's shop.
85.         One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
86.         Home is the place where,when you have to _______ there, it has to take you in.
87.         Let not the cobbler _______ beyond his last.
88.         Diseases come on horseback, but _______ away on foot.
89.         Fortified against the cold by a heavy coat, he _______ out into the snow.
90.         Truth and love are two of the most powerful things in the world; and when they both g
91.         I _______ to the gym every Monday and Wednesday, without fail.
92.         She never _______ to the cinema.
93.         The two of them _______ everywhere together and their friends could already hear wedding
94.         It is advisable that we stay at home instead of _______ to the movie.
95.         She _______ out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.
96.         It's Dad's birthday and we're _______ out for a meal to celebrate.
97.         Those that have _______ won't come back again.Those coming back are no longer perfect.
98.         Let not the sun _______ down on your wrath.
99.         When you _______ to buy, use your eyes not your ears.
100.     Waiting for you to come back into my life, is just an excuse for not completely letti
101.     Our heartfelt sympathy _______ out to the victims of the war.
102.     I'm _______ to my brother's wedding tomorrow.
103.     I _______ on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Saturday.
104.     The empty desk suggested she had already _______ home.
105.     If only I had _______ by taxi.
106.     Love will creep where it may not go.
107.     If u're free, why don't we _______ out tonight?
108.     the weakest _______ to the wall.
109.     He _______ to a psychiatrist about his compulsive gambling.
110.     He that _______ to bed thirsty rises healthy.
111.     _______ are the days when you could buy a three-course meal for under 1.
112.     He returned to the airport to find his car alarm _______ off.
113.     The temperature is _______ up; will the snow melt?
114.     The economy was still _______ gangbusters.
115.     Let every man praise the bridge he _______ over.
116.     Watch the monitor and tell me if the level _______ above forty decibels.
117.     Don't part withyour illusions . When they are _______ you may still exist , but you have
118.     We were _______ to a concert in Bath Abbey.
119.     Birthday comes and birthday _______ each year,and this leaves the happy memories for eve
120.     She _______ to the market to sell what she had made.
121.     He _______ to visit the graves of his forefathers.
122.     By the time I got there he'd gone.
123.     Let's _______ to the pub for a drink.
124.     As soon _______ the young lamb’s skin to the market as the old ewe’s.
125.     To the victor _______ the spoils.
126.     His new book _______ straight to number one on the best-seller list .
127.     We _______ out in spite of the rain.
128.     Her mother never _______ to the theatre.
129.     He must needs _______ whom the devil drives.
130.     The firm _______ bankrupt before the building work was completed.
131.     He's _______ out with a real freak.
132.     I realised how hard life was _______ to be for me hereafter.
133.     _______ are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones.
134.     There but for the grace of God, _______ I.
135.     She _______ around barefoot most of the time.
136.     I love you more and more each day as time _______ by.
137.     We're toying with the idea of _______ to Peru next year.
138.     Hundreds of firms _______ bankrupt during the recession.
139.     Is the tide _______ out or coming in ?
140.     What _______ up must come down. Isaac Newton
141.     The bread/biscuits/cake had _______ stale.
142.     If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must _______ to the mountain.
143.     The man _______ to the dogs after he started drinking.
144.     There's nothing worse than _______ out in the cold with wet hair.
145.     Bravery never _______ out of fashion.
146.     love is like a butterfly. it _______ where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
147.     The whole house shakes when a train _______ past.
148.     I _______ far to my work.
149.     6I'd only _______ a little way down the street when I remembered I hadn't locked the do
150.     You'd better serve it to them before it _______ cold.
151.     Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he _______ off with her best friend.
152.     After a whirlwind courtship, they married and _______ to live in Bath.
153.     He's subpoenaed to _______ to the court.
154.     The family you came from isn't as important as the family you are _______ to have.
155.     I was _______ downhill and my brakes failed.
156.     Is he _______ to jump or is he only bluffing?
157.     A merry heart _______ all the way.
158.     Misforunes come on horseback and _______ away on foot.
159.     Whoever wins the election is _______ to have a tough job getting the economy back on it
160.     He'd _______ to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed.
161.     Three things in life when _______ never come back: time, opportunity, and words.
162.     The guarantee could be worthless if the firm _______ out of business.
163.     I suppose Carolyn _______ off with some man she'd fallen in love with.
164.     He _______ mad and spent the rest of his life locked up in a mental hospital.
165.     She was a tall thin woman who had _______ grey early.
166.     He decided to _______ of his own accord.
167.     Parsley seed _______ nine times to the Devil.
168.     We've _______ ex-directory because we were receiving so many unwanted calls.
169.     The tunnel _______ right underneath the city.
170.     8You never know how much you miss them till they're gone.
171.     The sun _______ down below the horizon.
172.     The entire house vibrates when a big truck _______ by.
173.     0We must make more effort than all the boards of directors that have _______ before.
174.     The boys _______ driving round the town just for the craic.
175.     Latch the door before you _______ to bed.
176.     5The ostensible reason for his absence was illness, but everyone knew he'd _______ to a
177.     I'm _______ to take a shower.
178.     The railway tube _______ under the Tiananmen Square.
179.     We're _______ to Japan at the beginning of July.
180.     How long have you been _______ out with him?
181.     He often _______ to the exclusive restaurants.
182.     Hardly a day _______ by without my thinking of her .
183.     The ship hit an iceberg and _______ under.
184.     Go where he will, the wise man is at home His harth the earth, his hall the azure dom
185.     Somebody's _______ to break their neck on these steps.
186.     My interest is in the future because I am _______ to spend the rest of my life there.
187.     He pulled a wry face when I asked him how it had gone.
188.     I think I'm _______ to flake out; I'd better sit down.
189.     I _______ to a violin recital today.
190.     I hope all _______ well in the coming year.
191.     He's such a keen fan, he even _______ to all the away matches.
192.     Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when ifyou hear his beloved people cry, then he will _______ back, a look back on the deal days.
193.     I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd _______ out.
194.     We all _______ for a picnic last Sunday.
195.     She'd cooked up some weird scheme that was _______ to earn her a fortune.
196.     He _______ against my wishes when he did that.
197.     Don't let fame/success _______ to your head.
198.     Laws catch flies but let hornets _______ free.
199.     1Her knees had _______ through her jeans.
200.     I like to _______ off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
201.     My hair _______ all frizzy if it gets rained on.
202.     He'll _______ to school in the latter part of the year.
203.     The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, andthen _______ away.
204.     Amalgamation was the only alternative to _______ bankrupt.
205.     The door slammed and he was gone.
206.     Make certain what time the train goes.
207.     He that _______ a borrowing, _______ a sorrowing.
208.     The date _______ sheer out of my head.
209.     I'm _______ now,' she said, fastening her coat.
210.     My brother _______ to the local school.
211.     A 100-pound bomb exploded/_______ off today, injuring three people.
212.     She _______ to the window and leaned out.
213.     Philip _______ into his room and shut the door behind him.
214.     Where are John and Liz?' 'They _______ for a walk.'
215.     It _______ without saying.
216.     We _______ for a ride in her new car.
217.     You can't _______ out without any shoes.
218.     It's not much fun _______ to a party on your own.
219.     I suggested _______ in my car.
220.     He _______ overboard about every young woman he meets.
221.     The world is a ladder for some to _______ up and some down.
222.     The patient lost consciousness and _______ into convulsions.
223.     I _______ outside to get some fresh air.
224.     She was sad to see him go.
225.     His campaign was not _______ well.
226.     It was _______ on midnight when we left the party.
227.     The children have _______ to play in the park.
228.     A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A
229.     She just _______ to pieces in exams.
230.     We tend to _______ skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.
231.     He's _______ to be a bit pushed for money.
232.     This is a rejection of most of what has _______ before.
233.     4Many hours of meticulous preparation have _______ into writing the book.
234.     At sunset, the sun looks as if it is _______ down.
235.     I'd still like to _______ to a ball game.
236.     Are you _______ to give your Ford as a trade-in?
237.     It looks like it's _______ to be a long meeting, doesn't it?
238.     He _______ on endlessly about his health problems.
239.     for all the great things you say and do the best teacher's award _______ to you.
240.     It was dark and their entry into the camp had _______ unnoticed.
241.     Where are you _______ on your honeymoon?
242.     It's earier to run down the hill than _______ up.
243.     The milk has _______ off/turned sour.
244.     The London-Addis flight _______ via Rome.
245.     Money makes the world _______ round.
246.     3She's _______ outside for a quick fag.
247.     I was in a quandary about whether to go.
248.     The Earth _______ round the sun once a year.
249.     Wraparounds keep the wind out of your eyes if you're _______ cycling.
250.     There is _______ to be a storm today.
251.     My family are all fond of _______ to the cinema.
252.     If one firm _______ under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.
253.     She tarted up before she _______ out.
254.     Her weight _______ down to a satisfactory level.
255.     He's _______ straight to the top, the lucky bastard.
256.     March comes in like a lion and _______ out like a lamb.
257.     We _______ to the classroom in sequence.
258.     She has _______ to Canada on vacation.
259.     Mischiefs come by the pound and _______ away by the ounce.
260.     We are _______ to treat you like a king today.
261.     We _______ for the hills last Sunday.
262.     A low moan of despair escaped her as she realized what had _______ wrong.
263.     They have _______ on a tour.
264.     Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that's _______ .
265.     He _______ to town to consult his lawyer.
266.     I will preface what I am _______ to say with a few lines from Shakespeare.
267.     Laura's mother told her to stay inside, but she disobeyed and _______ out.
268.     Victory won't come to me unless I _______ to it.
269.     I shall be _______ ere morning.
270.     She _______ home and returned more suitably clad.
271.     He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent who's _______ to the wrong pa
272.     I only _______ along for a lark.
273.     The lamp suddenly _______ out, leaving us in darkness.
274.     Wickedness does no _______ altogether unrequited.
275.     We're _______ to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks.
276.     There is no denying that the qualities of our living have _______ from bad to worse.
277.     Public opinion is _______ against the government on this issue.
278.     We were all sad at her going.
279.     The shadows lengthened as the sun _______ down.
280.     The watch was cheap, but it _______ quite well.
281.     Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas!
282.     I don' t want to _______ home in the dark.
283.     5I wondered why he had _______ through the elaborate charade.
284.     He _______ to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics.
285.     When are you _______ to repay them?
286.     She _______ to a lawyer for some independent advice.
287.     8He's _______ to be measured for a new suit.
288.     Money makes the mare [to] go.
289.     A large/major portion of the company's profit _______ straight back into new projects.
290.     She is old and rarely _______ out.
291.     He's _______ to get some fish and chips.
292.     As the lorry _______ past, I got an eyeful of grit.
293.     We _______ to a little Italian restaurant near Leicester Square.
294.     People think that the investigation was independent, but in fact a lot of political m
295.     It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
296.     The search for a cure _______ on.
297.     After leaving school, Mike _______ into the army.
298.     Wickedness does not _______ altogether unrequited.
299.     I feel like I've died and _______ to heaven.
300.     I'd have liked to have _______ but I wasn't invited.
301.     When things aren't _______ well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.
302.     There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Helen Keller
303.     They all expected to _______ to paradise.
304.     Prices have _______ through the roof.
305.     The conference is _______ to be a lot of extra work.
306.     We're _______ to a match on Sunday.
307.     All are not saints that _______ to church.
308.     He is now retiring from political life and has _______ abroad.
309.     Go for wool and come home shorn.
310.     I was squired _______ out of the border.
311.     She pulled open the second drawer down to find the money had gone.
312.     He _______ and sat beside her.
313.     My car won't do/go more than 70 mph.
314.     Let not the sun _______ down upon thy wrath.
315.     I don't want to be around when the balloon _______ up.
316.     Gossiping and lying _______ hand in hand.
317.     Quick! _______ and fetch a doctor.
318.     I suggest we _______ out to eat.
319.     According to radio the British electorate are _______ to vote tomorrow.
320.     Would you mind if I _______ with you?
321.     We _______ to New Zealand last winter.
322.     We _______ to a superlative restaurant.
323.     I grew chilly when the fire _______ out.
324.     When he returned, she and Simon had already gone.
325.     Do you fancy _______ out this evening?
326.     I've finally found that life _______ on without you.
327.     The ox is never woe, till he to the harrow go.
328.     _______ overseas again, eh? It's a nice life for some!
329.     Everything _______ amiss with him, he has certainly bad luck.
330.     I _______ to a vocational school.
331.     The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it _______ down the dirt road.
332.     There was nobody behind/on the counter when I _______ into the bank, and I had to wait t
333.     A primary school is the first school everybody _______ to.
334.     If you don't want fish for dinner, then you'll just have to _______ without!
335.     I must offer them an apology for not _______ to attend their get-gathering.
336.     We're _______ to Rome later in the year.
337.     The boys _______ to school in groups.
338.     I _______ to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.
339.     Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as g
340.     He _______ to great trouble to make his guests comfortable.
341.     We can't afford to _______ abroad this summer.
342.     I'm _______ for a beer with Karl tonight.
343.     We're _______ to spend Christmas and the New Year with my parents.
344.     The book has _______ out of print.
345.     He took the precaution of locking his door when he _______ out.
346.     Nothing really ever _______ as planned.That's what makes life exciting.
347.     I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she _______ to her yoga class.
348.     We _______ to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.
349.     He stands a fair chance of _______ abroad.
350.     That _______ for all of us.
351.     0He's _______ to jail for fraud.
352.     She _______ further into the room, drawn by the warmth of the fire.
353.     She had already _______ when I arrived.
354.     They _______ to the mosque to pray.
355.     Never _______ to bed on an argument.
356.     The news programme _______ out four times a week at peak time.
357.     Larry always blames me whenever anything _______ wrong.
358.     They washed their faces and _______ to bed.
359.     Cider also _______ up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pen
360.     Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change you
361.     May your life brighter as each birthday comes and goes.The nicest kind of birthday th
362.     2They realized that he had _______ mad.
363.     We rang Duncan to ask where he was _______ on holiday.
364.     I'm _______ to be emceeing a costume contest.
365.     Gangs of youths _______ on the rampage in the city yesterday.
366.     She stood up in her stirrups to see where the others had gone.
367.     A moneyless man _______ fast through the market.
368.     When are you _______ to bring the rest of your family over?
369.     I love you more each day as time _______ by.
370.     He purchased a ticket and _______ up on the top deck.
371.     In the world, who knows not to swim _______ to the bottom.
372.     I gave up hope of _______ to college when I failed my examinations.
373.     You have _______ beyond your power.
374.     Every Friday she dolls herself up and _______ out to a nightclub.
375.     A group of us are _______ to the theatre this evening.
376.     The rain has _______ through my overcoat.
377.     When a man is _______ down-hill, everyone will give him a push.
378.     She'd already _______ when we got there.
379.     Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had _______ to the heavens already; the surviv
380.     The lorry _______ into a skid and crashed into the barrier.
381.     9Never Make Somebody Your Everything, cause when they're gone, you've got nothing.
382.     We passed along by the road as we _______ to the station.
383.     She's _______ to need an operation on her ankle.
384.     He _______ next door to get his ball back.
385.     Is the tide coming in or _______ out?
386.     You'd better book up if you want to go.
387.     I _______ upstairs for my afternoon siesta.
388.     You may [could] _______ farther and fare worse.
389.     There is no sober-minded, fast pace also _______ awry; no caution pace, then flat roadwill fall.
390.     0The average cost of a new house has _______ up by 5% to £76 500.
391.     Pride _______ before destruction.
392.     We _______ to pay our respects to our new neighbours.
393.     I think it's _______ to be successful.
394.     This school is infinitely better than the last one I _______ to.
395.     We are _______ to build a shopping mall in this area.
396.     He _______ for its full,delicious flavors. I _______ for its economy.
397.     Do you remember how the kids always loved _______ there?
398.     He glimpsed her as the beautiful girl _______ by.
399.     Jack has _______ aboard the plane.
400.     She has determined on _______ this afternoon.
401.     If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must _______ to the mountain.
402.     He came to a pause in reading and then _______ on reading.
403.     The ball had _______ out of play.
404.     He had _______ to see the preview of a play.
405.     I'm sorry, Joanna isn't here at the moment, she's out to/_______ to lunch.
406.     The pioneers _______ west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new c
407.     It riles us that he won't _______ shopping with us.
408.     My love for you is always oming deeper with the day _______ by.You are the most importan
409.     I don't have any idea what's _______ on.
410.     I'm _______ to miss my grandpa.
411.     We must _______ on to do all in our power to conquer the doubts and the fears, the ignoran
412.     Are you _______ by train or by plane?
413.     She makes a mouth in a mirror before she _______ out every morning.
414.     Her body _______ as taut as a bowstring.
415.     This wine _______ particularly well with seafood.
416.     He _______ to work by bus.
417.     He checked their names off as they _______ aboard the plane.
418.     Whether or not we _______ to Spain for our holiday depends on the cost.
419.     All the other guests had _______ home, but Cage lingered around as if she wanted to tal
420.     Mason _______ home for a couple of hours' kip.
421.     Oh, I am not _______ to die, am I? He will not separate us, we have been so happy.
422.     If you would know the value of money, _______ and try to borrow some, for the that _______ a-
423.     When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your m
424.     Good news _______ on crutches.
425.     Roald always spends ages preening before he _______ out.
426.     It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn't _______ to last.
427.     She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
428.     I'm _______ to plump for the vegetable curry.
429.     9The boys have _______ on a long hike with the Boy Scouts.
430.     The path _______ over a large hump by a tree before running near a road.
431.     My car _______ like a bomb since I put that new engine in it.
432.     He had _______ absolutely scarlet with embarrassment.
433.     She was reluctant to _______ with him.
434.     4The letter must have _______ astray in the post.
435.     One glider on the curtain has _______ off.
436.     We _______ for walks in the fields occasionally.
437.     I can't concentrate with all that noise _______ on.
438.     He has gone; you can breathe again.
439.     It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to _______ there alone.
440.     Some soldiers _______ on furlough for two weeks.
441.     He _______ very quiet so I knew he was upset.
442.     Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what _______ before.
443.     Victory won't come to me unleI _______ to it.
444.     The exam results _______ up on the board.
445.     Time _______ by so fast, people _______ in and out of your life. You must never miss the oppo
446.     The question is, how much are they _______ to pay you?
447.     7Ken's _______ on a binge with his mates.
448.     When you _______ to Rome, do as Rome does.
449.     I _______ to the baker's to buy a loaf of fresh bread.
450.     Our boss has been let go.
451.     Evil comes to us by ells and _______ away by inches.
452.     Better to ask the way than _______ astray.
453.     He has _______ on a walking tour.
454.     They _______ into the room by splitting the door.
455.     You decide who's _______ to start by throwing the dice.
456.     As the boss began to rant, I stood up and _______ out.
457.     "He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones.
458.     I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel _______ and let the cat out of the bag.
459.     She has _______ to see her sister this weekend.
460.     By falling we learn to _______ safely.
461.     Pride _______ before, and shame follows after.
462.     Life is not to wait until the storm _______ away,but to learn how to dance in the rain.
463.     She's _______ to Italy on a special assignment.
464.     Pile more coal on the fire; it is _______ out.
465.     We are _______ nevertheless we shall return.
466.     The whole plan _______ like a dream.
467.     A tremendous amount of work has _______ into the project.
468.     My carefully laid plans had already _______ awry.
469.     She is _______ to play the piano to a big audience this evening.
470.     If I had known my life was _______ to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me
471.     We _______ fell walking last weekend.
472.     Love is like a butterfly. It _______ where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
473.     The top stair creaked as she _______ upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.
474.     The road _______ round in a tight curve.
475.     As the day _______ on, the pollen dries up and becomes hard.
476.     He _______ about with a nice group of boys.
477.     Beauty is superficial, but ugly _______ down to the bone.
478.     I had been lying awkwardly and my leg had _______ numb.
479.     He _______ abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen.
480.     The custom of lighting the Olympic flame _______ back centuries.
481.     3I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone.
482.     He'll bottle out when he _______ on the stage.
483.     None of us was _______ to the party.
484.     The administration of the law can never _______ lax where every individual sees to it that
485.     The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending _______ down in most
486.     We _______ on a tour of the house and grounds .
487.     She _______ into a deep hypnotic trance.
488.     He has _______ on a business trip.
489.     When a company _______ out of business, officials usually move in to take control.
490.     We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's _______ remarkably smoothly.
491.     The world is a ladder for some to _______ up and others to _______ down.
492.     Now I shall _______ to sleep. Good night.
493.     A man, like a watch, is to be valued by his manner of going.
494.     Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he _______ on stage, as nervousness
495.     She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and _______ to work.
496.     Except for a small pang, her headache has gone.
497.     We _______ on a day trip to the seaside.
498.     We _______ through the gate into the orchard.
499.     When love puts in, friendship is gone.
500.     As the strike _______ on, there was a gradual drift back to work.
501.     The washing machine has _______ phut.
502.     Being a well-dressed man is a career, and he who _______ in for it has no time for anyth
503.     If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that _______ to his head. If you talkto him in his language, that _______ to his heart. Nelson Mandela
504.     Can you give me some inkling of what is _______ on?
505.     The children sailed into the pile of cakes and in minutes the cakes were gone.
506.     I'm ready to _______ home now but I don't want to drag you away if you're enjoying yoursel
507.     We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may _______ to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may _______ to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.
508.     The shoemaker's son always _______ barefoot.
509.     If you would know the value of money, _______ and try to borrow some.
510.     'Where are you going?' she asked.
511.     The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, andthen _______ away.
512.     The letters were a real find and James _______ on to publish two volumes of them.
513.     The hotel is _______ to be converted into a nursing home.
514.     He spurred on his car and _______ to the office on time.
515.     It's a puzzle where all my money _______ each week.
516.     Pride _______ before a fall.
517.     I'm _______ to the audition but I don't expect I'll get a part.
518.     A few workers have defied the majority decision and _______ into work despite the strik
519.     He _______ to Paris whenever the chance came along.
520.     He that fears every bush must never _______ a-birding.
521.     The earth _______ around the sun.
522.     Some of his most important materials have _______ astray.
523.     I've never _______ out of my way to propitiate people.
524.     Grasp the shadow and let _______ the substance.
525.     It is love that makes the world _______ round.
526.     Shit happens,but life _______ on!
527.     He's thrown up his job and _______ off to Africa to work for a children's charity.
528.     Mom, can I _______ over to Lisa's house?
529.     Look! It's _______ up that tree.
530.     What has _______ is that beautiful period;which remains is the precious friendship betw
531.     For life _______ not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
532.     He seems incapable of walking past a music shop without _______ in and buying another
533.     When you are _______ fast enough, you'll be able to gear up.
534.     Without respect, love cannot _______ far.
535.     If you would know the value of money, _______ and try to borrow some, for the that _______ a-
536.     Most children _______ to public elementary and secondary schools.
537.     I managed to argue him into _______ back home to talk to his parents.
538.     I'm not _______ to let him repair my bike again because he made a really bad job of it
539.     The last bus has gone,and I'll have to foot it.
540.     He said he wanted to _______ to town.
541.     The road _______ through a gap in/between the hills.
542.     We're _______ to dine at David's tonight.
543.     When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your me
544.     The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest ra
545.     She has _______ on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage.
546.     I am _______ to prune this bush down.
547.     when you are gone, who with me from south to north.
548.     What is there sadder under the sun than a day that is _______ and nothing done.
549.     Well, I'm not _______ home on foot, at any rate.
550.     When will you _______ up to Cambridge University?
551.     I can't believe I am really _______ to meet the princess.
552.     I _______ downstairs to answer the phone.
553.     We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they _______ by.
554.     Much as she disliked _______ to funerals , she knew she had to be there.
555.     A moneyless person _______ fast through the market.
556.     I _______ to spend a few days at the seaside.
557.     I'm _______ to turn in my nightshift.
558.     She _______ there two afternoons a week.
559.     He _______ on staring at the TV screen .
560.     Between two stools one _______ to the ground.
561.     When the sun comes in, the doctor _______ out.
562.     I assumed things had _______ well for him as he had a big grin on his face.
563.     Take the road which skirts the village, not the one which _______ through it.
564.     Lots of people closed off the street yesterday when I _______ home.
565.     Love makes the world _______ round.
566.     The woman _______ out and forgot to make-up, the best remedy is to show your smile.
567.     I'd love to _______ to the match tomorrow do you think you can wangle it?
568.     She has _______ from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.
569.     We _______ ashore when the boat reached the port.
570.     Look before you leap; see before you go.
571.     When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time _______ on, you w
572.     Muck and money _______ together.
573.     Pride _______ before a fall(or destruction).
574.     I'm not _______ to settle for second best .
575.     Hold on tight and don't let go!
576.     She's absolutely certain she's _______ to make it in the world.
577.     They penetrated into territory where no man had ever _______ before.
578.     Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed.
579.     Are you _______ by boat or by air?
580.     I am about to lose my mind,You have been _______ for so long.
581.     Dad started _______ bald when he was in his thirties.
582.     He's _______ down to the corner shop to get some milk.
583.     Does not belong to me,I will let go.
584.     Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark.
585.     You may _______ farther and fare worse.
586.     Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by them
587.     He _______ into the subject at full length.
588.     Half of Martha's class has _______ down with flu.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

John Smith’s English Centre is dedicated to helping you become a super star English learner and speaker.


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