Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement - 1

Please complete the following sentences with a “ Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement ”.

Preposition of time
ü inside
ü used to show an exact position or particular place
ü table
ü events
ü place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)
ü attached
ü next to or along the side of (river)
ü used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it.
ü left, right
ü a floor in a house
ü used for showing some methods of traveling
ü television, radio
by, next to, beside, near
ü not far away in distance
ü in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects
ü at the back (of)
in front of
ü further forward than someone or something else
ü lower than (or covered by) something else
ü lower than something else.
ü above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other.
ü more than.
ü across from one side to the other.
ü overcoming an obstacle
ü higher than something else, but not directly over it
ü from one side to the other of something with clear limits / getting to the other side
ü from one end or side of something to the other
ü in the direction of
ü bed
ü towards the inside or middle of something and about to be contained, surrounded or enclosed by it
ü in the direction of, or closer to someone or something
ü used to show movement into or on a particular place
ü used to show the place where someone or something starts:
ü expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
Preposition of time
ü days
ü weekend (American English)
ü months / seasons / year
ü morning / evening / afternoon
ü period of time
ü night
ü weekend (British English)
ü used to show an exact or a particular time:
ü from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
ü used to show an amount of time.
ü back in the past; back in time from the present:
ü at or during a time earlier than
ü used when saying the time, to mean before the stated hour
ü telling the time
ü until a particular time, marking end of a period of time
ü used to show the time when something starts
till / until
ü up to (the time that)
ü not later than; at or before

Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.                 It made you gaze knowingly out _______  the herd as if you were calculating what they'd bring _______  the hoof _______  market.
2.                 Many Durham University courses are also individually ranked among the best _______  the country, as noted below.
3.                 He says the other way he hopes some _______  the Friends would be able _______  assist is _______  fundraising.
4.                 Spring training began _______  Christmas Day, when my cousin and I gingered _______  the lot _______  the fire station _______  try out our new spikes.
5.                 There is not, and never was, any bitterness _______  my heart _______  your country.
6.                 In this significant book, Jan Rocha tells the story _______  the brutal massacre _______  Yanomami Indians _______  the Amazon rainforest _______  Brazilian garimpeiros.
7.                 England's oldest horse race, which began _______  1519, is run each year _______  Kiplingcotes _______  Market Weighton.
8.                 It may also raise the number _______  random meteors seen _______  Earth streaking _______  the sky.
9.                 Alfred won a decisive victory _______  the ensuing Battle _______  Edington which may have been fought _______  Westbury, Wiltshire.
10.            She was a diabetic, so she was _______  some ways committing suicide _______  _______  _______  everyone.
11.            Two Canadian Geese land, honking, and take shelter _______  a willow tree whose tendrils flick _______  the water with the breeze.
12.            At each level _______  the spine, main nerves join the spinal cord _______  specific parts _______  the body.
13.            It's fun _______  watch when the candidates start arguing _______  themselves, squabbling like petty children.
14.            I sit _______  _______  the quickest, the brightest, most well-read, most entertaining, most brilliant man.
15.            Above the water it's a rugged shoreline and a few jagged rocks adorned with bird droppings.
16.            The furniture was _______  little worth _______  it was _______  such bad condition.
17.            The sculpture is embedded with 3,000 toy dogs whose little synchronized yaps are triggered _______  a hidden motion sensor.
18.            The white, pigmentless fur _______  arctic mammals, such as the polar bear, may reflect more solar radiation directly _______  the skin.
19.            As _______  April 2017, there are four living former Prime Ministers, as seen below.
20.            That sideways tear gets rid _______  the tough string that sometimes runs along the edge _______  the pod.
21.            Not all breakdown companies have access _______  the same number _______  recovery vehicles.
22.            Queen's is also part _______  the Utrecht Network which works _______  the internationalisation _______  higher education.
23.            She's worried about embarrassing herself _______  _______  _______  such a large audience.
24.            The photographs were taken _______  a hidden spot _______  a public road which passes _______  _______  _______  the chateau.
25.            The spring release device was used _______  the _______  almost universally _______  trailing type plows with one _______  three or four bottoms.
26.            And it syncs it with an iPod so you can keep the data up _______  date _______  your computer and pod.
27.            He was disqualified _______  pilot training due _______  his eyesight being _______  par, and was classified as a navigator trainee.
28.            A _______  complete conquest was achieved _______  the turn _______  the 17th century, following the Nine Years' War and the Flight _______  the Earls.
29.            He continued his mad sprint, putting fifty meters _______  himself and the house.
30.            A revised Broadway production _______  the Broadway Theatre two years later ran _______  only 284 performances.
31.            If an offer, will CostPlus be _______  breach _______  contract _______  attempting _______  increase the price after Philip has placed an order?
32.            As he stepped _______  his hut, his horse whinnied _______  the crude stable _______  _______  the house.
33.            This forecast drop _______  sales will cancel out the boost _______  earnings that cost savings _______  the merger has produced.
34.            The half weir was constructed _______  keep a good head _______  water _______  the river _______  Richmond and the end _______  the tidal flow _______  Teddington weir.
35.            Now, each _______  us is called _______  witness _______  the love that is freely offered _______  everyone who takes Jesus as their King.
36.            Outside, it is protected _______  the English winter weather _______  yards _______  bubble wrap and a child's umbrella.
37.            The crowd cheered as a firebrand was tossed _______  the huge pile _______  wood _______  start the traditional homecoming bonfire.
38.            The victory was acclaimed _______  the English as their greatest _______  Agincourt.
39.            Yes, each _______  the main characters had learned some things about themselves and reconnected _______  the important people _______  their lives.
40.            Notable is the massive Iron Age hillfort Vespasian's Camp built alongside the Avenue _______  the Avon.
41.            Eventually, she moved the guy _______  _______  _______  me _______  business class, and we both slept _______  peace.
42.            British police officers entered a courtyard _______  _______  _______  his house where a CCTV camera watches _______  visitors.
43.            He often appears with fellow cartoonists _______  programs _______  schools and libraries _______  the area.
44.            I love all the differences _______  people _______  different parts _______  the country.
45.            The Army's random and targeted urinalysis drug testing program is designed _______  deter members _______  involvement _______  illicit drugs.
46.            Was it a ruse _______  allow reporters short _______  subject matter _______  fill the pages dedicated _______  the European Championship?
47.            Federal spending _______  2005 and subsequent years _______  has been exceptionally high due _______  the recovery _______  Hurricane Katrina.
48.            The boat, Rain Drop, was being doublehanded _______  a couple _______  _______  Cal 20 sailors.
49.            Put _______  your walking boots and take the two-hour hike _______  the forest _______  lunch _______  San Fruttuoso, a tiny bay along the coast.
50.            Every so often families _______  bikinis, boardies and sarongs traipse _______  _______  their way back _______  the beach and look in.
51.            They're scorched a little _______  the north-easterly side, leaving the rest green still and, _______  some cases still growing.
52.            Above all they made _______  muniment rooms, where terriers and other records _______  feudal obligations were held.
53.            After all, if these measures could've succeeded, they would've been implemented five years _______  when the world economy hadn't yet hit the skids.
54.            Hampshire was placed 31st _______  a table _______  the nation's 140 education authorities.
55.            The garden, curiously enough, was a quarter _______  a mile _______  the house, and the way _______  it led up a shallow draw _______  the cattle corral.
56.            Although misandry is sometimes confused with misanthropy, the terms are not interchangeable, _______  the latter refers _______  the hatred _______  humanity.
57.            Apart _______  hats, the must-have accessory was a designer handbag, with Louis Vuitton coming out _______  _______  _______  Gucci and Dior as the label _______  tote.
58.            Even plans _______  buy boots _______  operational officers and new police helmets will have _______  be scrapped along with structural work _______  police stations.
59.            In Sweden a similar ceremony as the British was held _______  1974, when the constitution was changed.
60.            There's argument _______  whether he should try _______  persuade opposing batsmen _______  walk when he's convinced they're out.
61.            Booth held Cheshire _______  the end _______  August when he was defeated _______  General Lambert.
62.            I whistled loudly and a moving van obediently heeded my call and pulled up right _______  _______  me.
63.            Suddenly, Nicky began _______  laugh, a loud and raucous sound it was, almost making you feel ashamed _______  be _______  _______  him.
64.            One member _______  the radio society even has a major collection _______  cathode ray oscilloscopes, which he displays along one complete wall _______  his home.
65.            Sitting _______  his desk, staring blankly _______  the teacher, he thought _______  the night before.
66.            He piled _______  the pounds when his business was hit _______  the recession and he started binge-eating _______  comfort.
67.            She grabbed a wad _______  papers _______  the table _______  her bed, and threw it _______  me.
68.            These architectural remains also depict palm trees _______  bicephalous eagle as the tree _______  life, symbolizing peace and prosperity.
69.            He sank _______  the comfortable swivel chair _______  the counter and put his feet up.
70.            The original owners _______  Ellenborough Park also owned the surrounding land, which they sold off _______  plots _______  building purposes.
71.            As the reading went on, a guy sitting down _______  _______  _______  me drew an impressionistic sketch _______  a handmade blank book.
72.            The teacher looked _______  what they were looking and laughing _______  and told them _______  hush up so he could start class.
73.            Ducal authority was the strongest _______  the frontier _______  the Capetian royal demesne.
74.            The worst _______  all possibilities is if the patient has slipped _______  an irreversible coma due _______  a cerebral hemorrhage or some other catastrophe.
75.            They suspect that part _______  the lava dome broke off, sending melted ice _______  a glacier _______  hot rocks below.
76.            Nelson found himself _______  the rear _______  the British line and realised that it would be a long time _______  he could bring Captain _______  action.
77.            Cody was _______  the middle _______  a _______  The Music episode _______  Linkin Park when the door bell's irritating ring drifted _______  his room.
78.            Fiji has _______  been suspended twice, with the first imposed _______  6 June 2000 _______  20 December 2001 after another coup.
79.            It was _______  imparting this knowledge that teachers gained their sense _______  purpose.
80.            Above the violence and social injustice rises a battle _______  survive and maintain a remnant _______  integrity.
81.            All _______  the participants completed both blocks with the order _______  completion counterbalanced _______  participants.
82.            We hedge-hopped with the local along the parallel road, taking several photographs _______  stations.
83.            Above 85 degrees north, you don't have tropical rainforest, you have Arctic ice fields.
84.            All these routes connect _______  the M25, which runs _______  _______  and occasionally _______  the region's border with Greater London.
85.            A transitional channel is needed and located _______  our _______  experiences, both _______  our previous experience and present experience.
86.            Mr Miller is believed _______  have gone _______  _______  speak _______  Mr Holt, who was loading 40 bales _______  compressed cardboard _______  a trailer with another worker.
87.            The day began with a committee lunch _______  the Woodlands Hotel, _______  which the two stars, along with their management team, helicoptered in.
88.            She sits _______  most Council meetings like a rabbit caught _______  the headlights whilst her deputy tries out his stand-up comic routine.
89.            The resistor will absorb some _______  the voltage _______  it when we place it _______  series with the resistor.
90.            We gotta hide up some-place and let them lose us. Tell you what. There's a passion pit just where this comes out _______  95. Drive-in movie.
91.            The jointed wooden rules are metrically misnumbered _______  black _______  dark yellow.
92.            Throughout history, and _______  every culture and civilisation, male virility and fertility have always been venerated.
93.            His views _______  the position _______  the Welsh people, as a conquered people are never far _______  the surface.
94.            The spelling is fundamentally phonetic and the stress falls _______  the _______  _______  last syllable unless indicted _______  an accent mark.
95.            Newer outfits can also face potential conflicts _______  interest, or _______  least be short _______  quality.
96.            As she got older, you could observe a drift _______  her writing _______  more serious subjects.
97.            Exit the highway, take a right off the ramp, then continue down the street _______  you get _______  the first traffic light.
98.            But the overwhelming impression, reinforced _______  the river's constant laughing and quarrelling _______  you, is _______  nature's profusion, _______  its own abundance.
99.            After giving off pontine and other branches, the basilar artery divides _______  two posterior cerebral arteries _______  the upper border _______  the pons.
100.        Thousands _______  new cases have been diagnosed _______  the _______  year.
101.        The syrupy sweet voice passed _______  his ears and went straight _______  his brain.
102.        Mail was picked up _______  the fly using a catch arm _______  the side _______  the car swung out _______  a Railway Mail Clerk who _______  the same time kicked off a sack _______  mail _______  that place.
103.        Newly transplanted ornamentals have limited root systems and will be _______  stress.
104.        A wet washcloth sat _______  me and I kept wiping my face with it, then let the fan cool me off.
105.        She added the council was pursuing the acquisition _______  land and property along the route _______  order _______  the scheme _______  go ahead.
106.        Petra would like _______  drop despondently _______  a rock _______  pout, but you have _______  look _______  you sit, because there are goat doodies everywhere.
107.        The stone was placed _______  a small cart or flat tram and rolled _______  the frame and locked _______  place.
108.        If the thought _______  minestrone with pesto dumplings gets you hot _______  the collar, then there's a bowl with your name _______  it.
109.        By 1882 a number _______  salt works were established _______  Haverton Hill _______  _______  Port Clarance and nearby Seal Sands _______  1882 _______  Bell Brothers.
110.        Pyongyang's unbending attitude only makes it even more difficult _______  resolve the dispute _______  peaceful means.
111.        The safest way _______  locate a house sitter is _______  go _______  a house sitting directory.
112.        It was a beautiful contrast _______  see her _______  her mistress, like a glittering star _______  attendance upon the pale and almost vanishing moonsickle.
113.        He flung subtle jibes _______  her _______  she couldn't bear _______  work with him any longer.
114.        I bounced and jittered _______  the music, knocking _______  the guy _______  _______  me a few times.
115.        Laid out _______  _______  _______  me was a jumble _______  items, my computer and a charger among them.
116.        Behind every transnational corporation there is a national base that depends _______  its local state _______  sustain its viability.
117.        The differences _______  them arise as a result _______  the differences _______  strength and density _______  oceanic and continental lithosphere.
118.        Above a Tudor rose is Arthur, originally with Henry's face, and royal symbols.
119.        To avoid underwater threats, it can leap _______  the surface _______  mats _______  weed.
120.        Also found were 57 bruises and abrasions which bore the hallmarks _______  deliberate physical abuse _______  a period _______  a month or so, the court heard.
121.        In 1953, Huxley and Maria applied _______  United States citizenship and presented themselves _______  examination.
122.        Their hairstyle, unusually long _______  the era and mocked _______  many adults, became an emblem _______  rebellion _______  the burgeoning youth culture.
123.        He merely looked contemplatively up _______  the ceiling as he casually scratched the stubble _______  his face.
124.        At higher T, it takes less time _______  thermal fluctuations _______  induce rupture _______  an applied bias force.
125.        Once elected, Members _______  Parliament normally continue _______  serve _______  the _______  dissolution _______  Parliament.
126.        Liza stepped back _______  the lanky man leaning _______  her, banging _______  the brick wall _______  the building.
127.        He was nominated _______  the Nobel Prize _______  Literature _______  seven different years.
128.        Lloyd Webber received a Grammy Award _______  1986 _______  Requiem _______  the category _______  best classical composition.
129.        After further polls suggested a move back _______  Remain, the pound and the FTSE recovered.
130.        Boys, up _______  the festival _______  Liberalia, wore the toga praetexta, which was a toga with a crimson or purple border.
131.        It is a worthy gamble, as the north-easterly comes _______  Phuket a little later than _______  the Northern Gulf and it may just work.
132.        The neat and professionally dressed men looked out _______  place _______  the homey messy surroundings.
133.        The European Automobile Manufacturers Association have told the European Commission that jaywalkers should be prosecuted _______  wandering out _______  _______  _______  traffic.
134.        Buy sweet short pastry and bake it blind _______  a tart shell _______  well cooked and browned.
135.        The tax relief is treated _______  tax purposes as if it were a loss _______  a separate trade carried out _______  the owner.
136.        The _______  day, the band began its fourth tour _______  Britain within nine months, this one scheduled _______  six weeks.
137.        Always eccentric, Dietrich put _______  trousers, tuxedos and men's suits long _______  other women dared.
138.        I connected an electrical cord _______  it and ran it _______  the bedroom _______  the electrical outlet _______  _______  the bed.
139.        The encounter also shortened the comet's solar orbit time _______  about 40 years _______  less than seven.
140.        From 14,000 _______  10,000 years ago, as the ice melted, sea levels rose separating Ireland _______  Great Britain and also creating the Isle _______  Man.
141.        Jinx caught himself with his hands _______  he fell _______  the fourth time _______  ten minutes, swallowing the wince as his aching wrist twinged.
142.        As a lover, his story stands out forever as a warning _______  the timid and the recreant.
143.        The pitch got _______  the catcher and rolled all the way _______  the backstop.
144.        _______   2000 Glasgow has experienced few very cold, snowy and harsh winters where temperatures have fallen much _______  freezing.
145.        Some people might have very short memories but there are others _______  this side _______  the House who have very long memories.
146.        When photons _______  the sun hit the surface _______  a solar cell, they dislodge electrons _______  silicon atoms.
147.        Running her arms along the upper ridge _______  the crate, her fingers hit a catch _______  the wood, and immediately the door released.
148.        In this significant book, Jan Rocha tells the story _______  the brutal massacre _______  Yanomami Indians _______  the Amazon rainforest _______  Brazilian garimpeiros.
149.        On 17 October 2014 a memorial _______  him was unveiled _______  Westminster Abbey _______  that _______  his business partner James Watt.
150.        Some relatively minor changes have been made _______  the boundaries _______  boroughs _______  1965, and two have changed their names.
151.        I stood and started _______  turn the corner that led _______  the kitchen when I noticed the empty wine bottle lying _______  the ground, _______  _______  the couch.
152.        Over the _______  century, however, tourism has grown rapidly _______  become the area's primary source _______  income.
153.        Behind the glasses, her brown eyes were equally huge, her face tapering down _______  a small mouth.
154.        Sutton United moved _______  the top five _______  the Ryman League with another stylish performance _______  Saturday.
155.        Above all, the series has a gorgeous childlike quality and is entirely voiced _______  children.
156.        People who got _______  were those who could sit _______  endless meetings without falling asleep.
157.        Right _______  the timberline, _______  the Hudsonian zone, the whitebark, foxtail, and silver pines grow.
158.        The impression _______  stubbiness will quickly morph _______  an appreciation _______  this solid-feeling notebook.
159.        In one nest, some nestlings died _______  7 days _______  age and were therefore excluded _______  the analysis.
160.        A curly lettuce is a new Dutch cross _______  crisphead and butterhead lettuce and marketed _______  Europe.
161.        A fluffy little chickadee pops out _______  his mouth and tweets sweetly _______  hopping away.
162.        Andrews was forced _______  quit the show _______  the end _______  the Broadway run _______  1997 when she developed hoarseness _______  her voice.
163.        Berengaria had almost as much difficulty _______  making the journey home as her husband did, and she did not see England _______  after his death.
164.        During roasting, if turkey overlaps the pan rim, tuck a strip _______  heavy-duty foil along the sides _______  the pan _______  keep fat _______  dripping over.
165.        The former gas works _______  Heworth Green has been a worry _______  residents and a headache _______  planners _______  years.
166.        The third leg is basically a repeat _______  the first leg where they beat upwind going _______  the windward mark.
167.        Its popularity resulted _______  the show running during the Christmas season _______  five or six years.
168.        A deafening cheer arose _______  the cockpit as the Snow Eagle dropped out _______  warp space right _______  _______  them.
169.        I'd a Hand Solo this afternoon and another one, like, fifteen minutes _______  and now I'm totally wankrupt.
170.        At the inter-house meet that year he won the javelin and putt shot events and was placed third _______  the discus.
171.        Robin said the three most important ingredients _______  her cupboard _______  the sink were pure soap, bicarbonate _______  soda and white vinegar.
172.        Microsilica or silica fume is a by-product _______  the manufacture _______  silicon and ferrosilicon alloys.
173.        Tolkien's relatives were shocked when he elected not _______  immediately volunteer _______  the British Army.
174.        A hot, wet coastal plain rises _______  thick forest and areas planted with sisal _______  a warm plateau.
175.        We are taught _______  a young age _______  look both ways and _______  wait _______  a break _______  the traffic _______  crossing a street.
176.        In 2002, oxygen levels that could support fish along the entire length were recorded _______  the first time _______  industry began _______  the Mersey.
177.        Recent research _______  sediments _______  Alaska indicates mammoths survived _______  the American mainland _______  10,000 years ago.
178.        In the same month, the French thrust _______  Leghorn and were certain _______  capture the city.
179.        She turned around again, and stroked her stallion's mane as he walked _______  her.
180.        The advisory committee could only offer advice, but _______  that was almost always accepted they had real power.
181.        Fold the pancake neatly _______  a triangle, place _______  a plate, trickle the sauce around the pancake and serve immediately.
182.        There are a few catchy tunes _______  the kids _______  sing along with, but even these seem _______  be too few and far between.
183.        Loose tiles clinked underfoot and I glimpsed spoiled frescoes which had faded, mildewed or simply disappeared _______  whitewash.
184.        Each year, several serious car accidents are caused _______  high winds blowing topsoil _______  highways.
185.        The nearby crater lake, Pavin, is visited _______  _______  200,000 people each year.
186.        I can't wait _______  Christmas morning and we can set it up together.
187.        There is also a dotfile generator, which you can use _______  create dotfiles _______  many different programs _______  you get the hang _______  it.
188.        So we stayed and walked a few metres _______  _______  _______  him asking folk _______  give National the party vote and explaining the prime money waster was _______  us.
189.        This is the idea underpinning a controversial stylometric technique whose findings brought stylometry out _______  academia and _______  the newspapers.
190.        Nicolas Cage is _______  talks _______  star _______  the reboot _______  Left Behind, the faith-based, action-packed book and movie series about the End Times.
191.        Even _______  the years _______  solar minimum _______  1994 _______  1996, the military still dealt with 150 satellite problems per year.
192.        King Burgred _______  Mercia fought _______  vain against the Ivar the Boneless and his Danish invaders _______  three years _______  874, when he fled _______  Europe.
193.        Piles _______  bullets, Beretta handguns and Kalashnikovs are laid out carefully _______  _______  ornamental knives and silver jewellery.
194.        The oldest rocks date back _______  the early Tertiary Era, some 60 million years ago.
195.        A sudden blast _______  discordant horns shattered the stillness that had settled _______  the killing fields.
196.        A computer programmer _______  Wigan has gone _______  hiding after winning the jackpot _______  TV's Who Wants _______  be A Millionaire?
197.        In short it has no sense _______  purpose and responds _______  the glare _______  scrutiny like a deer caught _______  the head lights.
198.        Lollipop ladies were warned yesterday that they must not wear short skirts and high heels while _______  duty.
199.        There was one cafe _______  the arches where you could go and shelter _______  the weather.
200.        The family gathers _______  _______  _______  the house, the mother _______  her wasp-waisted dress a picture _______  1950s domesticity as she repeatedly leads a child down the walk.
201.        Growth response _______  distinction _______  the phototropic growth response, typically follows symmetrical illumination _______  the sporangiophore _______  above.
202.        Historically the lowest bridging point _______  the Mersey was _______  Warrington where there has been a bridge _______  medieval times.
203.        Graham said his lawyers will oppose the extradition, which falls _______  the Patriot Act _______  the United States.
204.        However, many British ships escaped being sunk because _______  weaknesses _______  the Argentine pilots' bombing tactics described below.
205.        Lecturers _______  Brooksby Melton College _______  Leicestershire walked out _______  a one-day strike _______  pay this week.
206.        The A46 follows the Fosse Way which, _______  Roman times, has provided a connection _______  the southwestern and northeastern parts _______  England.
207.        Of course you can always bring along some baseball gloves and a ball _______  a game _______  catch.
208.        Above all it adequately meets the stipulations _______  the UN resolutions and the Shimla Agreement.
209.        The Gulf _______  Mexico did not exist 250 million years _______  when there was but one supercontinent, Pangea.
210.        On the train _______  Swansea _______  Carmarthen I sat _______  _______  a mobile phone addict.
211.        That second spring the khamseen was worse than I have ever known it _______  or  _______  .
212.        As it happened, I had progressed only some few feet out _______  the snow when a clean-cut section stripped off the surface and avalanched.
213.        He had only sold heroin _______  the policeman because he believed him _______  be a fellow drug user suffering _______  withdrawal symptoms.
214.        Colonel Kurtz's nightmare might have been watching a snail crawl along the edge _______  a straight razor, but ours is shopping.
215.        Mutz, a former walk-on _______  Arizona State, had two touchdown receptions _______  the Sun Devils' season-opening victory _______  Northern Arizona.
216.        Most countries whose industries had been damaged moved _______  economic recovery.
217.        Second editions retracted the headline and attempted _______  portray a more sympathetic attitude _______  Bruno and mental health _______  general.
218.        However, it was returned _______  France _______  1664, _______  the colony proved _______  be unprofitable.
219.        Ronnie Wood ambles _______  the French windows _______  one _______  the sitting rooms _______  his sprawling house _______  the edge _______  London.
220.        Alumasc Exterior Building Products is _______  B5204 _______  St Helens Junction railway station _______  Sutton.
221.        And _______  we can recover that, we shall never be able _______  have a Government firm-seated and sure-handed.
222.        A motorist whose car spun out _______  control and smashed _______  a tree _______  a country road _______  York has died _______  hospital.
223.        The forelimbs and hindlimbs _______  vertebrates arise _______  precise positions along the antero-posterior axis _______  the body.
224.        They walked _______  the field where they had a massive fire going, the flames dancing _______  least six feet high and the fire pit was ten feet across.
225.        You had _______  blast, stab and bludgeon your way _______  a number _______  missions which involved exploding stores, shoplifting and killing.
226.        I have, _______  isolated cases, had walkers deliberately walk _______  _______  _______  the bike and I have had _______  swerve _______  avoid them.
227.        One _______  Sligo's many beautiful walks starts _______  Sligo Airport round _______  its boundary _______  _______  the little church _______  Killaspugbrone.
228.        On Friday, the House _______  Representatives recessed _______  September with the debate _______  those lower-income families still unresolved.
229.        The large following created _______  25 centuries _______  and continuing _______  this day is witness _______  the fact that something _______  distinct value was created.
230.        Moving further north, Broadway Tower is a folly _______  Broadway Hill, _______  the village _______  Broadway, _______  the English county _______  Worcestershire.
231.        Behind her was another sleek figure laying down suppressive fire with an MA5 Assault Rifle.
232.        The 41-year-old man belted his three-year-old son _______  his backside with his hand _______  a shopping centre _______  Chorlton, Manchester.
233.        Settlement _______  anatomically modern humans _______  what was _______  become the United Kingdom occurred _______  waves beginning _______  about 30,000 years ago.
234.        Their youth and beauty also made up _______  any shortcomings _______  this area _______  the part _______  the wife.
235.        Sprinkled throughout the book are insightful, fresh ways _______  viewing the relationships _______  soloists and orchestras.
236.        Its jagged coastline is _______  90 miles long, producing hundreds _______  beautiful white sand beaches, bays, and coves.
237.        This measure was temporary, and no lieutenants have been appointed _______  this way _______  1974, although the power still exists.
238.        The South East England Regional Assembly was based _______  the A3100 road _______  Guildford _______  the London Road railway station.
239.        The only thing worse than sitting _______  a tedious film is having _______  analyze and describe the tedium.
240.        Subsequent aerial archaeology suggests that this ditch runs _______  the west _______  the north _______  Stonehenge, _______  the avenue.
241.        I was _______  my bed looking _______  my heels that would go nice with my black leather mini that I had on.
242.        The urine is passed _______  the bladder _______  ureters _______  each kidney _______  peristaltic waves.
243.        Daniel Williams's foundations _______  1774, and secretary _______  the presbyterian board _______  1778, and held both offices _______  his death.
244.        But _______  Sixmilebridge, a small Clare town, people are patrolling the streets and byroads every single night _______  the year.
245.        Additional motivation _______  sobriety came _______  Sam's probation officer who demanded frequent urinalysis _______  test _______  drug use.
246.        Well, the often interesting BSS bunch pandered _______  the crowd and although they did do some self-indulgent jams, it was all _______  the book.
247.        The Jaguar Veneer Manufacturing Centre is _______  the B4067, where the former main factory had been _______  1951, _______  the outskirts _______  western Coventry.
248.        In normal operation CHAPS payments are settled _______  real time _______  settlement accounts, maintained _______  Members _______  the Bank _______  England.
249.        Keith ws already seated _______  the plane, so I sat _______  a window seat with an empty aisle seat _______  _______  me.
250.        We've been outselling our competitors _______  the _______  five years.
251.        This is being done as part _______  a compulsory seven-week tutorial module that the students must pass _______  they can graduate.
252.        The miners plundered the jungle _______  its diamonds _______  it became a muddy waste.
253.        The plebeians rebelled _______  leaving Rome and refusing _______  return _______  they had more rights.
254.        The doctor said I needed glasses after I failed _______  read _______  the fourth line _______  the eye chart.
255.        All afternoon, people have come and gone, kneeling _______  the blessed sacrament _______  the golden monstrance _______  the side altar.
256.        The sculpture is embedded with 3,000 toy dogs whose little synchronized yaps are triggered _______  a hidden motion sensor.
257.        Workers _______  the Sterling Heights picket line said they walked out _______  pension and health-care issues.
258.        A car parked _______  a red light honked its horn _______  rhythm with the chant as the crowd passed _______  _______  _______  it.
259.        I should have quit this job long ago, but I guess I'm just a glutton _______  punishment.
260.        The cognitive differences _______  turn stem _______  biological differences _______  males and females.
261.        Behind the uncertainty _______  the future _______  the British Grand Prix is motor racing's desire _______  exploit untapped markets, notably _______  China.
262.        A young journeyman noticed Joe's dress change and nudged the apprentice _______  _______  him.
263.        Selma becomes a biopic _______  which the hero shines while those who worked _______  him are overlooked or relegated _______  the sidelines.
264.        Above her, the sky was studded with stars, but she was too preoccupied _______  notice.
265.        The signs will divert all _______  traffic away _______  the city centre _______  designated inner and outer orbital routes.
266.        He appeared _______  weigh somewhere _______  one-ten and one-thirty, with muscular limbs and a light, springy step.
267.        The keelboat is a discovery experience as an outside exhibit _______  _______  the Entrance sidewalk.
268.        One _______  them steps forward and with his knife cuts the burden free and it falls _______  the bottom _______  the ravine.
269.        The varying concentration and shape _______  the yardangs _______  this area may be controlled _______  the motion _______  winds around these topographic features.
270.        The walls are walkable, a good place _______  peer down _______  the city streets or _______  _______  the distant Welsh mountains.
271.        The bitumen-surfaced path has been created _______  buying a strip _______  land along the edge _______  the field _______  _______  the road.
272.        Fond hopes, like seeled doves _______  want _______  better light, mount _______  they end their flight with falling.
273.        But sporadic fighting continues _______  militiamen, rebels and government troops _______  the lawless north-east.
274.        The viewscreen became whole again and the back screen was once again white with red lines snaking _______  it.
275.        Behind her followed the geisha Chikafuku, her face unpainted, wearing an elegant, ankle-length kimono _______  subdued greys and browns.
276.        Unceremoniously, some number _______  thugs dragged me _______  an edifice and roughly seated me _______  a slight wooden chair.
277.        Any builder _______  any worth is booked up _______  now _______  kingdom come, and they don't do too badly _______  the money _______  either.
278.        Therefore we must say that a stock derives its value _______  its dividends, not its earnings.
279.        For each pixel, find the difference _______  intensity _______  each _______  its neighbors, then sum the absolute value _______  those differences.
280.        It can be said perhaps that _______  the private sector, which falls _______  the Labour Act, things conclude far quicker.
281.        At one time, Intel used _______  build its infamous white unbranded boxes _______  Leixlip, sold _______  the channel, but those days are now long gone.
282.        Hunston wrote _______  the Law Society last November complaining that Doran had sworn _______  an affidavit that he witnessed Hunston signing the document.
283.        An asterisk _______  _______  the link shows that the weblog was updated within the last 3 hours.
284.        The formal approach is met _______  a checkerboard garden _______  green boxwood and gray artemisia.
285.        The aircraft then flies _______  its customers, airdrops its supplies, and returns empty _______  the source takeoff site _______  another mission.
286.        The students are long _______  facts and short _______  the reflection and analysis that comes with experience.
287.        If you haven't listened _______  this music _______  the 1960s, it's time _______  renew your acquaintance with these songs.
288.        His father still could afford a good education _______  his son and Halley was tutored privately _______  home _______  being sent _______  St Paul's School.
289.        Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have _______  your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
290.        The remaining books cover the reign _______  Nero, perhaps _______  his death _______  June 68 or _______  the end _______  that year _______  connect with the Histories.
291.        The castle also has a chapel and billiard room, while a basement and sub-basement have been dug _______  the rock _______  the house.
292.        Another school skive! I only realised this when my dentist's receptionist told me _______  expect a fair wait _______  I could be seen.
293.        Above all, perhaps, it confirmed its composer's repossession _______  the baroque _______  its regular harmonic movement.
294.        He recently moved _______  Los Angeles and attended Hollywood's Musicians Institute, skating _______  the program _______  just six months.
295.        Above these there is a vocal line so free and continuous that the strictures imposed _______  the repetition _______  the bass are scarcely felt.
296.        Benfleet kept _______  the winning trail with victory _______  lowly Epping _______  Woodside Park _______  six wickets.
297.        They were instrumental _______  the rejuvenation _______  the river Torridge which was, _______  the time, heavily polluted _______  farm effluent.
298.        Highlighting the tensions _______  the two neighbors, India _______  Sunday shot down what is says was an unmanned Pakistani spy plane _______  Kashmir.
299.        But they've been rejiggered _______  time _______  orderly crystal patterns linked _______  superstrong chemical bonds.
300.        Carboniferous _______  Cretaceous strata are exposed _______  an extensive series _______  outcrops along the east coast _______  Greenland.
301.        The intense violence came _______  a head _______  the weekend as hundreds _______  rioters pelted police with petrol bombs, blast bombs, rocks and bottles.
302.        On 5 June 1916, Tolkien boarded a troop transport _______  an overnight voyage _______  Calais.
303.        The two may not be quite the same thing, and how _______  the record was _______  reality we can never know.
304.        Record companies who own the copyright _______  these sound recordings can't or simply won't license these songs _______  the digital download sites.
305.        He pointed toward one _______  the settees _______  _______  the windows and then commanded Adam _______  sit.
306.        And sure, it is a lot _______  ask the average museum visitor _______  sit _______  eight films _______  one sitting.
307.        Up _______  1842, when the Old Town Hall was built, the vestry met _______  a room _______  the parish church _______  St Mary Magdalene.
308.        She agrees, but negotiates _______  a number _______  lessons equal _______  the number _______  black keys only.
309.        He continued _______  ponder this as he moved _______  the room _______  where several _______  his men were standing speaking _______  hushed, worried tones.
310.        Vocalists Steve Winwood and Steve Marriott were also considered _______  the project.
311.        Continental Airlines has begun non-stop service _______  its Newark hub and Barbados.
312.        The collecting itch urged Smith further and further afield, helped along _______  Houston's oppressive summer weather.
313.        The said witness gave a statement _______  the police as well as testimony _______  trial.
314.        Now, thanks _______  technology, you type _______  any postcode _______  the computer and, bingo, the name _______  the local MP appears _______  a nanosecond.
315.        When I pulled up _______  _______  _______  his apartment building, Nellie stood there dressed _______  jeans and a sport shirt.
316.        The Western concept _______  'World Music' homogenizes many different genres _______  popular music _______  one accessible term _______  Western audiences.
317.        Overall, this is the first HP game _______  even get _______  _______  living up _______  the quality _______  JK Rowling's books and the accompanying films.
318.        On it he put a sheet _______  blank paper and a packet _______  crayons _______  he pulled _______  a chair.
319.        When I wore my shirt with its short sleeves you could see the scars _______  my wrist.
320.        If true, such a fact should come as no surprise _______  us, _______  as a child herself all other children can be nothing but rivals _______  her.
321.        A bad haircut is no fun, but _______  least you're not stuck with it _______  good, only _______  it grows out.
322.        For those who have glory-worthy goods, the temptation is sliding _______  real striving after virtue _______  living off their _______  reputation.
323.        He had told us he felt nervous about the performance, but he seemed perfectly composed when he walked _______  the stage.
324.        According _______  the younger Henry's memoirs, he was better _______  martial arts than academic subjects and did not learn _______  read _______  later _______  life.
325.        Use major highways where traffic flow is separated _______  medians, and access is controlled _______  on-and off-ramps.
326.        The XRD samples were obtained _______  dropcasting the NCs _______  a miscut silicon substrate.
327.        During this period, he witnessed a Brocken spectre and glory, caused _______  the sun casting a shadow _______  a cloud _______  the observer.
328.        The symbols were pressed _______  soft clay tablets with the slanted edge _______  a stylus and so had a wedge-shaped appearance.
329.        If one _______  them could take a funny turn just _______  the race, that would be perfect.
330.        Behind is a huge, bright yellow full moon, and the grassy field underfoot is composed _______  green, blue, and brown.
331.        The Golden Plaza Tower, which also houses shops and a school, is crowned _______  the revolving restaurant.
332.        But once that has been sifted through, there is far more that is simply unbiblical and, without questioning the  _______  rity, misleading.
333.        The fight was stopped _______  the end _______  the fifth round due _______  Barrera suffering a cut _______  the first round, which resulted _______  a clash _______  heads.
334.        Charles pressed the left wing _______  the French army and hurled his men _______  the III Corps _______  Marshal Davout.
335.        Eventually there came a break _______  the cloud _______  and I spotted a reservoir which I thought I recognized _______  a previous flight.
336.        The very virtue that had made her overcruel _______  him _______  the _______  would have made her overkind _______  him _______  the future.
337.        Trade unions may be composed _______  individual workers, professionals, _______  workers, students, apprentices or the unemployed.
338.        Those tall red cliffs are hammered _______  the winter months _______  prevailing north-easterly winds that generate heavy seas.
339.        The interviewers must feel that some _______  the celebratedness rubs off _______  them.
340.        It was followed _______  the beginnings _______  a reformed liturgy and _______  the Book _______  Common Prayer, which would take _______  1549 _______  complete.
341.        As soon as he saw the gate _______  _______  _______  him, he put the car _______  drive and started driving toward it.
342.        He proposes _______  build a stone cairn six or seven feet high and 12 _______  14 feet across, either inside the fold or _______  _______  it.
343.        The genetic information also indicated that a second, Pleistocene migration _______  bison _______  the land bridge occurred 21,000 _______  45,000 years ago.
344.        Yes, we now use satellites _______  measure yardages, space-age fabrics keep us dry and entry signs are carved _______  stone _______  lasers.
345.        The Museum turned increasingly _______  private funds _______  buildings, acquisitions and other purposes.
346.        It was like a pink disk, flat, and inch across, a spiral pattern _______  tiny dots _______  its surface.
347.        Ho and Boothroyd studied the intraposition _______  a peg _______  a hole and the circumposition _______  a part with a hole _______  a peg.
348.        His months spent researching prison life gave him greater empathy _______  convicts.
349.        The origin _______  the feudum and why it replaced beneficium has not been well established, but there are multiple theories, described below.
350.        Like, twenty years _______  everyone was fat and happy. The Cold War was over, everyone was _______  peace, the U.S. was cruising along with a big surplus.
351.        When I wanted to, I could sit nude, as the entire yard was enclosed _______  a tall cement block fence that had been painted pink.
352.        Behind the towers would be an enclosed courtyard bordered _______  17 townhouses.
353.        In _______  _______  him were great piles _______  blackened eugarie shells, relics _______  _______  aboriginal feasts.
354.        Like capital acquisitions tax, all transfers _______  property _______  documents _______  spouses are exempt _______  stamp duty.
355.        If your birthday falls _______  June 22nd and July 23rd you are born _______  the sign _______  Cancer, the Crab.
356.        Guys do not want girls who are too nice _______  them, or girls they can walk all _______  and get too easily.
357.        Above the chimney lies the Black Pyramid, a triangle _______  notoriously unstable slabs _______  ice and rock _______  about 24,500 feet.
358.        It is claimed that there remains a substantial difference _______  that sum and the full amount _______  the loss.
359.        The number eight is a token _______  fortune _______  Chinese and has special favour _______  the country.
360.        Above all they want excellent service, competitive pricing and simple accounts with no strings attached.
361.        Beware _______  desperate steps. The darkest day, Live _______  to-morrow, will have passed away.
362.        The use _______  medication, most often beta blockers, falls _______  this source _______  self-efficacy.
363.        Nonetheless, I looked _______  the peephole _______  unbolting the door _______  admit Duncan.
364.        Above the thunderous whir _______  the aircraft rotors, Nelson and his buddies yelled back and forth, shooting the bull as the copter lifted off.
365.        They say there has been a spate _______  break-ins _______  parked vehicles _______  their area, which takes _______  a wide area _______  Pewsey _______  Netheravon.
366.        The 5ft 6in caretaker ballooned _______  25 st 5lb _______  bingeing _______  pies, crisps and chocolates as he struggled _______  come _______  terms with the tragedy.
367.        Jerry swung the _______  door open, a big toothy smile spread _______  his face.
368.        It's open _______  all, so go along and catch the end _______  a festival that demonstrates a rare collegiate collaboration, all _______  the name _______  art.
369.        Weena, I was glad _______  find, was fast asleep. I carefully wrapped her _______  my jacket, and sat down _______  her _______  wait _______  the moonrise.
370.        Above the wheelhouse, a big shoal _______  barracuda has appeared while we are below.
371.        His perimeter game has come _______  attack, but it's improving and he has worked tirelessly _______  bettering it.
372.        Under normal operation the water temperature could not exceed that _______  boiling water and kept the lead _______  its melting point.
373.        It snowballed _______  pirates and urban stations _______  the mainstream shows it's getting played _______  now.
374.        In oil wells, the fiber is wrapped _______  a metal sheath, which deforms _______  pressure or temperature changes and squeezes the gratings.
375.        Behind him _______  the other side _______  the trench, was a similar berm called the parados.
376.        The killer is the cost _______  fuel. Every time we pull out _______  here we have _______  go _______  a hundred miles.
377.        Above the fountain, one can see an eroded relief _______  a seated girl and a boy standing with a hoop and rod.
378.        Outside, it is protected _______  the English winter weather _______  yards _______  bubble wrap and a child's umbrella.
379.        I found him eventually _______  an obscure community station that kept breaking up with static and interference _______  taxi drivers.
380.        My sister and her entire family have just put deposits _______  homes _______  Seville _______  a village peppered with orange groves where life purrs along.
381.        His students and their successors studied his books, or _______  least paid lip-service _______  him, well _______  the 20th century.
382.        We sit tucked away _______  the handkerchief-sized canopy, shielding our fair Scottish skin _______  the scorching sun.
383.        Severe head scab may develop when planting wheat no-till _______  corn stubble.
384.        Henry was pushed _______  the defensive as French, Flemish and Angevin forces began _______  pillage the Normandy countryside.
385.        A left turn takes you along the 7-mile South Rim Rd., a paved road with a dozen panoramic overlooks, some with picnic areas and restrooms.
386.        He rose _______  his little nap _______  the middle _______  the street, then realized where he was, and what had happened _______  he blanked out.
387.        Now, when the first paroxysm _______  your grief is past, I would advise you _______  come with me, and we will never rest _______  the Corn Laws are repealed.
388.        Trainees work _______  a different section every week, moving _______  the cold section, hot section, pasta, grill, pastry, bakery, butchery and fish.
389.        To get around the British Army's postal censorship, the Tolkiens developed a secret code _______  his letters home.
390.        As the PM left the hotel _______  the airport, the ABC's political correspondent, ignoring security, headed him off _______  the door and apologised.
391.        Vehicle recovery specialists were put _______  the test _______  Trowbridge _______  Saturday after two accidents within the space _______  an hour.
392.        There's a little kid just _______  _______  _______  me not older than 9-years-old absolutely having the time _______  his life watching the gig _______  the dizzy heights _______  his dad's shoulders.
393.        The rising waters deposited silt and mud _______  the original land surface, covering and preserving it.
394.        A person who is charged with a crime is considered innocent _______  proved guilty.
395.        Clearly supported _______  a walking stick, I motioned _______  the driver _______  circle _______  and pick me up.
396.        Stimulation _______  these receptors _______  stretch or chemical agents triggers impulses along nonmyelinated vagal afferents.
397.        Ever _______  Sgt. Armstrong got too fat _______  pass his PT tests, he got promoted _______  desk pilot.
398.        At the library, archivist Michael Stephens says Romney may even end up with his own display case, right _______  the one _______  George.
399.        The physician merely waves an electronic wand _______  _______  _______  the patient's chest.
400.        Colgate closed its toothpaste factory _______  October 2008, _______  the A5066, and is now called Soapworks, _______  the former Pomona Docks _______  Ordsall.
401.        Behind the cross, crude propeller blades _______  whirligigs made _______  local artist R A Miller and planted _______  Windy Hill, spin and twirl _______  gusty days.
402.        It is a self-conscious feeling _______  insecurity about their own status and sense _______  purpose _______  society today.
403.        This problem was circumvented when the competitors agreed that the realm would be handed _______  _______  Edward _______  a rightful heir had been found.
404.        Trevithick also added a fusible plug _______  lead, positioned _______  the boiler just _______  the minimum safe water level.
405.        If you've ever asked yourself who stays _______  ratty motels off the highway _______  _______  malls, with Walmarts as the high shopping, here is the answer.
406.        They walked me _______  _______  the deeper end _______  the pool like pirates making their prisoner walk the plank.
407.        New Zealand were crowned world champions _______  the first time _______  24 years after squeezing _______  an inspired France team _______  a single point.
408.        Under the constitution, the Czech president is elected _______  a majority _______  both houses _______  parliament.
409.        There is also a public walkway along the top _______  the cliffs which passes directly _______  _______  _______  the house.
410.        Later tradition has his body moved _______  the church _______  San Giovanni della Pigna, _______  the pantheon.
411.        The new extension also met with opposition _______  the Mersey and Irwell Navigation, _______  the duke purchased a controlling interest _______  the company.
412.        So, I'll return _______  the dance and recording studios, work _______  my piano and music degree, and not _______  one second consider giving up.
413.        This monticule was known as the site where the splendid temple had been built centuries ago.
414.        The relative areas _______  these four types depends not only _______  the profile _______  the shoreline, but upon _______  water levels.
415.        Sir William Armstrong, the north-eastern armaments king, built himself an extraordinary country retreat _______  Cragside _______  the Northumbrian hills.
416.        There is also fresh evidence _______  the widespread rejection _______  GM foods _______  consumers.
417.        Anyhoo, I've run out _______  energy, and so any investigation _______  what _______  Earth the Council _______  Ministers is, will have _______  wait _______  some other time.
418.        They rode bikes up and down hills, they ran _______  fields, the kids jumping _______  mud wallows.
419.        I just think it would be better _______  all concerned if female toons _______  the board were toned down just a bit.
420.        The keeper who has a good head _______  pheasants is constantly _______  the watch _______  keep them _______  home.
421.        In 1889 a severe passenger train wreck occurred _______  Dijon, when a 2-4-2 engine derailed while going full speed downhill.
422.        The lawyer suggested that her resilience _______  police questioning showed that she had a mind _______  her own.
423.        He succeeds _______  persuading Krishna _______  go, not letting _______  that the real purpose was a plot _______  Kamsa _______  kill Krishna.
424.        Also, movement or development _______  diverse styles _______  fathering may be more the rule than the exception.
425.        After I'd had my fill _______  blowpipes, dripping foliage and poisonous frogs I flicked _______  _______  an article _______  peanut farming.
426.        The women and children cited _______  Coleman _______  the column appear _______  be housed _______  shelters.
427.        In 1995, Rowling finished her manuscript _______  Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone _______  an old manual typewriter.
428.        Next _______  the ramp, was a model wearing a short skirt and top, all woven _______  silk.
429.        The sentimental _______  these poems is continually voiced _______  others, written _______  allusion, or deflated _______  a turn _______  light verse.
430.        The end _______  the last glacial period was about 11,700 years ago, while the end _______  the last ice age has not yet come.
431.        In 1975 they got together a small group and went _______  _______  the UK _______  work the Irish music venues _______  a short tour.
432.        Actually, thinking back, it was the lady standing _______  _______  me that almost certainly smelled _______  cat wee.
433.        The order _______  presentation _______  these blocks was completely randomized _______  participants.
434.        How had McWilliams managed _______  get _______  a roof and drop down _______  the yard _______  a loyalist wing, _______  broad daylight, without being seen?
435.        There is that same absolutely beautiful girl sitting _______  a well upholstered chair _______  _______  a bassinet.
436.        Such vigilance is _______  witness _______  the power _______  Scripture and _______  Christ, as led _______  the Spirit.
437.        It's wonderful _______  see how she has grown as a person _______  going _______  college.
438.        It lies directly _______  Rotherham, _______  which it is separated largely _______  the M1 motorway.
439.        Inside the first three minutes _______  the second half Arsenal had the lead _______  one _______  their fine breaks.
440.        But Jason, as the sun sets, they wouldnt want _______  come _______  me as I WILL dezionize anyone instantly.
441.        With some notable exceptions, most Iberian early Bell Beaker burials are _______  or _______  the coastal regions.
442.        An undamaged cluster _______  two foot long straws hang _______  a shelf _______  rock topped with flowstone, and is well worth a visit.
443.        His kinswoman eventually sees the truth, which is a powerful moment equal _______  the best that the movie had _______  offer.
444.        He caught her as she went _______  and pulled her around. She threw up her hands and closed her good eye. Aiee, she cried. Aiee.
445.        Many will want _______  know how this Home _______  Gait beshapes itself, and would be amused _______  seeing my varied occupations _______  the _______  week.
446.        The Condolence ceremony _______  mourning is an important event _______  Iroquois society and is influenced _______  the Hurons ' Feast _______  the Dead.
447.        Richard becomes a kind _______  cartoon character _______  one point, marching like he's _______  a video game.
448.        The highest snowfall was _______  north-east Scotland where _______  two and four inches fell _______  high ground, but further snow is not expected today.
449.        However, the album never even made it _______  the record charts, and the critics ate her alive.
450.        Only a couple _______  days _______  I was compelled _______  take him off a case because his handling _______  it was so footling.
451.        The crushed ore, suspended _______  water was introduced _______  a central cone and spread outwards _______  a slightly inclined conical surface.
452.        It is _______  that context that the deduction _______  loss _______  earnings arises _______  relation _______  saved living expenses.
453.        I like _______  keep changing _______  midstream, staying _______  a while _______  one banner then floating ahead _______  another.
454.        Partick's chagrin, he suggests, might also fail _______  take _______  account a number _______  factors _______  work _______  these acquisitions.
455.        Folds, cleavages, tension gashes and stylolites were also taken _______  account.
456.        We came _______  a pair _______  agitated crested spinetails and a very active grey-throated leaftosser.
457.        The sensory nerve, arising _______  the branches _______  the superior laryngeal nerve, innervates the mucous membrane _______  the larynx.
458.        Time after time he got his head down and ripped _______  the heart _______  Newcastle, clipping the outside _______  a post with a rasping 25-yard drive _______  the end _______  one thrilling run.
459.        Two recent discoveries indicate probable very early settlements _______  the Thames _______  the London area.
460.        Salvador is located _______  the southernmost province _______  the impoverished northeast region _______  Brazil.
461.        When we arrived _______  100 New Orleans P.D. officers had already walked off the job.
462.        Both acts _______  wanton destruction were deliberately aimed _______  symbolically injuring the self-esteem _______  the targeted victims, _______  tremendous loss _______  innocent lives.
463.        In the _______  the basic national dish _______  the island was spuds and herrin, boiled potatoes and herring.
464.        The world number eight dropped a stroke _______  the par-four ninth when his drive ended _______  a tree down the left side _______  the fairway.
465.        So when you were ensconced _______  the law firm, looking out _______  the world _______  journalism and cartooning _______  particular, what did you make _______  the outside world?
466.        Behind the Cliffside Inn, I heard a fiddle and a mandolin, keeping rhythm _______  an old washboard and stomping _______  the floor.
467.        If the antecedent is more true than the consequent, then the conditional is less than the maximal truth _______  the difference _______  their values.
468.        He was placed third _______  last year's championship, hosted _______  the Jagorawi Golf Club _______  Bogor.
469.        Aits are typically formed _______  the deposition _______  sediment _______  the water, which accumulates _______  a period _______  time.
470.        No flaming flower relieved its black achromatism although that tree had been known long _______  _______  burst open with a three-hour glory.
471.        Avon has _______  been abolished, and several mainly urban areas have become unitary authorities.
472.        The young lady _______  the Range Rover emerges _______  the rest room with nary a hair out _______  place.
473.        The bill had been passed _______  both the houses _______  parliament _______  being signed _______  acting president Mian Mohammad Soomro.
474.        Prowling around the first tee _______  _______  _______  the stately Oakland Hills clubhouse there was a justifiable jauntiness _______  Westwood and Garcia's gait.
475.        The small Himalayan kingdom _______  Bhutan introduced a policy _______  Gross National Happiness more than twenty years ago.
476.        In many regions, people went inland _______  the end _______  August _______  hunt caribou _______  September or October.
477.        I am sure that heads will roll and fingers _______  disgrace will be pointed _______  the right direction but our country's future is _______  stake.
478.        The team will continue with their drills _______  the coach is satisfied with their performance.
479.        Rosaline Gallagher was there urging me _______  and I got great courage _______  that.
480.        Firstly, most comparable cars seen _______  Namibia had _______  180 000 km _______  the clock.
481.        Journalists _______  New Zealand are either _______  strike, or are planning walkouts _______  work contract negotiations.
482.        Thus rebuffed, he kissed the rod _______  the extent _______  asking the Committee what sort _______  proposal it would endorse.
483.        Coming off four heavy defeats _______  the bounce, his charges looked lamentably short _______  confidence.
484.        Sereia's chainplates were fiberglassed right _______  her hull, which is fine _______  one _______  them starts _______  rust.
485.        Mary continued _______  exhibit signs _______  pregnancy _______  July 1555, when her abdomen receded.
486.        Like many people my age I've got lots _______  CDs, and I've still got vinyl _______  the yard.
487.        We are going _______  create new jobs _______  bringing _______  new products and services _______  the community.
488.        These interactions are asymmetrically distributed about and along the helical axis.
489.        The welding load should be appreciably higher than _______  spot welding, because _______  the longer arc _______  contact _______  wheel and sheet.
490.        Gearhart is worth taking a bit _______  time _______  ogle the highborn homes along the backroads _______  the beach.
491.        The grey shirt with orange arms was held up _______  evidence _______  the witness box and displayed _______  the seven women and five men _______  the jury.
492.        It was founded _______  the end _______  1066 as part _______  the Norman Conquest _______  England.
493.        Nastja Ceh put Slovenia ahead _______  the 16th minute after curling a free-kick _______  a wall _______  defenders.
494.        Due _______  the chill brought _______  the surrounding rain, a large fire had been kindled _______  the fireplace _______  _______  her bed.
495.        Such entertainments offered alluring images _______  appealing stars surrounded _______  an abundance _______  consumer goods.
496.        My neighbour sooled her bull mastiff _______  my chihuahua, because she was sick _______  its yapping and wanted it _______  meet its demise.
497.        He is primarily focused _______  nabbing viewers aged 15-to-25 years, a demographic especially prone _______  on-demand, binge-viewing.
498.        They were instrumental _______  the rejuvenation _______  the river Torridge which was, _______  the time, heavily polluted _______  farm effluent.
499.        They suckle their calves _______  eighteen months, carry them _______  their backs when they are tired and gently guide them along with their flippers.
500.        Agatha retained custody _______  daughter Rosalind and the Christie name _______  her writing.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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