Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – yours – your – theirs – their – ours – our – my – mine – its – his – hers - her -1

Please complete the following sentences with a “ yours – your – theirs – their – ours – our – my – mine – its – his – hers – her ”.
Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.           One could be pardoned for thinking,  _______ Honours, that in 1988 the New South Wales Parliament thought that they were getting rid of those.
2.           Even more than the Victorian era,  _______ is an age of individualism rat _______ than individuality.
3.           Rembrandt adopted a more realistic approach in  _______ etchings where the breeziness of the landscape is strikingly accurate.
4.           The story raises serious questions about  _______ system of justice.
5.           It's like taking a mouthful of good wine, swishing it around in  _______ mouth, savoring it before you let it go down.
6.           Even in  _______ conservative small-town high school, I was bullied more for wearing skinny jeans than I was for being an atheist.
7.           And last week he added to  _______ wacky resume by becoming the first man to fly an aircraft solo around the world without stopping or refueling.
8.           Many of  _______ teenage hippies are in the streets today because they suffer from ecophobia.
9.           I can see that battered old hat of _______  has been in the wars.
10.      An besides that,  _______ life aint worth savin any way, alongside o _______  an bennies.
11.      In  _______ quest to treat all neurotics, and not just those who suffer from hysteria, Freud abandons hypnotism and develops the technique of free association.
12.      We feel strongly that a child does not have to be genetically  _______ for us to be able to love them.
13.      O'Brien was galloping  _______ horses up a really steep hill at  _______ brother's farm when the master trainers in England had  _______ out for a stroll.
14.      Sedimentation continuing at  _______ current rates, or increasing, undermines the future ecological viability of shrimp farms.
15.      I thought that Bacchic energy of _______  was long since repressed.
16.      You realize t _______ little stunt of _______  is going to have some pretty serious repercussions.
17.      _______ choice of a rabbit's foot hints at  _______ affinity with Brer Rabbit and  _______ African trickster antecedents.
18.      Great civic leaders of less evangelical eras than  _______ did not speak of visions.
19.      But  _______ is a dying trade, because urban buyers go for cheaper, mass-produced stainless steel.
20.      In  _______ age we have no patterne of motherly affection more exemplare, than _______ .
21.      I told  _______ she had already sent one and she laughed and said  _______ memory was going.
22.      I bridled, too, at the unsolicited advice she persisted in giving  _______ friends.
23.      You can frame raised beds with lumber or form unframed beds like  _______ by shaping soil into level, flat-sided mounds about 8 inches high.
24.      The village is perched on a knoll above the spume, and  _______ tall houses seem to turn  _______ backs on the sea.
25.      For  _______ anniversary we allowed _______ elves the indulgence of an elegant dinner at  _______ favorite restaurant.
26.      I gat _______ up  _______ laptop and toss the mess of gum wrappers and chewed spearmint globs into the trash can.
27.      They started dancing, and I smiled sadly, wishing I had a relationship even half as wonderful as _______ .
28.      And yes, before you get on  _______ high culture-jamming horse, I know I'm not the first one to do this, so ease off pardner.
29.      Every time I have burp or  _______ body has an urge to slow down, I tell myself, there is no reason to slow down.
30.      I got a bruise in the shape of a detailed boot print etched in  _______ back.
31.      We had the briny beside us, a carpet of stars above, and two good friends of  _______ for company.
32.      When she moved to flick  _______ hand away, he laced  _______ fingers through  _______ and squeezed a little.
33.      Now am I prouder of t _______ poverty, which I know is  _______ own, than a waiting gentlewoman is of a frizzled groatsworth of hair, that never grew on  _______ head.
34.      Not sure if it's  _______ sense of hum _______ that has returned, or whet _______ it's _______ , but, whatever, it's a welcome change.
35.      If we are to be drinking from a firehose, with billions of web pages at  _______ fingertips, then we should possess the skills to manage  _______ flow.
36.      America and the West cannot assume that  _______ is the only political and economic model.
37.      They had seen Murray blister baseballs from the right side in previous years, so they flocked to Asheville to stop the experiment in  _______ tracks.
38.      Ray went solo some years back and has carved out  _______ own niche in the market playing shows in many parts of the country.
39.      The printing process is not a core competency of _______ , so we needed experts to rationalise the process fully.
40.      In fact, we regard these efforts as insults on  _______ understanding, and to such the pride of man is very difficultly brought to submit.
41.      Just remember, the fear they are spreading is not for  _______ benefit, but for _______ .
42.      She appeared on a great barge, decorated lavishly, with boys fanning  _______ and  _______ gentlewomen standing around  _______ like sea nymphs.
43.      The vehicle has f _______ wheels all connected by complex machinery that simple minds like  _______ can't begin to describe.
44.      Abandoned  _______ workings can be found on fellsides throughout the district.
45.      A friend of  _______ having occasion to show t _______ section to a party of 4 bristlers, states that they withdrew a pace and seemed to be computing among themselves.
46.      The difference is that on t _______ day, an old classmate of  _______ is returning in triumph to the old neighbourhood.
47.      You noticed a habit of  _______ once. I never make gestures. All Belters have that trait. It's because on a small mining ship you could hit something waving  _______ arms around.
48.      Would the writer contend that, if any planet had a sun as  _______ does, it would teem with life as the Earth does?
49.      I will think of  _______ laughing at the ridiculousness of what we're both doing.
50.      The idea that Liz wanted to pick a fight with  _______ family was almost laughable if not insane.
51.      Obsessed with eternal life and beauty, she goes beyond sticking to a low-carb diet and shooting Botox into  _______ laugh lines.
52.      Employers can, for example, require that men wear short hair, while allowing women to grow  _______ long.
53.      There is nothing so dangerous, so fascinating, to a temperament like _______ .
54.      Bulldozers had systematically sheared off one home after anot _______ between  _______ and the border.
55.      I cannot find  _______ address in  _______ back up folders, please could you send it to us, and we will put the parcel in the post today.
56.      Belle flip-flops zigzaggedly toward  _______ father, squealing at the top of  _______ lungs.
57.      Randall _______ elf goes on to tell me students of  _______ often make the same comparison.
58.      There is no ot _______ member of the club who can currently replace him, and that showed after  _______ substitution.
59.      Comparing footballers' mental strength with  _______ is like comparing  _______ fitness levels with _______ .
60.      I'm in  _______ fourth year at uni but I still thrive off the excitement of doing all-nighters before the deadline.
61.      If we didn't rewrite for Windows, they insisted,  _______ competitors would eat  _______ lunch!
62.      We received a huge postbag on the spelling mistakes in  _______ newsletter.
63.      In that case  _______ incorrigibly incomportable courses would make it impossible for me to count both  _______ course and  _______ as moral courses of action.
64.      The platform significantly reduces the time I spend interpreting work ups and has optimized  _______ reimbursement.
65.      I wondered if he was feeling ill-at-ease among smart-ass with-it students, even though  _______ friends had been raving about him.
66.      It was in t _______ buoyant baby boom atmosphere that  _______ parents grew up.
67.      Gaining the prize requires vanquishing  _______ opponents, and  _______ strength is inversely proportional to _______ .
68.      Thyamis himself, rightful heir to  _______ father's priesthood in Egypt. has had  _______ place usurped by a younger brother.
69.      A new form of art had come about quite naturally, yet  _______ presence took the art world by storm.
70.      A woman patient of  _______ had had multiple operations on  _______ bowel for ileitis and colitis induced by radiation.
71.      T _______ singer has a penchant for scatting and surprising material, but where he has an astonishingly pure voice,  _______ has more feeling.
72.      The 18-year-old qualifier was forced to play with a borrowed racket at the start of the tournament after  _______ were delayed in transit.
73.      The apparent disagreement between the result of Field and  _______ was solved by a model simulation.
74.      We get a sense of  _______ insecurity,  _______ introverted nature, and  _______ repressed sexuality.
75.      Well,  _______ firm had a base on the Old Kent Road under the name London Easylink, and  _______ prime contract was route 185 from Lewisham.
76.      Taking off  _______ cyberwear to confront anot _______ with naked eyeballs will be a precious personal appearance.
77.      Jacobi _______ elf seems to have preferred an _______ torical approach to  _______ photographs, for in the film she reprimands  _______ interviewer.
78.      Infants brighten up in  _______ presence and mot _______ listen to  _______ with almost child-like zealousness.
79.      For years, he has suffered the nightmares and the agonies that, by all rights, should be  _______ too.
80.      That the Home Secretary reprieved Edmunds on ground of insanity rat _______ than simply commuting  _______ death sentence to a life term is intriguing.
81.      The civilizations within the empire that had previously spoken Quechua kept  _______ own variety distinct from the Quechua the Incas spread.
82.      Endless prosperity and boundless new highs in the stock market were  _______ to enjoy forever.
83.      _______ departure left the Jesu _______ alone with  _______ missionary work, and to defend the natives against slave dealers.
84.      I'd love to hear that voice of _______  revving on some Alexandrine verse.
85.      Last year, for example, the government based  _______ conclusions on the general level of pesticides in all fresh peas from only 27 samples.
86.      A hand grabbed  _______ in the dark, warm and gloveless, and she pulled back instinctively.
87.      We'd putter around  _______ apartment complex, meeting the same friends of  _______ that I met each time before.
88.      She does idealize the island, at times, particularly as  _______ characters try to replicate island culture within  _______ mainland barrios.
89.      For Yamana,  _______ El Penon  _______ in Chile is  _______ heavy hitter, with production expectations of 450,000 to 500,000 ounces per year.
90.      Takes more'n a handful of them pesky critters to do for _______  truly, Bill,  _______ son.
91.      Fascinating stuff, even if  _______ chosen destination is Torremolinos rat _______ than Tokyo.
92.      Not only that, but one of  _______ many dreams came true when I did a duet with the legendary buffy Sainte-Marie.
93.      Mark looked  _______ up and down, and couldn't disguise  _______ approving look when  _______ eyes met  _______ again.
94.      Management is thinking of ways to rationalize  _______ system of production.
95.      And the wedge that t _______ issue continues to drive between Palmer and  _______ wife is also dramatically utile.
96.      But even t _______ icon differs fundamentally from  _______ because it typifies the tradition of frontally standing saints followed in menologia.
97.      Indeed, Catherine is repulsed by David's African stories, and  _______ hysterical outburst against them is imbued with racist assumptions.
98.      In one thing alone, except  _______ painting, was I serious, and that was something which lay hidden if not lost in the Breton forests.
99.      _______ signaller retired hurt after being budnamed by _______ , so we have no coherent news.
100.  The lifts had closed, the punters had gone, the domain was  _______ and a lambent, purplish light settled on the silent mountain.
101.  _______ husband is planning 'an accident' in  _______ car, brake failure and serious head injury.
102.  Tiffani and John do _______ , and we progress through all the jumps and spins.
103.  It will be difficult, t _______ new life of _______ , you think as you try, and fail, not to spill chicken soup on the bedclothes.
104.  The preac _______ told us that we would be forgiven if we repented  _______ sins.
105.  What is a distinctive habit or affectation of _______  related to writing?
106.  As unusual and fascinating as it is,  _______ is a music with no center at all, and it's t _______ which most damningly exposes  _______ hollow core.
107.  Allyson turned to face  _______ mot _______ and  _______ mot _______ began lathering on the mascara.
108.  Some religions maintain that there is just one God and that all the gods of all religions except  _______ were created by human beings.
109.  Rat _______ we need to constantly criticise  _______ ideas and  _______ so we don't become fatheads.
110.  The claimant said that she committed  _______ offences in order to raise cash for drugs, those drugs being originally ampheta _______ and later _______ oin.
111.  The teac _______ gave us the signal to finish what we were working on and hand in  _______ tests.
112.  The Pope's quarrel with the Italian state, which had usurped  _______ position in Rome, made it all the more necessary to reach a settlement with the French Government.
113.  _______ fashion embarrassments involved medallions and leisure suits,  _______ were about greasy hair, Kodiaks and lumberjackets.
114.  Q I've just tiled  _______ kitchen but a few of the tiles are wonky and stick out hig _______ than the rest.
115.  One night he drove from a house in phenix City, Alabama, he was rebuilding to  _______ base in Fort Benning, Georgia.
116.  We'd been two years on  _______ Pedernales acreocracy, not far from Fredericksburg, when  _______ neighbor had two horses stolen in broad daylight.
117.  We're modernizing  _______ kitchen with a new oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher.
118.  A witness working in a nearby shop said he first knew something was wrong when he saw police officers ushering people past  _______ window.
119.  Then, with agonizing slowness,  _______ head bent to  _______ and  _______ lips met  _______ passionately.
120.  And do you think me so spiritless as to believe that I can be _______  by compulsion?
121.  And I don't want to hurt  _______ feelings, but I think that squeaking bird of _______  is about the beastliest thing I ever met.
122.  I gave him some brandy from  _______ medicinal store, which he drank with a grimace.
123.  Emily Rose, who had a short crop of blond hair, had  _______ spiked up more than usual, giving  _______ a uniquely almost warrior-esque look.
124.  I never leave Brinker,  _______ 11-year-old Bohemian wirehaired pointing griffon, at home during hunting season.
125.  I could hear  _______ roommate plodding up the steps to  _______ apartment.
126.  That shot of _______ , whet _______ by instinct or intention, of the hawk and the pigeon was peculiarly apposite.
127.  Though she sings with a glorious range of tone and pinpoint accuracy,  _______ is a strangely uninvolved performance.
128.  The bad weat _______ forecast only reinforces  _______ decision to leave early tomorrow.
129.  Pull up a pillion seat and spend the next h _______ breezily circuiting the Rock while  _______ driver tells  _______ tale.
130.  I believe that happens during a deuce when the server has just won a point, and if he or she wins the next point the game is _______ .
131.  At bottom I supposed that he had mistaken anot _______ book for _______ .
132.  In ot _______ cases, if the geology was favourable, the coal was _______ d by means of an adit or drift  _______ driven into the side of a hill.
133.  Henry, a long-term dog of  _______ who would never have been homed, is actually a possibility for homing now.
134.  Spring allergies will be mistaken for deathly disease and  _______ runny nose will make you a social pariah.
135.  Having read that she despises interviews, I'm not surprised when she delays  _______ as long as possible by asking me loads of questions.
136.  It's a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to preserving  _______ national parks.
137.  _______ legs could not keep up with  _______ despite me having some leeway on the rope.
138.  The bell for lunch rings, and I slowly pull myself out of  _______ desk and drag  _______ feet down the hall toward the cafeteria.
139.  Nevertheless some thoughtless and imprudent actions of  _______ made me from time to time regret that I was in  _______ confidence.
140.  Boys let me know they liked me, too, and I realized that I looked good, tall and slim,  _______ long hair in a braid down  _______ back.
141.  Behind me, in a half-filled screening room, the sound of a projector hums as  _______ reels turn.
142.  She squirted _______ elf a generous amount of shampoo and began lathering  _______ hair with it.
143.  It turns out that mice and rats and some ot _______ rodents have hearing which looks very similar to _______ .
144.  It takes just as long for those keypad swiper thingies to process  _______ card, while you type numbers on the keypad.
145.  I saw  _______ sisters and parents working every day, so I was pretty much brought up to be a workaholic.
146.  We'll be arriving around noon. That's assuming that  _______ flight is on time.
147.  Certainly, but I shall exert all  _______ strength to abate _______ .
148.  _______ cape waved in the breeze and the wind hit  _______ face, but he was careful not to let it hit  _______ teeth.
149.  On  _______ part, she cunningly milked him for anything she could learn about who  _______ master was, and any details of  _______ amours.
150.  Most television sets are built to last about eight years, so if _______  is on the blink you should seriously think about widescreen.
151.  The center began to glow redly, flakes breaking from  _______ surface to fall burning to the floor.
152.  An' if it's a choice between  _______ life an' _______ , or the lives of everybody that happens to be wherever you're plannin' on crashin' t _______ thing, then...well, happy trails to ya!
153.  Don't take someone to t _______ film if you're trying to impress them with  _______ cinematic taste.
154.  Eventually I gave way to bunny's insistence and lost  _______ virginity, appropriately enough, in H.G. Wells's spare bedroom.
155.  I noticed that he doesn't look at  _______ hands much, particularly when soloing.
156.  I'm sure it would be a boon to small clubs like  _______ who are struggling to make ends meet.
157.  The meat was good quality and tasty, indeed, so good that one of  _______ group ended up eating  _______ raw.
158.  _______ mission statement is that animals are not  _______ to eat, wear, experiment on or use in entertainment.
159.  What scares me is comparing  _______ middle order with  _______ which is inexperienced.
160.  I ask Anita, a short, middle-aged Latina who wears a thick American-flag bandanna across  _______ forehead.
161.  T _______ business plan of _______  looks risky. It needs a rethink.
162.  Weeks after the film had been submitted, I still couldn't get a reply from the compilation people regarding  _______ contact info.
163.  Return trips to the world we used to know as  _______ are now tinted green, constantly time-shifting, and filled with computer-generated superheroes.
164.  In fact,  _______ appointment reportedly made  _______ the highest-ranking woman in Chicago business.
165.  In  _______ upper reaches the stream and  _______ banks are bare as the baseline from home plate to first base.
166.  Just after that, she started going out with a mutual friend of _______ , who I'd dated aeons ago and was still friendly with.
167.  With the Asian economic crisis brewing, Martin also kept  _______ eye on Korea.
168.  There were real craftsmen on both sides but in the proper care of land  _______ had the edge.
169.  It dawned upon me that they couldn't see me,  _______ night vision was much better than  _______ was.
170.  So _______ e's how  _______ bankroll gonna get swole by playing Daily Fantasy on DraftKings for 2015 Fantasy Baseball.
171.  The hegemonic hold of Consumer Culture is so great that we cannot differentiate what is  _______ and what is _______ .
172.  At the prefab dorms on the American base in Kandahar, I ran into  _______ neighbor from the bunk next door.
173.  He glanced to  _______ right, a neurolinguistic sign of imagination, not of recall.
174.  Thanks in part to fat fees from those captive funds and betting  _______ own capital and trading prowess, the bank did very nicely thank you.
175.  _______ mouth covered  _______ again, muting all but  _______ most desperate of squeaks.
176.  A simple piece with meaningful choreography that  _______ dancers can perform well is better than a flashy number that's beyond  _______ abilities.
177.  He slipped  _______ hand down and held  _______ almost subconsciously as they continued to walk down  _______ makeshift path.
178.  It went up so fast, I didn't even have a chance to hold  _______ flag up,'' said an astonished Alan Alegar, 47, of Granada Hills.
179.  The accident underlines  _______ need for better safety procedures.
180.  If all had gone according to Hoyle, as you say,  _______ client would have gone by now.
181.  We were asked to direct  _______ thoughts and prayers to the people who survived the disaster.
182.  Whilst observing  _______ leg I noticed that  _______ was hair free and I idly wondered in  _______ dream if she waxed  _______ own legs.
183.  Although most of  _______ was along small islands and in protected bays, the sites were unexplored.
184.  Scorsese's film of course centres around these people, but it is  _______ film, not _______ .
185.  That means that I have passed  _______ peak, and many students in university are passing by  _______ too.
186.  If they'll lend us the money we need, all  _______ problems will be solved.
187.  You also have the free will to commit a shonda, or sin, and have t _______ child out of wedlock. The choice is _______  and _______  alone.
188.  She wore a gold band on  _______ head like the ot _______ two, only  _______ was sky blue and she wore a long, sky blue dress with blue straps.
189.  A number added they were not aware of any problems, and not everyone who wanted a postal ballot got one and not all who did used _______ .
190.  Such will be  _______ degradation in the world, and in the _______ eafter  _______ will be an awful doom.
191.  He pressed  _______ body up against  _______ in a more intimate manner and she heard  _______ every breathing irregularity.
192.  When I walked into the shop at the beginning of  _______ shift, I noticed that the AE1,  _______ shop supervisor, had an airspeed indicator in  _______ hand.
193.  _______ house of capello is _______  whenever you are in  _______ neighborhood.
194.  Burrows told him to clap  _______ hands toget _______ when he needed the services of a page and turned to the Solomonic consideration of ot _______ things.
195.  We need to do more to help the poorer members of  _______ society.
196.  Usually  _______ compromise is to air-kiss them, or simply touch  _______ cheek to _______ .
197.  Submit entries via the Fray, and remember to include  _______ e-mail in the unlikely event you are honored by  _______ panels of hosers.
198.  So much of  _______ contemporary theological dreamware is about escape. We long for heaven. We fix  _______ eyes on the ot _______ world. We want out!
199.  It's a clear indication that Labour's European stance, with all  _______ talk on redlines and so on, has little credibility with the British people.
200.  Colonel Kurtz's nightmare might have been watching a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor, but  _______ is shopping.
201.  _______ eyes widened as  _______ lips met  _______ and he put  _______ arms around  _______ cold back.
202.  Anot _______ legend of Taoism said Zhao Gongming originally came from Zhongnan Mountain and lived a remote and solitary life to practise  _______ skills.
203.  I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of  _______ which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.
204.  They show  _______ foibles and failings,  _______ gifts and talents in a way that's entirely _______ .
205.  If we can collect 200,000 signatures on  _______ petition, then  _______ candidate will be included on the ballot.
206.  Despite  _______ mission ar _______ of 14,000, the Jesu _______ submitted without resistance.
207.  All cases such as _______  respond most readily to hypnotic suggestion.
208.  As she left in  _______ borrowed car I smiled knowing  _______ amulet would protect  _______ until she took it off.
209.  Every time he accelerates it reclines of  _______ own accord, leaving  _______ legs thrashing around in the air.
210.  What brings the tears to ot _______ eyes But freezes them in _______ , And what bechills anot _______ heart Fans into flame  _______ own.
211.  _______ took almost five minutes to cyp _______ and decode,  _______ took one to two minutes.
212.  I have to say that I am quite happy relying on _______ , and the guidebooks description, and have no urge to come back to conquer the place.
213.  Americans cherished an uncritical and unquestioning conviction that  _______ was the best of countries.
214.  She was diagnosed by  _______ Western Medicine doctor as anemic and suffering from a yeast infection.
215.  It is the breezy, figurative style of  _______ posters and paintings that is especially engaging.
216.  The beginning of the book describes  _______ mostly solitary existence, the noises and sights of the press, and it's beautifully personal and focused.
217.  She appreciates  _______ particular qualities without allowing _______ elf to be seduced by  _______ insidious charms.
218.  Like many before us we find _______ elves buying a child's Breton top, though we stopped short of the  _______ and  _______ and baby one to match.
219.  Had  _______ team possessed a striker of comparable qualities, the tournament would have been _______ .
220.  Through  _______ church, he organized a group of men to visit prisoners in solitary confinement.
221.  However there seems little benefit in Australia thrashing a Zimbabwean team, weakened by the absence of all  _______ best players.
222.  We enjoyed  _______ with anot _______ tasty Tibetan staple, sha momo, minced-meat dumplings flavored with ginger, onion, and garlic.
223.  In answer to  _______ question,  _______ next meeting will be on Friday.
224.  That idea of _______  for using the church hall seems to have gone up the spout.
225.  Alex leaned up against the locker near  _______ and waited patiently for  _______ to stick  _______ coat in the locker and get the padlock on and locked.
226.  One of  _______ town's time-honored traditions is to have an Easter egg hunt the week before Easter.
227.  Fortunately, Boehner has elected to ignore t _______ display of petulance and continue with  _______ landmark attempt to sue the president.
228.  He was given the property by  _______ owners at a knock-down price in a bid to secure  _______ support in Dublin County Council.
229.  Then all that talk of _______  about getting me out of danger was bunkum?
230.  Weren't you listening to Captain Jim and _______  truly the ot _______ night when we discussed that subject generally?
231.  I told Pamela that I'd launder  _______ clothes and get them back to  _______ somehow.
232.  Out with that bread knife of _______  and dig for  _______ fortune.
233.  As I will show in t _______ paper, the Amsterdam red-light district is characterized by  _______ own set of socially and spatially defined rules.
234.  But you can at least be polite, courteous and respect the fact that  _______ views are very different to _______ .
235.  T _______ generous disposition of _______  I now regard as acme of human dower.
236.  They are literally the busiest people I have met in  _______ entire life.
237.  Speaking from  _______ Soho office, Morris is brusque and breezy.
238.  Jones expressed concern about the fate of the land and damage to the acquifiers if the project blew up the ridges to establish the _______ .
239.  He puts  _______ hand over  _______ and she squeezes it, he gives t _______ sad little sound.
240.  I still prefer  _______ version, but there's not much in it as the Exploited version was very close to  _______ when they recorded it.
241.  The decade that gave us Madonna, Prince and all the ot _______ way-out entertainers is _______  for the remaking, retaking and reliving!
242.  Older bulls lose  _______ antlers in December, following the rut, while the younger males may keep  _______ as late as February.
243.  The finest crystal, china and porcelain will tomorrow be up for grabs at knock-down prices when Mulberry Hall begins  _______ annual New Year sale.
244.  When the Home Secretary reprieved Edmunds's death sentence on ground of insanity many believed he based t _______ decision on  _______ gender and class.
245.  Let water be brought to perform  _______ ablutions, and let the pious Fakreddin be called to offer up  _______ prayers with _______ .
246.  Thomas and Patocskai may see no advantage in staging disease in patients with melanoma, but  _______ is a minority view worldwide.
247.  _______ cell phone charges very quickly, whereas  _______ takes forever.
248.  Joe shook  _______ head in awe, eyes agog and mouth hanging open as  _______ once must have hung for the tales of the north woods' legendary denizens.
249.  He's promoting  _______ new solo acoustic album Going Somewhere, but he will also play a few old favourites.
250.  ProStrategy has a number of existing customers in Britain and it will expand there by adding customers to  _______ existing client base.
251.  In terms of  _______ favorite songs of _______ , I immediately veer towards  _______ loungey stuff.
252.  The newly breveted Captain shook  _______ head, the area was so peaceful.
253.  A friend of  _______ recently adopted a Chinese baby girl found on the streets of Beijing.
254.  That ill-made doublet of green cloth must be exchanged for one of velvet slashed in the Venetian style like  _______ own, with hose stuffed and bombasted according to the mode.
255.  Sakura blushed as he measured _______ ,  _______ skin brushing against  _______ now and then.
256.  It is studded with knob-like tubercles and is unique in having huge folds of skin at  _______ joints and great rolls at the neck.
257.  The Inca's impact outlasted  _______ empire, as the Spanish continued the use of Quechua.
258.  She took both  _______ and Gabriella's fighting sticks and stuck them up against a wall.
259.  Alone among the usurpers of the 15th century, he was fortunate to have slain  _______ childless predecessor in battle.
260.  You may ask, in  _______ ill-tempered way, what business I have to meddle with affairs of _______  which it is  _______ pleasure to keep private.
261.  I don't think comparisons of  _______ situation and  _______ are appropriate.
262.  T _______ is a great outline. Fantastic. If _______  doesn't stack up, you won't get a chance to look at it.
263.  The environmental project must succeed if we are to live well on t _______ beautiful world of _______ .
264.  If one joint or joint and several debtor is insolvent, the loss resulting from  _______ insolvency is spread equally among the solvent debtors.
265.  The clan elder pursed  _______ lips and stuck out  _______ jaw and spent several seconds in Solomonic contemplation.
266.  It is incredibly cruel to think of siblings being kept apart and missing out on a lifetime of love and friendship that is  _______ by right.
267.  If you are a Scottish Enterprise customer, whatever  _______ hue she will respond personally to  _______ e-mail.
268.  These indigenous tribes belonged to five distinct language families, which were the bases of  _______ major divisions.
269.  The independent and swing voters are looking to be  _______ for the taking if they keep t _______ up.
270.  I mean just because I offed a couple of relatives of  _______ doesn't mean they have to become all homicidal and try to kill me.
271.  Even a relatively sedentary species can be listed if a significant proportion of  _______ number migrate.
272.  Why not bring  _______ friends along to a fun morning playing Hoy and then delicious BBQ lunch?
273.  The room next to  _______ has a couple where the guy can't get around very well, a little too husky.
274.  Don't think that the koan and  _______ solution are themselves wisdom and truth.
275.  The government regulates how much lead may be found in  _______ water supply.
276.  There is a bitter-sweet edge to Liam Browne's preparations for  _______ first-ever solo art exhibition.
277.  While  _______ was a chocolate hazelnut cake,  _______ was a pecan cake with cinnamon undertones.
278.  We put  _______ out for collection and, guess what, it was still there when I got home from work.
279.  In fact,  _______ mot _______ brought a copy to the club and circulated it among the bunnies.
280.  No offense to  _______ cinematographer, but he's a stills photograp _______ and you expect him to get up and use a movie camera.
281.  We've cut out the middleman and can reduce prices for  _______ customers.
282.  Checking them over, both were dirty and blood spattered but none of it _______ .
283.  Completion of the railroad allowed heavy machinery to be brought to the _______ , including a 40-meter rotary kiln.
284.  Now it Can't open on  _______ phone due to what appears to be software incompatibility.
285.  Nothing I could feel, no bewilderment or fright, could possibly match _______ .
286.  Clamp a straightedge to the door to guide a circular saw along  _______ cut line.
287.  We thought they would be pleased with  _______ decision. We have learned, however, that the obverse is true.
288.  Maximising profit is in the nature of the animal, and if we want democratic choice, we cannot grudge commercial media exercising _______ .
289.  Bear in mind  _______ future requirements, and consider how extendable  _______ chosen system needs to be.
290.  If  _______ is a hopeless cause in pursuit of impractical ideals, why dignify them in print?
291.  The Incas had no iron or steel and  _______ weapons were not much more effective than those of  _______ opponents.
292.  A more recent wrinkle is the doctor who prescribes from  _______ own office, cutting out the middleman.
293.  The innkeeper who sat across from the hunter however gave a small whistle before drinking  _______ own brew.
294.  We were warned away from the rickety old  _______ because of the danger of cave-ins.
295.  I am not a woodworker by any stretch of the imagination but I do appreciate sharp tools be they in  _______ kitchen, shop, or greenhouse.
296.  So the hapas will go off to debate  _______ issues and the mixed Africans and the Asians _______ .
297.  The seditious spirit of the colonies owes  _______ birth to the factions in t _______ House.
298.  For grooming at home, obviously the choice is _______  whet _______ you wish to bath the dog in  _______ own bath or sink, or if you want to buy one specifically for the purpose.
299.  He has the total support of the majority and in a democracy such as  _______ that's all that matters.
300.  A light breeze filled the rooms of  _______ seaside cottage with ozone.
301.  He liked the way sometimes a little crease wrinkled the side of  _______ nose when she laughed.
302.  So definitely in that breakdown I used every bit of  _______ personal life.
303.  The primary function of  _______ schools is to educate  _______ young people.
304.  One moment, he was lavishing  _______ with affection, blessing  _______ with  _______ openness.
305.  Ann Lee and  _______ immediate entourage were unbowed in  _______ zealous commitment.
306.  A week before  _______ disappearance she had sent  _______ mot _______ a Mothering Sunday card, vowing to change  _______ life.
307.  The older girls rode in a long habit. Helen's legs and  _______ were too young to be considered improper by Mrs. Crane. So  _______ frillies flapped joyously.
308.  The company is struggling against  _______ competition but it is no basket case.
309.  I'm not sure what it is, but it kind of sounds like  _______ teenage boys' room after burrito night.
310.  Leaning forwards  _______ lips met  _______ and he gently pushed  _______ back onto the bed.
311.  The master suite features  _______ and  _______ sitting rooms, one of which was turned into a large closet.
312.  Twyla, after scowling at  _______ replier, started to pace the length of the room.
313.  After a long day at the beach,  _______ toddler had a major meltdown in the car on the way home.
314.  People in Nantucket invest  _______ money in whaling vessels, the same way that you do _______  in approved state stocks bringing in good interest.
315.  The children teased  _______ parents about  _______ budding romance and  _______ parents, in turn, fell in love with  _______ tiny wards.
316.  No plan of  _______ could stand long against a brainstorming session spearheaded by Ulia Gol at  _______ glamoursome best.
317.  Import gorillas into the backyard, and amplify the wetas to a flesh-crawlingly revolting size, and Tarzan is reborn as one of _______ .
318.  The first report was a mere listener ringing up about a horrified letter a friend of  _______ had sent _______ .
319.  For the thousands of hijras who throng Koovakam dressed as brides for Aravan,  _______ is a martyr's role.
320.  In recent weeks, the flights have been stopping at Larnaca in Cyprus where BA is basing  _______ crews operating to the Middle East.
321.  T _______ link underlies much of the understanding of madness and  _______ somatic basis in the modern age.
322.  He himself had been born after the Restoration, only to have  _______ mot _______ die, as  _______ had, in childbed.
323.  She tried to laugh it off dismissively, but  _______ words seemed to pique  _______ interest.
324.  T _______ makes a certain amount of sense, as  _______ is the only network that can do this.
325.  It's like seeing an old picture of  _______ mom in a halter top bombed out on Mai-Tais trying to hula-hoop.
326.  I will turn  _______ nose up when you offer me the rest of some delicious pastry that you nibbled on.
327.  Before I got fired I was gnawing at the edges of  _______ expressiveness or  _______ brazenness.
328.  The main bedroom has a large bay window,  _______ and  _______ dressing rooms and a bathroom with bath, double shower and twin wash-hand basins.
329.  Before that, the excitement of the opening ceremony and the sheer majesty of the Olympic experience will be  _______ to relish.
330.  You may even be able to squeeze out a few more wacky anecdotes from that slightly dysfunctional family of _______ .
331.  To protect _______ elf against any of these possible swindles you need to be prudent in  _______ investment decisions.
332.  Remove  _______ wheels, and wipe them down, since the dirt gets lodged in the little nooks and crannies of the wheel hubs and spokes.
333.  They treat you as an honoured guest, as if the privilege and pleasure is _______ , not _______ .
334.  Is that promise the reason  _______ fat _______ planted the almond tree so many decades ago?
335.  If  _______ date gets swacked on  _______ first date, it's not necessarily due to nervousness.
336.  Jennings said they were  _______ and the lance corporal apologised and put them down again.
337.  _______ characters inhabit a society that is not quite _______ , but which is familiar all the same.
338.  Those of a hig _______ class have  _______ hand made by a tailor with intricate needlework and fine fabric.
339.  Stay afraid, keep  _______ kids indoors, hoard that food, install  _______ panic rooms and buy like there's no tomorrow.
340.  The master bedroom, which is en suite, also features  _______ and  _______ walk-in wardrobes, each with more space than a typical box room.
341.  Give  _______ new voice a distinctive quality exploring  _______ colours, hues and tones.
342.  Lost to the sensation of  _______ touch, he closed  _______ eyes and rested as she lathered  _______ body and then rinsed it.
343.  The solo acoustic worked wonders for him, as he seemed to enjoy doing magic tricks on  _______ guitar.
344.  For the rich cinematography of Bernardo Bertolucci or the seismic shocks of Star Wars,  _______ local cinema was once the only place to go.
345.  As George, Gary, and I were going to be us _______ at  _______ wedding, we had to be at the wedding rehearsal the day before the wedding.
346.  Or you can pull over, put the vehicle in park, unfasten  _______ belt, stick  _______ head between the front seats, and grope for a spell.
347.  Featuring 132 well-appointed apartments, it's a place you call _______ .
348.  It was log cabin style, as all of  _______ were, but the roof was shingled with crumbling slate, a pattern that resembled dragons scales.
349.  The couple's biggest fear will be realised if the council decides to demolish the surrounding streets and leave  _______ untouched.
350.  She thinks television has a pernicious influence on  _______ children.
351.  The weakest members of society become social barometers or canaries in a coal _______ .
352.  Despite  _______ cultural distaste for entomophagy, in recent years the idea that we should eat bugs has been gaining currency.
353.  We are not so inclusivist as to tolerate intolerance such as _______ .
354.  The weat _______ required some major modifications to  _______ travel plans.
355.  I look on with annoyance as I see parks pop up everywhere while  _______ are taken away.
356.  Talking of waterworks, a certain member of the that camp endured a little accident while speaking to _______  truly on the phone t _______ week.
357.  The rest I put back into  _______ boxes, scratched out  _______ address and replaced it with _______ , and sent them off.
358.  We're still waiting for the test results, when we'll decide  _______ next move.
359.  We were building a house in Isleworth, and I had made an appointment to meet a friend of  _______ on the site.
360.  As with so many good ideas in t _______ little country of  _______ the seeds were sown over a couple of pints in a local public house.
361.  See six magpies and win the national lottery, see seven and  _______ hands are blown off by a parcel bomb.
362.  He soloed in an airplane before getting  _______ driver's license, but  _______ real obsession was designing and building model planes.
363.  It was later revealed the woman had been taken out for the evening by  _______ daughter to celebrate Mothering Sunday.
364.  Near midnight, a couple of friends of  _______ came over and wanted us all to go out, but since I was knackered, I declined.
365.  T _______ is a complete illusion, as you're not clearing  _______ debt, you're simply parcelling it up and handing it to a different lender!
366.  It is dangerously ambitious, if not outright hubristic, to use Homer's poem about the rage of Achilles as  _______ source.
367.  _______ girlfriend liked the way he looked, and Mike felt that  _______ was the only opinion that counted.
368.  St Germain could have divided and redivided  _______ estates as it chose, and maybe even moved peasants physically to fit.
369.  There is also the possibility that  _______ aliens perfected cryogenics and simply went into deep sleep until the environment improved.
370.  Tragically, we often fail to open  _______ eyes and realize t _______ country of  _______ is teaming with unappreciated natural beauty and diversity.
371.  The amusing thing _______ e, of course, is that De Niro's character in the film is clearly an obsessive, neurotic control freak who also teaches  _______ cat to use a flush toilet.
372.  Lucienne is _______ , Madame, for was it not  _______ beneficence which gave it to me?
373.  We wanted to embed  _______ reporter with the Fifth Infantry Division, but the Ar _______ would have none of it.
374.  It proves they can grow old just as contentiously as they grew up, that  _______ is not a muse whom custom can wither.
375.  Don Boxos, you've only got to give _______ elf a brush up, and she's _______ .
376.  Last week we revealed Tim Cahill had taken exception to _______  truly and reached for the block button on Twitter.
377.  The doorway next to  _______ has a green doormat and a pink tricycle propped beside it.
378.  Never let us lay down  _______ arms against France, till we have utterly disjoined  _______ from the Spanish monarchy.
379.  Throughout the 2-minute trailer, I watched the passionate and diverse _______ tory of  _______ movement be whitewashed and ciswashed.
380.  What I feared was wrong with  _______ was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but I hemmed and hawed and told  _______ that we needed to run some tests.
381.  A fastidious little cough from the dark side of the laurel bush interrupted  _______ daydreams.
382.  No one is sure how these changes will impact  _______ relations with ot _______ countries.
383.  In an act of substitution he replaces barren dryness with  _______ fertile fluidity.
384.  _______ last stop was Bangkok, but  _______ final destination is Tokyo.
385.  We all learned about homeobox genes in  _______ developmentary biology and molecular genetics classes.
386.  I laughed myself silly over  _______ comparison of children to terrorists, and  _______ tales of  _______ domineering, movie star mother.
387.  As the microwave chimed  _______ monotone signal, Kelvin took out  _______ measly breakfast and began reading papers as he consumed it.
388.  The state cannot deal with change, and  _______ is a time of constant and relentless change.
389.  The easiest way is to fill  _______ sink or a basin with cold water and swish the kale around.
390.  He allows  _______ ticket stub to be scanned by an usher, who bows as he re-enters the cinema.
391.  T _______ berth of  _______ was commonly called a doghouse containing a mattress fitted about 18 inches from the deck.
392.  I learnt to make choux pastry which has always defeated me up until now, and you take home  _______ efforts.
393.  And, endly, mark  _______ tailed arborean ancestors, trained to the wearing of garments and a single eye-glass.
394.  We, in contrast, did not get near  _______ and Steve threw well, one overthrow excepted.
395.  Regardless of  _______ many knock-offs, the success of the Tomb Raider franchise seems to me to be a bit of a fluke.
396.  You got  _______ hooks on me that way, and I'm _______  to boss around.
397.  What should you say to the webmaster in the email or phone call that'll increase  _______ chances of them linking  _______ site to _______ ?
398.  We need to calculate  _______ chances of success before we invest more money in the business.
399.  When I heard Mitt Romney misquoting George Costanza, I thought  _______ cable box was playing tricks on me.
400.  I don't know what  _______ standards are for football but all they did was counter and park the bus.
401.  Beat the artichokes gently with  _______ hand so that they open just enough for you to see if there is any choke.
402.  To add widgets and features, swipe up on  _______ home screen, and you'll see a link to the Go Store.
403.  After scheming for 13 years,  _______ is a cold and calculated act, working to a master plan.
404.  To  _______ knowledge,  _______ is the first study to assess the popularity as well as the quality and accuracy of health related websites.
405.  _______ Parents bought  _______ first home in 1968, a brownstone in Fort Greene, where  _______ Fat _______ still lives.
406.  I think  _______ glorious government's rewriting of language is double plus good, brother.
407.  He took the major procedures, but Ms K or one of  _______ trained theatre technicians would anesthetize patients when required.
408.  The primary purpose was to eliminate  _______ influence on Spain's large converso population and ensure they did not revert to Judaism.
409.  Promoted to the brevet rank of brigadier general,  _______ division was prominent in the last stages of the war.
410.  Earlier phases in  _______ _______ tory have emphasized different characteristics, but a common thread remains.
411.  Some will nod heads knowingly while ot _______ saddened souls will simply shake _______ .
412.  It's not like the Trading Spaces crew comes to  _______ house and horsewhips you into agreeing to be on it.
413.  Plunging  _______ hands into the warm water and lathering them with soap, she began to scrub  _______ face.
414.  Not an unusual order in Japan, where aficionados of raw and pickled sea cucumber enjoy  _______ with beer.
415.  Sonia spends the whole night in torment, replaying episodes of that night in  _______ dreams.
416.  The telephone company has offered to customize a plan for  _______ business.
417.  _______ eyes searched  _______ curiously, but he found nothing but mild curiosity in  _______ eyes.
418.  A face like  _______ couldn't be duplicated just from memory, even if  _______ face was engrained into  _______ mind like a cerebral tattoo.
419.  But, you see, if we pay for  _______ superannuation, then we can expect to have  _______ paid for too.
420.  You are a Cheever,  _______ fat _______ would tell  _______ children with a buoyancy in  _______ voice which suggested both seriousness and mockery.
421.  By one stroke  _______ next generation grew up speaking a few words of English, but it had essentially been demuslimized, and deculturalized.
422.  The exoccipitals end on the border of t _______ foramen, at three quarters  _______ height.
423.  And how doth  _______ cousin,  _______ bedfellow? and  _______ fairest daughter and _______ ,  _______ god-daughter Ellen?
424.  They were all engaged in a lively conversation, and the cardiologist was talking across  _______ body with animated gestures to the allergist.
425.  Heavens, Steve, that cleaver of _______  is a frightful thing in action!
426.  _______ eyes met  _______ briefly, and I looked away, abashed at being caught gazing.
427.  The process is widely used throughout Europe, and  _______ basis is set out in many manuals.
428.  Two laundresses had taken pity on  _______ and had shown  _______ the way since they were headed that direction anyway.
429.  The final minutes are the ones to concentrate on, since everybody is fighting to make  _______ the final bid of the auction.
430.  Two years ago, we went to  _______ parents' villa in Spain with some friends of  _______ for the first time.
431.  Enormous in magnitude, audacious in  _______ execution and redolent of the most serious dishonesty.
432.  You'll need to scrape out  _______ hooves twice a day, and not with that tool on a Swiss ar _______ knife if you're fond of  _______ fingertips.
433.  I feared the morning, for I knew that  _______ parting would be difficult.
434.  Why don't these people just get on with living  _______ lives and leave ot _______ to live _______ ?
435.  Having localized the jaw pain, it quickly becomes unbearable, and I spit the gum out to give  _______ tired face a rest.
436.  The law now allows the Legislature to redraw  _______ own districts every 10 years to reflect the population changes in the most recent census.
437.  Elliot put  _______ frightless eyes near  _______ and gave an equine snort.
438.  Last night I was trying to key you into some of the wisdom we have accumulated through t _______ close-knit project of _______ .
439.  He took a swipe at you, not necessarily personally at you, but at  _______ administration and what he inherited when he took office.
440.  The proposed factory shutdown would only exacerbate  _______ unemployment problems.
441.  The evening after  _______ photo shoot in Chicago a friend of  _______ phoned to say that they had missed  _______ after the show.
442.  The ot _______ evening I placed an online order with a well known company for some products of _______ .
443.  It sets the stage for cutting corners in  _______ principles just so we can brandish a perceived badge of stature.
444.  Vanessa ran in circles far more elevated than  _______ and she was always telling us that when she hung out with us she was slumming.
445.  Those were the days, down in Wakonda, when the timber of the Siuslaw was  _______ for the taking.
446.  Maybe we'll buy a house when  _______ financial situation improves.
447.  I have blacked out  _______ television, every station in the world is _______ .
448.  Blue turned  _______ head slightly and saw that Ciel's eyes had shut and she was breathing silently, as if in eternal repose.
449.  _______ children play toget _______ and a few weeks ago she mentioned that all  _______ had terrible coughs.
450.  A devaluation of the yen seems inevitable, with knock-on effects on all  _______ trading partners.
451.  Both were sympathetic but lacked the will to tackle a problem that was not exclusively _______ .
452.  I was touched that he had sent it and forwarded the study to  _______ two moms and  _______ sister cade.
453.  If Pfc. Bradley Manning, the alleged source of much of the material, is indeed proved guilty,  _______ punishment should be harsh.
454.  After an early morning ride and breakfast the host had  _______ work to do as usual, the soldiers _______ .
455.  He's got a high, reedy voice, that paradoxically creates a special strength in  _______ vulnerability.
456.  T _______ mainstream hypothesis of the epileptogenicity of hemosiderin provided strong support to  _______ results.
457.  But you always have a bad patch in a season and we are having  _______ now, hopefully.
458.  According to an invention of the poet, the real Helen was detained in Egypt by  _______ king, who sent the seducer Paris packing to Troy.
459.  He was pressing  _______ lips against  _______ harder and she felt him gently nudge  _______ tongue against  _______ lips.
460.  She shivered slightly as  _______ fingers gently gripped  _______ then slowly let go.
461.  They gave me a jolt of encouragement that is going to buoy me for the rest of  _______ writing life.
462.  Then again,  _______ perception of modesty has been skewed ever since Katy Perry shot whip cream out of  _______ bra, so who even knows.
463.  Little wonder  _______ was among the first names to be inked onto the Great Britain team sheet t _______ time around.
464.  Everybody goes through a blip during the course of the year and maybe we are having  _______ now.
465.  Indeed, a friend of  _______ who owns a coin-shop in the San Francisco Bay Area reported to me that he already has codeheads coming in to buy gold from him.
466.  She wrapped  _______ arm around  _______ waist and tried to support  _______ large frame with  _______ as she helped him back to  _______ building.
467.  The ot _______ lab's results chimed with _______ , so I knew we were on the right track with the research.
468.  Gaius  _______ host, and of the whole church, saluteth you. Erastus the chamberlain of the city saluteth you, and Quartus a brother.
469.  Mirrored  _______ and  _______ arrangements stretch the length of those double sinks.
470.  The place has no attraction for me without you, and it was _______  first.
471.  Give  _______ all the stuff out of  _______ apartment that belongs to  _______ and get all of _______  out of  _______ if you can.
472.  Also rests are allowed for in the verse of the ancients and, though not professedly, in  _______ like the rests in music.
473.  Jenny, a 22-year-old Latina, was asked if she ever thought about leaving  _______ abusive partner.
474.  Telling  _______ friend that she can't sing now might save  _______ from becoming the laughing stock on the college cultural meet.
475.  As  _______ is a more unpredictable business than most, farmers plan for the worst.
476.  If a house or wall is erected so near to  _______ that it stops  _______ ancient lights, which is a private nuisance, I may enter  _______ neighbour's land, and peaceably pull it down.
477.  Yet surely poetry in a world as richly diverse as  _______ need not be so rigidly and simplistically categorized.
478.  Beseech me, they seemed to say, throw  _______ arms about me and bury  _______ head between  _______ knees and seek pardon for  _______ great sin.
479.  Croatia is actually located in Central Europe, but it has bridged the Eastern and Western worlds throughout  _______ _______ tory.
480.  Even though  _______ dad was the breadwinner, he always had t _______ joke that he changed  _______ diaper once, so she had a lot on  _______ plate.
481.  During  _______ 5 years in Bonn, Waller turned to  _______ second major focus in neurophysiology, the autonomic nervous system.
482.  We need a new draft for 2011, because in America 2.0,  _______ national anthem should be almost tweet-able.
483.  The theory that if 9 men take 90 days to make up  _______ individual minds, 15 men will take fewer days to make up  _______ is cabalistic arithmetic.
484.  I have been trying to get a free and clear title to the land for a client of _______ .
485.  When he reached  _______ she was with the man and when he asked if the handbag was  _______ and for identification to prove it they handed it over.
486.  Ot _______ North African Sephardim have since also translated  _______ _______ panic surnames into local languages or have modified them to sound local.
487.  I had just gotten  _______ braces off and was learning how to tame  _______ hair with a curling iron.
488.  Despite the woodchopping and the 70-mile hikes with a blood-soaked shirt from the rucksack on  _______ back, I loved it.
489.  Thus we meet Rocky, so named because he keeps a breeze block on  _______ kitchen table.
490.  Whet _______ you would rat _______ race touring cars around Brands Hatch or hop Baja Beetles over rough dirt tracks, the choice is _______ .
491.  The trews I wear at official functions I have paid for myself and I don't think ministers should expect the taxpayer to pay for _______ .
492.  The power of repression is almost palpable in  _______ gestures and intonations.
493.  Unfortunately the negative aspects of  _______ schools get the most attention.
494.  The more I brooded about these and ot _______ Level D options, the more  _______ confidence ebbed.
495.  Today, the river is so dried up by rip-and-run logging that you can cross it without getting  _______ huaraches wet.
496.  We can have revival the same way as  _______ brot _______ and sisters in Christ, won _______ !
497.  She replays scenes from  _______ life in dreams, trying to sort out  _______ own self-identity.
498.  In the case of cuneiform text, trying to look at language use in terms of oral/literate dichotomies only obscures  _______ understanding.
499.  He said it was flattering that one of the world's largest brewers had made an ad very similar to one of _______ .
500.  There they settled in Bethlehem and established  _______ and  _______ monastic houses.
Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be

CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be Please complete the following sentences with a “ ...