Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement - 3

Please complete the following sentences with a “ Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement ”.

Preposition of time
ü inside
ü used to show an exact position or particular place
ü table
ü events
ü place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)
ü attached
ü next to or along the side of (river)
ü used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it.
ü left, right
ü a floor in a house
ü used for showing some methods of traveling
ü television, radio
by, next to, beside, near
ü not far away in distance
ü in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects
ü at the back (of)
in front of
ü further forward than someone or something else
ü lower than (or covered by) something else
ü lower than something else.
ü above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other.
ü more than.
ü across from one side to the other.
ü overcoming an obstacle
ü higher than something else, but not directly over it
ü from one side to the other of something with clear limits / getting to the other side
ü from one end or side of something to the other
ü in the direction of
ü bed
ü towards the inside or middle of something and about to be contained, surrounded or enclosed by it
ü in the direction of, or closer to someone or something
ü used to show movement into or on a particular place
ü used to show the place where someone or something starts:
ü expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
Preposition of time
ü days
ü weekend (American English)
ü months / seasons / year
ü morning / evening / afternoon
ü period of time
ü night
ü weekend (British English)
ü used to show an exact or a particular time:
ü from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
ü used to show an amount of time.
ü back in the past; back in time from the present:
ü at or during a time earlier than
ü used when saying the time, to mean before the stated hour
ü telling the time
ü until a particular time, marking end of a period of time
ü used to show the time when something starts
till / until
ü up to (the time that)
ü not later than; at or before

Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1001.               Behind it stood a tall, middle aged male _______  a jet black suit, jet black dress shirt and gray tie.
1002.   If you have been _______  my Christmas list _______  a while, you are aware that both Momma and Daddy have not been well _______  the _______  three years.
1003.   Crusaders believed this _______  be against European Union competition law as well as a form _______  state aid _______  Linfield.
1004.   Gallarati studied properties _______  varieties whose tangent spaces meet certain linear subspaces along spaces _______  dimension higher than expected.
1005.   Veerappan, after being used _______  living _______  the jungle, couldn't recondition himself _______  the idea _______  migrating _______  concretized Chennai.
1006.   Furnham was speaking _______  advance _______  the release _______  a report _______  binge drinking _______  which he has contributed.
1007.   Rather than trying _______  bludgeon our way _______  it, or try and ignore it, we need _______  work with it a bit.
1008.   Jane admits _______  feeling much relieved _______  his presence, his warm voice and affection, _______  _______  her bed.
1009.   Under Napoleon, a new emphasis _______  the destruction, not just outmanoeuvring, _______  enemy armies emerged.
1010.   I only hope we'll be lucky, and the marketing mooks and midriffs will learn this _______  it comes crashing down _______  all _______  our heads.
1011.   Above all the health service should operate _______  a way that keeps patients out _______  acute hospitals, thus minimising costs.
1012.   The Transport Research Laboratory and Broadmoor Hospital are _______  Crowthorne _______  the Wokingham boundary.
1013.   By definition, the hanging wall occurs _______  the fault plane and the footwall occurs _______  the fault.
1014.   Boucher considered these tapestry cartoons, which belonged _______  Mine de Pompadour and hung _______  her chateau _______  Bellevue, _______  be among his happiest inventions.
1015.   It has long been established that there is a strong association _______  crime and deviant behavior and the breakdown _______  social bonds or norms.
1016.   It might just be the jagoff _______  the computer terminal _______  _______  you, but you're competing!
1017.   Gilly glowered soggily _______  him _______  _______  the overflowing basin, wielding a large sponge and a rather nasty-looking scrub brush.
1018.   This new method is a great advancement _______  _______  techniques.
1019.   Above the bead, a slim belt _______  baggy creases circled her round beneath her bosom and her cleavage was covered modestly.
1020.   Previously, AirTran flew non-stop flights _______  the cities only _______  Saturday.
1021.   Behind pocket doors, the formal dining room table sits _______  one _______  three fireplaces.
1022.   If the defendant signifies an intention _______  plead not guilty, proceedings _______  determine the mode _______  trial are held _______  magistrates.
1023.   A North American _______  birth, he spent 20 years _______  state and national politics _______  the US _______  moving _______  Indonesia.
1024.   His diving technique would certainly not be out _______  place _______  an Olympic pool.
1025.   Highway engineers also plan _______  put up fencing along large stretches _______  the bypass _______  stop newts, badgers and foxes _______  straying _______  the road.
1026.   The children _______  the poor were expected _______  help _______  the family budget, often working long hours _______  dangerous jobs _______  low wages.
1027.   Watch the flying fieldsman, Keen _______  save the fourer, Gallop _______  the wooden box Sacred _______  the scorer!
1028.   Megan had always been a pretty girl with deep red hair a nice body, but she considered herself barely ratable _______  _______  Lisa.
1029.   They make a joke _______  it, and look like little kids playing house _______  calling it a marriage.
1030.   He started learning _______  drive and he has been itching _______  opportunities _______  practice ever  _______  .
1031.   He would have much more _______  be cheerful about and _______  we knew it he would be full _______  the blarney, not _______  mention the Guinness.
1032.   Above all fascists and their friends found an echo _______  ruling circles _______  their pro-Hitler, anti-Jewish, anti-communist beliefs.
1033.   Naomi then steadied herself _______  a wide leg stance _______  _______  _______  the barbell, propped _______  chest-height _______  a metal stand.
1034.   As soon as darkness was complete, Olivia looked _______  the clock _______  her bed.
1035.   He rode _______  his black warhorse stood _______  Copper, grabbing her reigns so she could go no further toward Snowkeep.
1036.   She kneeled down _______  _______  him, clutched his throat and whispered a severe warning _______  him.
1037.   The Show which they call Lacone is a poem intermix with Epic and Dramatic, which lasts three days, _______  eight _______  the morning _______  seven _______  night.
1038.   Leaving my flat, tuna-nourished, I looked _______  both shoulders as I took the five minute walk.
1039.   I watched as her shadow fled _______  my sight _______  looking down _______  the cloth _______  finish folding it _______  a little compress.
1040.   Under the constitution, the Czech president is elected _______  a majority _______  both houses _______  parliament.
1041.   The witnesses should obtain and document the consenting person's name and relationship _______  the patient.
1042.   Most people try _______  put _______  least some distance _______  them and their parents, particularly if they've undergone a strict upbringing.
1043.   Shakespeare has left us a satiric portrait _______  the poet who writes verses _______  the yard _______  please a patron _______  Timon _______  Athens.
1044.   Depleted uranium is an extremely dense substance derived _______  enriched uranium.
1045.   Bryan, who is son _______  Michael and Carmel Reidy, went _______  New York _______  the early 1980s _______  a summer break _______  college.
1046.   Mark Gillingham heads the technology unit _______  the Great Books Foundation _______  Chicago.
1047.   Is this someone's way _______  telling us we're short _______  our annual allotment _______  carrots?
1048.   It was set _______  the mountain side, and trees bent _______  it, so that it's cove would be hidden _______  low hanging branches and leaves.
1049.   Frank Williams looked _______  Honda, which was developing its own turbocharged V6 engine with the Spirit team.
1050.   Kids play cricket _______  the road, young men idle _______  the edges, women scrub small wads _______  wet clothes _______  buckets _______  precious water.
1051.   As someone who has lived _______  both, I can assure you that there is a world _______  difference _______  the two conditions.
1052.   The three leopards represents the strength and courage Normandy has _______  the neighbouring provinces.
1053.   Bronchial asthma is a respiratory system condition _______  which the air tubes _______  the lungs become especially vulnerable _______  constriction.
1054.   This includes an increase _______  net migration _______  381,969 people _______  the Commonwealth _______  the 2010 census.
1055.   On dark, clear nights this absorption nebula stands prominently _______  _______  _______  the spectacular Milky Way.
1056.   The hay was gathered _______  the fields, and the cattle turned _______  the eddish.
1057.   Police found bullets and spent cartridges _______  the scene and believe a 9mm automatic pistol was used.
1058.   The cool-water assemblage was dominated _______  another species, which rejoiced _______  the glorious name Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.
1059.   For days afterwards, bodies continued _______  wash _______  the shores _______  the isles along with the wreckage _______  the warships and personal effects.
1060.   Cameron stepped _______  the gas harder, honked the horn _______  warn a group _______  teenagers who were considering stepping _______  the road right _______  _______  _______  him.
1061.   When I wanted to, I could sit nude, as the entire yard was enclosed _______  a tall cement block fence that had been painted pink.
1062.   Donna comes outside and sits _______  _______  me _______  the Adirondack chair I built _______  her the year I retired.
1063.   The rituals, which began _______  4 _______  the morning continued _______  evening and around 40 Acharyas were present _______  the sacred ceremony.
1064.   The nation appears _______  be split _______  the question _______  whether abortion should be available _______  demand or only _______  certain conditions.
1065.   John suffers continual rejection _______  his mother, who perceives and treats him markedly differently _______  his brother.
1066.   Brett Sales yanked the Cavalier's gear down _______  fifth _______  fourth _______  overtake the van _______  _______  _______  him _______  he reached the _______  roundabout.
1067.   Mrs. Jackson still kept doggie biscuits _______  her pockets, even though her furbaby had died two months ago.
1068.   Most _______  the applications were short and boring, but Jim's eyes instantly settled _______  the longest one.
1069.   I was putting away the short ball, hitting the forehands well and not missing anything _______  the backhand.
1070.   I was _______  secondary school and I somehow got it _______  my head that because I was good _______  sciences I should become an engineer.
1071.   Behind the counter there was a doorway _______  which Mike could see _______  the kitchen.
1072.   Rapid solution exchanges were accomplished _______  a series _______  flow pipes mounted _______  a piezoelectric bimorph _______  evoke NMDA receptor currents.
1073.   Almost any walk-in neighborhood medical clinic should see its business growing _______  the _______  decade.
1074.   Like _______  most industrialised nations, the print media have been affected _______  a severe crisis _______  the _______  decade.
1075.   She was listening rock music and rap _______  a small black radio that was _______  _______  her.
1076.   A popular maskandi artist, Phuzekhemisi, had _______  lessen the political influence within his music _______  be ready _______  the public sphere.
1077.   The Valley Station features accessible parking _______  the entrance and access _______  the station via a funicular-like lift device called an inclinator.
1078.   He wanted _______  keep shooting _______  the scrabbly old unpainted building came creaking and crashing down.
1079.   They gave up several recesses _______  the _______  few weeks _______  glue, color and do whatever was necessary _______  complete the mural.
1080.   Reggie woke her _______  a frightless slumber years _______  with a tarantula _______  a shoebox, disappointed when it didn't make her scream.
1081.   Above the pectoral is a long membranaceous scale equalling, or very nearly, the fin itself.
1082.   Behind these natural breastworks, the company fired repeated volleys _______  the approaching horsemen.
1083.   We need _______  teach students that bylines and datelines represent a pact _______  the reporter and the reader, viewer, or listener.
1084.   As scandals continue _______  unfold _______  _______  _______  him, they beg more questions than I am sure Scott Walker would like _______  answer.
1085.   I've ne'er heard his name named _______  I saw him go out _______  the yard as stout a man as ever trod shoe-leather.
1086.   My 'car' is my tricycle with 250watt electric assist via a hubmotor _______  the right rear wheel.
1087.   The table _______  shows the notional figures _______  seats won _______  each party _______  the last election.
1088.   It was three minutes _______  three postmeridian _______  the operating room _______  the new Wireless Station recently installed _______  the United States Naval Observatory.
1089.   She blanched with fear, as though her worst fears stood incarnate _______  her.
1090.   And if the taxi driver is upset that I blocked his path _______  all _______  30 seconds, well, as demonstrated I would have headed him off _______  the traffic lights anyway.
1091.   The difference _______  the two is simply one vowel point added _______  the Hebrew letter.
1092.   Behind stretched a rocky plateau, the one pale cafe au lait _______  colour, the other _______  deeply rusted iron.
1093.   We moved briskly along _______  the edge _______  Sloan's Lake, when Fred stopped short with such suddenness that he fairly yanked my arm out _______  the socket.
1094.   Wide fluctuations began _______  1998, when the kip was valued _______  about 6,200 _______  the U.S. dollar.
1095.   This is probably intended as a preliminary move _______  establishing an Amazon imprint.
1096.   All the time Jeremiah talked, Mathias edged closer _______  the body, making the girl seem _______  shrink and wither _______  the size _______  him.
1097.   The typhoon blew _______  _______  Vietnam and swept _______  the northeast region _______  Thailand.
1098.   Firefighters _______  blue watch _______  Sheffield Central fire station line up _______  _______  _______  one _______  their fire appliances.
1099.   Venture _______  York after the shops have shut and _______  the nightlife picks up, and something strange happens. You enter the twilight zone.
1100.   Yeager, herself a statuesque blond model and 30-time beauty pageant winner, was just as comfortable _______  _______  _______  the camera.
1101.   For their first date, he invited her _______  split a bottle _______  whiskey _______  a highway overpass.
1102.   Above all, it reconfirmed my feeling that I really was better off not going.
1103.   In a low pressure system the warm _______  is the first _______  pass over. This occurs when warm air meets cold air and the warm air rises _______  it.
1104.   The department planned _______  erect additional fencing along the runway _______  keep out stray animals.
1105.   Christie frequently used settings that were familiar _______  her _______  her stories.
1106.   She'd been sitting _______  _______  Peter Burt, head honcho _______  the Bank _______  Scotland.
1107.   Progress _______  these goals, which were _______  be met _______  2015, was ultimately uneven.
1108.   Behind one _______  the cameras a lizard scuttles up the wall and disappears down the other side.
1109.   Finally, _______  the self-absolutory strategy, a negative _______  is seen _______  have produced a negative present.
1110.   Parishes have not existed _______  Greater London _______  1965, but _______  2007 they could legally be created.
1111.   If there are weed seeds, weed debris, chaff or non-grain material, clean the grain _______  putting it _______  the bins.
1112.   Above all, she is associated with Twelfth Night and Epiphany, 5 and 6 January.
1113.   Stop perpetuating the idea that young women out _______  the lash and dressed _______  _______  _______  nothing are asking _______  it.
1114.   In the _______  couple _______  centuries, European monarchs without an official ordinal have been rarities.
1115.   For some moments I was lost _______  a succession _______  overbridges, retaining walls and manicured slopes along the gently winding superb new motorway.
1116.   In some cases, concrete and stone retaining walls and dikes are erected along banks _______  stave off overflow _______  heavy rain.
1117.   But how can it work _______  the threat _______  force _______  an aggressive militaristic power?
1118.   The Indian subcontinent drifted northeastwards, colliding with the Eurasian plate nearly 55 million years ago, _______  the end _______  Paleocene.
1119.   Instead _______  waiting _______  the car _______  warm up, it is better _______  drive the vehicle _______  low gear _______  the engine warms up.
1120.   A fortnight later, his body was laid _______  that _______  Sir Thomas More _______  the chapel _______  St Peter ad Vincula within the Tower _______  London.
1121.   Women are more likely _______  suffer _______  urinary incontinence than men, but both genders should be aware _______  the condition.
1122.   There are many lakes and moraines, legacies _______  the last glacial period, which ended about ten millennia ago.
1123.   Shops along the southern side _______  Union Street also need _______  be spruced up but are now the subject _______  intensive public debate.
1124.   The twelve _______  us must wait _______  tomorrow _______  we can retire _______  the jury room, discuss all that we have heard and finally reach a verdict.
1125.   They pounded _______  unburned grass _______  the up-gulch side _______  Dodge's fire so that Dodge's fire acted as a buffer _______  the main fire.
1126.   It was ruled that it was a possibility _______  the redevelopment _______  be classed as state aid _______  Linfield.
1127.   Agha Ghazanfar would be allowed _______  use the official residence and car _______  then but he would not interfere _______  administration matters, they added.
1128.   Cultivator teeth work _______  the surface, usually _______  weed control, whereas chisel plough shanks work deep beneath the surface.
1129.   He was told _______  wait _______  the adjoining cloakroom but, unbeknown _______  his teacher, sprinted outside and _______  the school gates.
1130.   We only just managed _______  finish _______  time _______  working _______  full stretch _______  first thing _______  the morning.
1131.   The cops responded with what sounded like stun grenades and more tear gas which promptly blew back _______  their faces.
1132.   Mr. Prayter was a thorough-going cleric _______  the way _______  eating. He ate _______  there was nothing left.
1133.   Through the tiny window I watched the pensioners shuffling _______  with their yappy dogs, the parking inspectors _______  the prowl.
1134.   Now hardly anybody works _______  Saturday mornings and cars and buses are freely available _______  make the short journey _______  Ibrox or Parkhead.
1135.   The second point is that the difference _______  a viable and a non-viable project is generally less than clear-cut.
1136.   Once they have access _______  the telephone system, the hackers are able _______  reconfigure it and then make as many calls as they want.
1137.   Above him, a massive scale model _______  the solar system rotated, its sun casting a bright ray that ricocheted around the entire room.
1138.   I was concerned _______  the degree _______  animosity displayed _______  the witness box _______  the respondent _______  the applicant.
1139.   Devizes should have its own town centre manager _______  spearhead efforts _______  rejuvenate retail activity _______  late August or early September.
1140.   He waited _______  the other two were out _______  sight _______  walking _______  his own car and driving _______  the craft workshop _______  Catford.
1141.   To the side I heaped up a pile _______  purple orach, and _______  course we set out piles _______  business cards and brochures along with an open photo album.
1142.   Mr. Guirl is a native _______  Indiana, and his partner, Mr. H. A. Daggett, who was born _______  Maine, joined him _______  Clay City about six years ago.
1143.   She turned her gaze away _______  the transfixing sight _______  her and glanced _______  Cinaed, who was half-dozing _______  a chair.
1144.   Goodyear Dunlop had their only UK car tyre factory _______  _______  the Tanfield site _______  its 2006 closure.
1145.   I had first heard _______  ice golf two summers earlier, while traveling _______  the midnight sun _______  northern Scandinavia.
1146.   Much _______  the lower slopes are mantled _______  thick deposits _______  glacial _______  or boulder clay dating _______  the last Ice Age.
1147.   In the Old World, humans learned _______  smelt metals _______  prehistoric times, more than 8000 years ago.
1148.   Behind him the ship's company, some carrying red roses, streamed down the brows _______  reunite with their loved ones.
1149.   Reaching the sitting area, he grinned _______  Jake and flopped _______  another chair, chafing his hands _______  get a modicum _______  feeling back _______  them.
1150.   I found photo albums and home videos strewn all _______  the family room floor, picture frames _______  the walls akimbo and beds unmade.
1151.   I can make neutrons dance _______  a new tune, but I shrink _______  telling a human tick _______  fasten _______  someone else.
1152.   It has risen slightly _______  around 9,000  _______  , largely due _______  the development _______  the Barbican Estate.
1153.   In Luxembourg only voters _______  the age _______  75 and those who are not physically handicapped or chronically ill have the legal obligation _______  vote.
1154.   He crawled over, among the power tools and nails and spikes and dangerous edges, and slid the bolt across.
1155.   She led me _______  the door _______  a smaller room containing a sofa and chairs with a beautiful desk and bookcase.
1156.   Under his chairmanship, the meeting would erupt, voices would crackle and snap, then subside _______  chuckles and nods.
1157.   The work opens with a beguiling play _______  diagonal white lines _______  a black screen, entering _______  irregular moments.
1158.   He stuck candles _______  wine bottles _______  each _______  his artfully mismatched tables.
1159.   The photographs were taken _______  a hidden spot _______  a public road which passes _______  _______  _______  the chateau.
1160.   Just slide the daughtercard _______  the audioboard connectors and plug the audio card _______  your computer.
1161.   When I was an apprentice many years ago, the 125 used _______  come _______  Markinch station _______  Fife _______  1.27pm every weekday.
1162.   During its path along the template, RNA polymerase may encounter positions where it hesitates and pauses _______  a variable period _______  time.
1163.   The Kadzik garden has two personalities, divided _______  the brick path and flanking boxwood hedges.
1164.   If you were _______  a spaceship and you passed _______  the Earth's umbra you would not be able _______  see any part _______  the Sun.
1165.   The drawing _______  mandalas or yantras _______  the high traditions, floor and wall paintings _______  women _______  folk traditions, all display a magical structure.
1166.   Behind this lies a genuine satiric point about the booming heritage industry's dependence _______  quaint appellations and sentimental conservation.
1167.   Throughout most _______  the day, when the plant is transpiring, these vessels will contain water _______  substantial hydraulic tension.
1168.   Most bills were _______  2006 considered _______  Standing Committees, which consisted _______  _______  16 and 50 members.
1169.   Catwalks extended _______  the open spaces _______  me which were filled with machinery _______  different kinds.
1170.   Above the clerical collar encircling his neck, his face bears the weathered scars and wrinkles indicative _______  someone who has survived mean times.
1171.   And, along with African violets and streptocarpuses I have chiritas, an espicia, an alsobia, sinningias and columneas.
1172.   An immediate, but quickly rejected option is _______  drop the selling price _______  10 percent.
1173.   Click here _______  see a photo _______  Galbraith and Fairchild posing _______  _______  _______  barbed wire that marked off mines _______  the zone.
1174.   The United States has a birth rate _______  13 per 1,000, which is 5 births _______  the world average.
1175.   An old hag _______  _______  the isle grinned toothlessly _______  me as he left and said something I couldn't understand.
1176.   The launch _______  the spacecraft was aborted yesterday just 20 seconds _______  blast-off.
1177.   The centuries would vote, one _______  a time, _______  a measure received support _______  a majority _______  the centuries.
1178.   Instead, he ruled _______  a 'nominated assembly' which he believed would be easy _______  the Army _______  control, _______  Army officers did the nominating.
1179.   As April arrived the lake water level rose _______  a couple _______  feet after a sustained period _______  rain.
1180.   Christie's father Frederick was a member _______  the American upper class, and had been sent _______  Switzerland _______  his education.
1181.   Beth Orton has latched her acoustica _______  the Chemical Brothers electronica with surprising results.
1182.   Twice Cheadle defenders misplaced passes _______  Hoyle who sent Longley _______  _______  both occasions.
1183.   The old town _______  Warsaw has been painstakingly reconstructed _______  photographs, down _______  the most minute detail.
1184.   Above all, these works set as their priorities artifice and visual pleasure.
1185.   And, as the secured creditor has consented _______  the payment, no recoupment _______  the money paid is possible.
1186.   In polytheism various religious views and values are recognized, and are thought _______  as moving _______  their mutual existence.
1187.   There was more _______  the same _______  the third set as the Belgian displayed some stylish tennis _______  race _______  the lead.
1188.   Another important practice is maintaining the pressure _______  the underground gasifier _______  that _______  the surrounding groundwater.
1189.   I have seen far too many people give up too quickly _______  their programs after a few short weeks.
1190.   Some other scholars have argued that it may have derived _______  a script used _______  a non-Chinese people living nearby, called the Yao.
1191.   Above all, I want _______  make sure that I'm observing everything as objectionably as possible that you know how you'll respond as a person.
1192.   Her headmaster _______  St Michael's, Alfred Dunn, has been suggested as the inspiration _______  the Harry Potter headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
1193.   More than one stallion can be housed _______  the same roof, but they should all have separate paddocks or grazing patches.
1194.   And when she reached _______  her head _______  tie her hair, Ric could see the shapely curves _______  her body which made him a little hot _______  the collar.
1195.   He stood _______  _______  the other garden, _______  a bush _______  pale Michaelmas daisies, watching the last bees crawl _______  the hive.
1196.   Graphical charts can be generated _______  the fly _______  this data or generated as static pages _______  scheduled intervals.
1197.   We sat _______  enough meetings _______  know they were getting a raw deal and they hadn't the money or the clout _______  fight back.
1198.   The GP later told her he had given her the kiss _______  life after she had turned blue following a life-threatening reaction _______  the painkilling drug.
1199.   She walked _______  _______  the large wardrobe that lined the wall _______  the cove and the windows.
1200.   Above all else, it is an extended, high-spirited, ludic exploration _______  human language-making.
1201.   We have not gotten off that, which is why we're short _______  equipment and personnel and training.
1202.   Above the doorways, cherubs cluster around rich pediments and everywhere there is the sparkle _______  freshly-applied 24-carat gilding.
1203.   A template is simply the cut-out outline _______  a board traced _______  a permanent material such as cardboard, particle-board, Plexiglas, or masonite.
1204.   Michael's beloved bike is blue _______  the _______  and silver _______  the back, with red writing across.
1205.   Similar trickery explains why the Government wants _______  criminalise the wearing _______  face paint or silly masks _______  demonstrations.
1206.   There were no independent witnesses _______  the accident which occurred _______  the main Cork-Bandon road.
1207.   She unbraided her hair, running her fingers _______  it _______  carefully brushing it.
1208.   Achieving highly precise longitude remained a problem _______  geography _______  the application _______  Galileo's Jovian moon method _______  the 18th century.
1209.   It was not _______  1837, however, that the state's first legislature passed a comprehensive slave code _______  regulate slaves, slavery, and free blacks.
1210.   Sure enough, he gave us a right old walloping _______  _______  _______  the press, claiming that Jack had never had any deal _______  the table.
1211.   Little Johnny's late _______  school again, and sidles _______  the classroom just _______  lunch.
1212.   Other people connected with the Scottish renaissance, not mentioned previously, are listed below.
1213.   After midnight _______  daybreak I expect the rain _______  become most steady with the warm _______  directly _______  southern New England.
1214.   Her rapid-fire delivery and syncopation allows her _______  coast _______  hardcore beats as she drops science with her new school feminism.
1215.   Wincing as a sliver _______  pain traveled down his body, he looked _______  _______  the little analog clock set _______  the desk lamp.
1216.   I decided _______  dwell overnight _______  this capital _______  the north country _______  the camping site _______  the swimming pool and elementary school.
1217.   History does not record stitched garments _______  a fairly late date but garments made _______  fine cloth, with intricate weaves and designs, were very much part _______  ancient India.
1218.   Also, these synthetic blankets, like paper and plastic sheeting, must be overlapped, taped, and weighted _______  stay _______  place _______  windy conditions.
1219.   She was head girl _______  Musselburgh high school and that ethos lingers.
1220.   The work consists _______  a monoprint _______  herself sitting _______  a chair with the stones lined up _______  the drawing _______  a vitrine.
1221.   The substances were mixed _______  various proportions _______  an optimum was reached.
1222.   The family Elephantidae is known _______  have existed six million years _______  _______  Africa, and includes the living elephants and the mammoths.
1223.   Hurrying _______  _______  818, she was not very surprised _______  find the door slightly ajar.
1224.   They demand a strict demarcation _______  police duties and intelligence duties.
1225.   These waves can race _______  the ocean like the crack _______  a bullwhip, gaining momentum _______  thousands _______  kilometers.
1226.   This water flows back _______  the lake down an artificial weir and man-made stream _______  re-enter the lake _______  three outlets along the island bank.
1227.   The rock and soil debris may even move _______  very shallow slopes, resulting _______  a large accumulation _______  head _______  the valley bottom.
1228.   They may outlive their friends who can give insights _______  their achievements and character.
1229.   A single striker was aided _______  breaks _______  the wide players whenever they dared.
1230.   When a mother yapok dives underwater, her baby is saved _______  drowning _______  a waterproof pouch.
1231.   The only reason why you might want _______  rebel against your culture was because you had been got _______  _______  some western liberals who've put these different ideas _______  your head.
1232.   Walk _______  it _______  say goodbye one last time _______  the movers come and box everything up.
1233.   Edward remained _______  captivity _______  March, and even after his release he was kept _______  strict surveillance.
1234.   Six riders broke _______  a lead group _______  15 and worked well together _______  maintain a healthy advantage going _______  the run.
1235.   It's very clear that those six stories differ _______  stories where a person speaks _______  a mouthpiece, like a lawyer or a family member.
1236.   The vocal writing ranges _______  straightforward singing, Sprechstimme, and speech, depending _______  the dramatic role that the music must play.
1237.   Most are arrivals _______  the _______  century, while some are descendants _______  earlier Spanish Jews.
1238.   On 7 September RAF aircraft losses fell _______  British production and remained so _______  the end _______  the war.
1239.   He put two frag grenades, two smoke grenades and two chaff grenades _______  their respective compartments.
1240.   Students planning _______  returning _______  the United States _______  another co-op term must now kiss that opportunity goodbye.
1241.   We stood _______  the deck and watched dolphins swim _______  the ship.
1242.   Boaters get _______  know the lakers _______  name and recognize their silhouettes, even their whistle sounds.
1243.   It is a familiar London landmark which has _______  given its name _______  a tube station.
1244.   Most _______  these communities continued _______  follow their traditional occupations and customs _______  the 20th century.
1245.   When removing the pepper _______  the vine, cutting or breaking it off work equally as well.
1246.   Months _______  a tunnel was clogged with a fatberg. It took a team _______  workers a month _______  move it.
1247.   Everyone thought she was well _______  a sudden relapse sent her back _______  the hospital.
1248.   The town's most famous bridge, though, is the Transporter Bridge, built _______  100 years ago.
1249.   English commercial and territorial expansion would be limited _______  the signing _______  the Treaty _______  London the year following Elizabeth's death.
1250.   The rink was abustle with activity, even _______  the small walkways running _______  the rink.
1251.   As manual labour they had status _______  the gauchos and the Argentine, Chilean and European landowners and administrators.
1252.   A _______  cloudless sky and a light north-easterly breeze made it feel more like a day _______  early June than _______  October.
1253.   Water leakage may soak _______  the concrete masonry backup walls or _______  sheathing _______  steel stud backup walls.
1254.   Just _______  the 19.30 sets off _______  a north-easterly direction _______  King's Cross, she'll be standing _______  the door trying _______  keep order.
1255.   She is a cuddly sort _______  cat, and has been raised _______  the tender ministrations _______  three kids.
1256.   Continental Airways is also planning the first non-stop flight _______  USA and India.
1257.   As the solar wind _______  the sun flows out beyond Pluto, it collides with the material _______  the stars, forming a shock front.
1258.   Aid began pouring _______  yesterday, with the Red Cross sending 400 first-aid kits _______  the affected area.
1259.   When his turn came _______  speak, Jacob pushed his feet as far as he could _______  his desk _______  he started.
1260.   We slipped her out _______  the grass _______  avoid landing _______  the hard surface and made a very smooth landing _______  one wheel and one wing tip.
1261.   The police brought him in, gave him a blank sheet _______  write down what he did the day before, and then released him.
1262.   The orientation _______  the valley means that you will find flat calm water _______  200 _______  300m offshore, even _______  a north-east gale.
1263.   The probe was rinsed with sterile normal saline _______  measurements _______  each raft.
1264.   Three years later, the only remaining coal pit _______  the region was Maltby Colliery _______  Rotherham.
1265.   There is a lot _______  trickery going _______  _______  the carnival, as Ben quickly discovers.
1266.   Later the same year, Witness _______  the Prosecution received an Edgar Award _______  the MWA _______  Best Play.
1267.   The overall atmosphere created _______  the film is an important part _______  its allure.
1268.   The shiny brass trumpet that Pop bought was his golden ticket out _______  Poorville and _______  the streets _______  the three F's Fame, Fortune and Freedom.
1269.   I want a strong man _______  walk _______  me _______  the water's edge as the sun sets _______  the ocean.
1270.   Amy gave her a wan smile, and moved _______  stand _______  her. her eyes were red _______  crying, and her armour was mangled _______  more than a few places.
1271.   As April arrived the lake water level rose _______  a couple _______  feet after a sustained period _______  rain.
1272.   From April _______  July 1917, he was _______  charge _______  ordering supplies _______  the Air Ministry _______  the Royal Air Force.
1273.   All the matters alleged _______  the applicant had been put _______  the witness _______  the police and been denied.
1274.   And _______  a trice he has clambered _______  the kitchen dresser and is reaching _______  the top shelf.
1275.   Matters came _______  a head _______  1833, the year _______  which the canal made its lowest profit _______  the death _______  the Duke.
1276.   If any invoice was sent without an order having been placed, this would be _______  breach _______  the Unsolicited Goods and Services Act.
1277.   They all pay their money and are immediately blindfolded, whereupon they are asked _______  make polite conversation with the person _______  _______  them.
1278.   Don't unbuckle your seat belt _______  the flight attendant says it is safe _______  move around the cabin.
1279.   The post-Ranjit Singh period witnessed certain developments when attempts were made _______  revert _______  the Khalsa tradition.
1280.   He jogged up _______  walk _______  me, his tie untied, the top two buttons _______  his shirt undone, his sleeves pushed up _______  his elbows.
1281.   The main campus _______  Imperial College was constructed _______  the buildings _______  the Imperial Institute _______  South Kensington.
1282.   We lay _______  her bed with our arms round each other and just talked and kissed _______  way _______  two.
1283.   We can imagine a private quarrel _______  two people or two groups whose differences are based upon misunderstandings.
1284.   About 450 million years ago, a meteor struck north-central Oklahoma, creating an impact crater - an astrobleme - more than eight miles wide.
1285.   Some modern scholars claim the _______  universality _______  the accusations _______  ancient texts lends credence _______  the crime.
1286.   Johen waved a hand _______  the quadrangle _______  low buildings _______  _______  _______  them, set around a cobbled yard.
1287.   It is hoped that the examples _______  missionaries who have died will encourage others _______  witness _______  the Faith _______  their vocation _______  life.
1288.   Some people swung their cars round and tried _______  head him off _______  the other side _______  the playing fields.
1289.   One couple run _______  the killer who is hideously scarred _______  a very bad latex effect.
1290.   After Caesar's conquest _______  Gaul, a thriving trade developed _______  Southeast Britain and the _______  Continent.
1291.   Some Miao even migrated _______  the Chinese border _______  Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, Thailand, and Burma.
1292.   Behind the mosque's central arch was a carved marble balcony, where _______  better days a maulvi had stood _______  address the assembled villagers.
1293.   Binge drinkers are _______  be shown CCTV _______  their behaviour _______  a bid _______  change their habits and ease pressure _______  hospitals.
1294.   Left wing politicos would do well _______  start campaigning _______  the local level now and get a head start _______  their opponents.
1295.   We declined the offer _______  sandwiches because we expected head chef Simon Burns would test our tastebuds _______  dinner.
1296.   The 20 guests _______  the party mark their ballots according _______  the table below.
1297.   Despite his remaining wariness _______  her, he moved _______  stand _______  her, leading the dog _______  him.
1298.   Or, is the writer just subscribing _______  the notion that an at-home scene plays well and serves _______  stir the kishkes?
1299.   The resulting social upheaval driven _______  these changes serves as the setting _______  the main story.
1300.   Prosecutors tried _______  protect the accuser's privacy _______  Colorado's rape shield law.
1301.   On 26 November 2008, Pratchett met the Prime Minister Gordon Brown and asked _______  an increase _______  dementia research funding.
1302.   They had managed _______  brave the strong winds and _______  make the short journey down Main Street _______  foot.
1303.   I was _______  _______  _______  him trying _______  talk him out _______  it but he was just looking _______  me with a blank stare _______  his face.
1304.   New timber settings were constructed _______  the north-eastern entrance and _______  the central area.
1305.   Next week, the place I work has its corporate performance assessment which I've blathered about plenty _______  times _______  now.
1306.   We waited another minute, _______  finally we heard keys jangle and a masculine throat-clearing.
1307.   Fears drug users and ex-offenders could be housed _______  an old people's sheltered complex _______  Leigh have been dismissed _______  council chiefs.
1308.   Amy braced, but was still blown backwards _______  the strong wind, tumbling head _______  heels and desperately trying _______  right herself or _______  least control her movements.
1309.   The city has become a founding National Science City with the creation _______  a science park _______  the University _______  York.
1310.   The tennis prodigy offers a refreshingly impolite blast _______  his critics _______  the US Open _______  heading home.
1311.   Other burhs were sited _______  fortified royal villas, allowing the king better control _______  his strongholds.
1312.   Above all, though, the list reflects wines with elegance and sophistication and individuality.
1313.   I was put up _______  a villa that stood _______  stilts _______  the sea and which required a short journey _______  boat _______  reach _______  the main resort itself.
1314.   If the name rings no bell, it may be only that he works far _______  such centers _______  nerviness as Wall Street, Hollywood, or Silicon Valley.
1315.   The Seagulls had three goals _______  the board _______  a twinkling, running _______  an 18-point lead _______  the Rebels finally scored just _______  the break.
1316.   It controls many perennial weeds and pushes back the growth _______  other weeds _______  the following spring.
1317.   He gets paid _______  draw cartoon characters, and he's good _______  it.
1318.   Both were white women with a college education, and both used prescription opiate drugs along with heroin.
1319.   I visit here every Valentine's _______  pay my respects and tell her what's been going _______  _______  my life.
1320.   He seized the heel _______  black bread that was resting _______  _______  the bowl, scraped out the inside, and dipped it _______  the soup.
1321.   In the last study, countries scored medium, _______  or _______  the average scores _______  three fields studied.
1322.   To kill 30000 head _______  game _______  a season _______  Sandringham, even with help, required application _______  a kind.
1323.   Plumes _______  warm surface water migrate _______  the bank along its eastern edge, providing subtropical surface water _______  the Indian Ocean.
1324.   Some _______  the songs are also too long and would benefit _______  shorter instrumental breaks.
1325.   Every day provides plenty _______  opportunities _______  witness _______  the life _______  Christ _______  me and _______  die _______  myself so that I can care _______  others!
1326.   The varying concentration and shape _______  the yardangs _______  this area may be controlled _______  the motion _______  winds around these topographic features.
1327.   Dr. Schafer uses a local anesthetic combined with a mild intravenous sedative _______  making an incision a few millimeters long _______  each arm.
1328.   Nudibranchs are found everywhere, and just _______  _______  _______  the jetty, jawfish peer out _______  their holes, with mouthfuls _______  eggs.
1329.   It is too hot _______  eat much, so we lunch _______  bananas and the gache loaf bought the previous day, and set off _______  Guernsey _______  half _______  one.
1330.   There were many successful battles that helped Spain secure its dominance _______  America _______  the 19th century.
1331.   In 1984, a Beaker period copper dagger blade was recovered _______  the Sillees River _______  Ross Lough, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
1332.   I went north along the coast _______  a few hours _______  the land became hilly and rocky.
1333.   Let the garbage pile up _______  a couple weeks _______  single-family homes _______  tonier parts _______  town, though, and heads will roll.
1334.   Merissa slowed _______  a walk as she neared the older woman, coming _______  a gasping, wheezing stop _______  _______  _______  her.
1335.   Signs _______  _______  industry are visible along the whole length _______  the estuary especially _______  the Welsh side.
1336.   In the camp, _______  the glowing remains _______  three watchfires, paired sentries sat _______  heaps _______  skins, talking _______  low tones and passing wineskins _______  hand _______  hand.
1337.   The strike action, which was intended _______  topple the government, shut down most transport _______  the country.
1338.   He leaped _______  her but she just kicked him away _______  blasting out an exit _______  the wall.
1339.   However, _______  the Destruction _______  the Second Temple, about two thousand years ago, taking Nazirite vows was a common feature _______  the religion.
1340.   The compere came _______  the stage holding the gold envelope that contained the winner's name.
1341.   For a businessman who has the profit motive as the prime interest, it is a losing proposition _______  offer _______  or _______  market wages _______  workers.
1342.   The College Buttery is located _______  the Hall Screens and the Old Kitchen.
1343.   The present Guildhall is a reconstruction necessitated _______  damage _______  the original during the Second World War.
1344.   The bibliographically minded should note that the book was first issued _______  the present subtitle alone.
1345.   This, together with his love _______  Tudor and Stuart music, helped shape his compositional style _______  the rest _______  his career.
1346.   There are currently some 1,200 aircraft movements per day _______  the area.
1347.   Then the Gutes were sending many messengers _______  Sweden, but none _______  them succeeded _______  negotiating a peace, _______  Awair Strabain _______  Alva parish.
1348.   As much as I love him, keeping him _______  his place _______  the show kept me _______  my toes.
1349.   Behind them trailed a small escort _______  equally benumbed guardsmen, every one with weapons, if not _______  hand, then _______  the ready.
1350.   Rumor once had it that Larry Poons used a catapultlike device _______  hurl paint _______  upright canvases.
1351.   A design is sketched _______  paper, often _______  a religious theme, and this is traced _______  the clay.
1352.   The study included a group _______  20 non-smoking, healthy volunteers, equally divided _______  men and women.
1353.   Every piece _______  the hard rock had _______  be blasted out _______  being broken up with pick and shovel.
1354.   In 2003, Rowling took part _______  a campaign _______  establish a national standard _______  care _______  MS sufferers.
1355.   I was far _______  my normal spot _______  _______  the window, but didn't partially mind the getaway _______  Marie who always tried _______  jack my seat.
1356.   The press stabilized English _______  a push _______  standardization, led _______  Chancery Standard enthusiast and writer Richard Pynson.
1357.   Above us a rataplan _______  thunder sounded _______  a swollen sky that still stubbornly refused _______  yield its rain.
1358.   I've often argued _______  Castillo, citing a five-year streak _______  solid OBP numbers, along with good speed, and solid defense.
1359.   It was the same Government which made a plea _______  the Supreme Court that the scheme could not be run as they were short _______  money!
1360.   I thought I was about _______  be introduced when Katy began jabbering away about Murphy, my dog, who was sitting _______  the floor _______  _______  me.
1361.   The hills dip steeply forming a scarp _______  the Thames valley _______  the north, and dip gently _______  the south.
1362.   The Encyclopaedia continued _______  be published _______  Edinburgh _______  1898, when it was sold _______  an American publisher.
1363.   Behind him was a deer with great horns that twisted and turned _______  every direction.
1364.   As we waited out the weather _______  the shelter _______  the porch roof he began talking.
1365.   Republicans _______  the city had feared _______  the future _______  the administration.
1366.   It turned out that an adjacent quarry owned mineral rights _______  their new land.
1367.   The averages table _______  is _______  largest settlement Kirkwall's weather station.
1368.   It may pass _______  the clavicle and open _______  the cephalic, subclavian, or internal jugular.
1369.   This _______  February, an EMEA committee rejected ATryn, considering the five surgical cases that GTC offered insufficient.
1370.   The air _______  a warm _______  is generally warmer and more moist than the air ahead _______  it.
1371.   But then one day, a mischievous monkey landed with a purposeful plop right _______  a capy's back!
1372.   Behind this man, _______  the background, women dressed _______  traditional black clothing are assembled _______  single file lines.
1373.   The lateral surface _______  the dentary is strongly chamfered along the posterior half _______  its length.
1374.   The lower ranking officer retaliates _______  slapping the foot solider _______  _______  him.
1375.   This interpretation is very worrying _______  environmentalists because it fails _______  distinguish _______  toxic and non-toxic products.
1376.   Despite a brief revival during the British civil wars, the reivers had disappeared _______  the end _______  the 17th century.
1377.   The store has lost a significant amount _______  business _______  the factory closed.
1378.   He argues that almost everywhere, whether Asia, Africa or Europe, _______  50,000 years _______  all the stone tools are much alike and unsophisticated.
1379.   Once the boats round the windward mark again they are _______  the fourth and final leg where they race downwind _______  the finish _______  hope _______  winning.
1380.   Behind him the cage was being opened and animal handlers with restraints moved in.
1381.   Air Products have a main HQ off the A534 _______  central Crewe _______  the Virgin Trains training academy.
1382.   Growth spurts and increased eating are normal _______  two and four months _______  age.
1383.   He was later seen trying _______  hide the imitation weapon _______  the seat _______  a minicab, which was stopped _______  armed police officers looking _______  him.
1384.   Several _______  his musicals have run _______  more than a decade both _______  the West End and _______  Broadway.
1385.   Fittingly, the latter portrait hangs _______  the kitchen _______  an assortment _______  decorative dishware.
1386.   It is almost 50 years _______  Western dancers first tried _______  cure the Russians _______  this crashingly vulgar habit.
1387.   The table _______  demonstrates how three or four battlegroups make up a brigade and three or four brigades make up a division.
1388.   More than a million wells have been fracced _______  the United States _______  the first frac job six decades ago.
1389.   But she refused _______  look weak _______  _______  _______  him, even though she was quaking _______  the inside.
1390.   Lost Tales represented Tolkien's attempt _______  create a mythology _______  England, a project he would abandon without ever completing.
1391.   Few people _______  Rowshan regularly read Khowar works, however, and their attitudes _______  the value _______  written Khowar are ambivalent.
1392.   In 2010, worked flints were discovered _______  the remains _______  the Folkestone Roman Villa.
1393.   In the smoky darkness, a rotten floor gave way, and Kruger, 54, fell _______  a stone sub-basement filled with eight feet _______  water.
1394.   Danny had christened himself the Italian Stallion years _______  _______  reference _______  his family's Italian heritage and the name had stuck.
1395.   In the most common ballot design, they place a '1' _______  their most preferred candidate, a '2' _______  their second most preferred, and so on.
1396.   The messages, the judge held, were inadmissible _______  New York State's rape shield law because they had _______  do with the accuser's sexual conduct.
1397.   Except _______  furtive movements _______  individual submarines and minelayers, not a dog stirred _______  August _______  November.
1398.   Above the archway that bears his head, David Sassoon, merchant prince, unrolls the pageant _______  the city's past.
1399.   Above all the book recalls some _______  the village's characters _______  days long past.
1400.   In his scenes _______  decline and madness _______  the end _______  the play some critics found him less moving than his finest predecessors _______  the role.
1401.   The filmmakers were making a break _______  the ironclad Soviet cinematic ideology.
1402.   Their recreation area is a yard, measuring 45 feet _______  20, with a steel mesh covering _______  top.
1403.   American naval and amphibious forces also moved _______  Japan, taking Iwo Jima _______  March, and Okinawa _______  the end _______  June.
1404.   History is witness _______  the fact that _______  that time also some extremists had incited local people _______  ignite the fire _______  riots.
1405.   The clothes he wore one day he did not wear again _______  three or four days later.
1406.   Above the navy skirt, she wore a white collared, long-sleeved blouse and matching blue knit sweater vest.
1407.   Some watering holes continue _______  run merrily _______  late _______  the night while everyone knows that _______  the dancing-singing bars, the deadline is dawn!
1408.   One third _______  UK households are living _______  what is considered an adequate income according _______  the JRF research.
1409.   This is the definition that is used _______  the UK Government's Department _______  Work and Pensions _______  its yearly survey Households _______  average income.
1410.   The Asian wart snakes _______  India, south east Asia, New Guinea and Australia have scales that lie _______  _______  each other and each have a sharp ridge.
1411.   This computer method calculates the amount _______  damaged tissue _______  comparing MRI signal strength _______  damaged and undamaged tissue.
1412.   No, they are normal people, but they perceive the world differently, and the key lies _______  the connection _______  the body and the mind.
1413.   Lord Byron, who only saw his daughter as a baby, was well aware _______  his estranged wife's desire _______  banish any Byronic blemish _______  Ada.
1414.   The sudden vibration _______  her phone caused her _______  jolt, earning an odd stare _______  the boy sitting _______  _______  her.
1415.   Something unreadable flashed _______  her face, and he set his teeth and whirled around _______  stalk out _______  the room.
1416.   While the flag appears symmetric, the white lines _______  and _______  the diagonal red are different widths.
1417.   Then astrocytes were plated _______  transwells while neurons were plated _______  multiwells as described below.
1418.   A Silver eagle broach is pinned _______  her cloth coat, a Hermes scarf splashes pink and black _______  the collar.
1419.   The race requires riders _______  travel along corrugated roads and tracks, _______  sand and _______  bulldust _______  temperatures reaching up _______  45 degrees.
1420.   She began _______  write _______  the right hand side _______  the page as if she were writing Urdu.
1421.   You glomp _______  her, and she punts you _______  the wall....but you don't care!
1422.   These are the people who buy their art _______  the yard, and tend _______  like good old landscapes, boats and sporting subjects.
1423.   The machine crushes the cans so that they can be stored _______  they are recycled.
1424.   If no-one speaks up then she just walks all _______  guys, which _______  least means that she treats them equally.
1425.   Behind them, _______  chalk, is a train schedule, like a tote board _______  a racetrack.
1426.   The formal approach is met _______  a checkerboard garden _______  green boxwood and gray artemisia.
1427.   The constriction _______  the skin rotates the eyelashes progressively closer _______  the cornea.
1428.   One _______  Sligo's many beautiful walks starts _______  Sligo Airport round _______  its boundary _______  _______  the little church _______  Killaspugbrone.
1429.   It was estimated that daily users _______  cannabis had rates _______  psychotic symptoms _______  1.6 and 1.8 times higher than those _______  non-users.
1430.   Soon after this battle, _______  732, the Moors raided Vasconia and Aquitaine as far north as Poitiers and defeated Odo twice _______  Bordeaux.
1431.   Behind their bay windows are elegant drawing rooms and _______  the rear there is sufficient space _______  create generous kitchens and living areas.
1432.   I helped him bury the blood-stained knife and the keys _______  dirt and stones _______  the garden wall.
1433.   The other sister, whose name is uncertain, was married _______  a prince _______  _______  the Alps who has not definitely been identified.
1434.   The weathered speedboats line up along three small piers every morning, right _______  _______  large police boats that patrol the strait.
1435.   Izzie preferred poison darts, shot _______  a blowpipe which hung constantly around her neck like a treasured piece _______  jewellery.
1436.   He had noticed that the thick sisal rope had been cut halfway _______  with a sharp instrument, probably a knife.
1437.   Continue _______  stay away _______  alcohol and coffee, because they accelerate the breakdown _______  protein _______  uric acid.
1438.   The first prosecution witness, Miss Louise Papps, is called _______  the witness box.
1439.   Busy, often burrowing insects such as tok-tokkies and sunspiders scuttle _______  the desert floor.
1440.   There is also fresh evidence _______  the widespread rejection _______  GM foods _______  consumers.
1441.   If they're really bad, it is possible _______  glue and screw new wallboard _______  the existing walls or ceiling.
1442.   Labour also lost a further nine seats _______  the Conservatives _______  record their lowest share _______  the seats _______  the 1987 general election.
1443.   The wards are ancient and their number has changed three times _______  time immemorial.
1444.   In Anderson, the group have a classic song stylist who works his cornfed bon mots _______  smoking country tunes.
1445.   The film brings dozens _______  freedom songs _______  the screen, drawing upon original recordings and impromptu live performances.
1446.   Frequently, they paused _______  rest _______  the shade _______  high pines along sepia streamlets where there was fresh water _______  drink.
1447.   What the South African world number four will be short _______  is the level _______  confidence achieved only _______  winning.
1448.   This indwelling _______  charity impelled her _______  freely go and lovingly come _______  the aid _______  her kinswoman.
1449.   She picks me up _______  her motorbike, and we chat as we zoom _______  the terrible Athens traffic.
1450.   It's a tricky business producing a film based _______  a book that your audience already has a solid affinity with.
1451.   He broke _______  the halfway line but held _______  the ball too long with support _______  hand.
1452.   Above this plaintive query is a man's head rendered as a particolored collage _______  different skin tones, meant, one assumes, _______  signify diversity.
1453.   Like hamsters _______  an exercise wheel, we ran _______  place, facing a long mirror and staring _______  ourselves.
1454.   As the oceans and ground warm up, they warm the air _______  _______  them, and this air warms the air a little higher up and so on.
1455.   They had undergone a month-long training _______  the competition and were provided with tips _______  public speaking.
1456.   This time, the meltwater spilled _______  a northwestern outlet _______  the Mackenzie River _______  northwestern Canada and made its way _______  the Arctic Ocean.
1457.   What was radical thinking _______  times _______  has become received wisdom today.
1458.   In photos they forever give witness _______  the fact that every piece _______  the built world was imagined _______  human mind, placed _______  human hand.
1459.   Most robots today draw that energy _______  electrical cords, solar panels, or batteries.
1460.   Until one has gone, it is impossible _______  be certain that one is really going; and _______  one really goes, there is no cause _______  take one's leave.
1461.   The first golf course appeared _______  County Durham _______  1874 _______  Seaton Carew Golf Club _______  Hartlepool.
1462.   To others he is nothing short _______  a ruthless builder _______  wealth and prestige with little concern _______  those whom he walks _______  _______  get what he wants.
1463.   The sheepherder went _______  _______  his storage hut and brought out one bale _______  wool.
1464.   Behind the ethmoid spine is a smooth surface slightly raised _______  the midline, and grooved _______  either side _______  the olfactory lobes _______  the brain.
1465.   Asha created a series _______  all-over bunches, sprayed white hairpieces a vibrant shade _______  blue and then added them _______  the back _______  the head.
1466.   Others say that witch hazel or vodka, applied directly _______  the itchy spots, can help speed healing.
1467.   Police last night staged a reconstruction _______  the events leading _______  the bomb blast exactly one week after it happened.
1468.   Located _______  _______  the clip is a hole _______  affixing a lanyard _______  the base _______  the knife.
1469.   Seein' a platter _______  ice cream down the table aways, I got up _______  my feet, and havin' a good long arm, reached _______  it.
1470.   The big-hitting Justin Kemp ran himself out _______  18 as Boje did some fine fielding _______  short cover.
1471.   Athletes' use _______  herbal supplements has skyrocketed _______  the _______  two decades.
1472.   Behind me is my rack _______  computer discs, operating systems, applications, games.
1473.   The Huygens probe, built and managed _______  the European Space Agency, is bolted _______  Cassini and fed electrical power _______  an umbilical cable.
1474.   Behind them _______  the lobby, the manger and several _______  the bellmen were scrambling _______  the elevator.
1475.   He released me a minute or two later, after laughing his head off _______  me like I was a freak _______  nature.
1476.   The lever and quadrant will go _______  a stand _______  the engineers knee.
1477.   There's no magic formula that will transform a hidebound organization _______  one eager _______  adopt the latest software technology.
1478.   He said livestock was judged _______  the hoof _______  the show and subsequently slaughtered _______  the East London abattoir.
1479.   They burrowed 3 stories down _______  the earth and begin building sub-basements.
1480.   Netflix plans _______  stream the series once it airs _______  TV, which means there's going _______  be a ton _______  binge-watching.
1481.   Many have spent hundreds _______  pounds customising their kit _______  army surplus stores ahead _______  being deployed _______  the Middle East.
1482.   The only medium _______  listen _______  the then alternative music was a record player or gramophone.
1483.   He seemingly scheduled every day around publicly kissing up _______  the people who hate him most.
1484.   Even so, local dialects continued _______  be used and were relatively widespread _______  the 19th and 20th centuries.
1485.   Many vineyards are located _______  valley bottoms underlain _______  alluvium which can provide deep, free-draining soils _______  variable grain size.
1486.   And they knew their way, even _______  each _______  their respective stalls _______  the byres.
1487.   Lionhead Studios and BAE Systems Detica are _______  the Royal Surrey County Hospital.
1488.   Another night, _______  the short walk home, he became disoriented and lost, and eventually found himself _______  an endless tunnel.
1489.   Prosecuting counsel Amy Nicholson told the court that _______  January 23 the police searched the yard _______  a business run _______  Murphy and Sanderson.
1490.   The term does not appear _______  have been used _______  taxation _______  the 18th century.
1491.   Goosen then used a two iron _______  drive the ball _______  a tree and _______  the lower tier _______  the 18th green.
1492.   All subsequent memorials are the result _______  private subscription and initiative, as discussed below.
1493.   Around three per cent _______  companies had been involved _______  litigation _______  misuse _______  the Net.
1494.   Above all else, compliment each person _______  approaching you with the request _______  work.
1495.   A rare population _______  melanistic, black fallow deer is also maintained _______  the Deer Sanctuary _______  Theydon Bois.
1496.   Behind the vert there is a 16 foot tall vert wall with about 7 feet _______  vert.
1497.   A similar situation unfolded two decades _______  _______  Sausalito, Calif., when houseboaters were inundated with toadfish calls.
1498.   If any _______  his party are mad, they'll try it, and be stogged _______  the day _______  judgment. There are bogs..twenty feet deep.
1499.   Unless I get this message across, large numbers _______  you will be _______  _______  a shock when your February bill arrives.
1500.   Differences _______  the two industries _______  their business organisation were mirrored _______  differences _______  labour relations.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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