Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – a – an – the

Please complete the following sentences with a “ a – an – the ”.
Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.           Soften _______ butter briefly in _______ warm place in _______ kitchen or in _______ microwave oven until very soft but not melted.
2.           Next door to _______ proposed site is _______ massive electrical substation with overhead power cables carrying 33,000 volts.
3.           Dating from 1846, _______ building contained public baths and wash houses, _______ important amenity and social focus in _______ Victorian East End.
4.           In May of 2003, severe straight-line windstorms struck _______ region, creating many small and _______ few large gaps.
5.           A King and Queen are chosen every six months in _______ crown tourney fought with sticks to decide _______ King or Queen, and consort.
6.           The way one modulates _______ voice, its pitch, tone and tenor to speak to different persons is nothing but mimicry.
7.           The stairways are hung from _______ tree much like _______ sailboats shrouds hang from _______ mast.
8.           The book was _______ instant success and was followed by eight more historical, romantic novels in five years.
9.           Use of _______ median value for _______ individual provides _______ analysis representing _______ central tendency for valuing _______ species.
10.      To complete _______ record each of _______ swimmers must swim for _______ hour in _______ same order throughout _______ attempt.
11.      I had _______ aortic transection and every six months I get _______ scan.
12.      A perioperative success is freedom from _______ tourniquet injury, not just _______ task of applying _______ tourniquet.
13.      Students should examine _______ cadences and identify _______ key to which it modulates.
14.      George Washington, which faltered after _______ brilliant start, will be _______ tough matchup in _______ league tourney.
15.      He looked tired, his blond hair was tousled from sleep, and he had somehow found _______ loud orange shirt and green trousers.
16.      The find will be covered in greater detail in _______ documentary airing early next year on _______ National Geographic Channel.
17.      Master Kit had shown up as usual, watching me from across _______ narrow, shadowy street, propped against _______ bins outside _______ shabby grocery.
18.      When she speaks, and she is _______ dramatic storyteller, her voice seems modulated to correspond to _______ mood of _______ moment with _______ exacting precision.
19.      Polonius becomes _______ shadowy figure, though he is openly identified as Claudius's co-conspirator in _______ murder of Hamlet's father.
20.      Those are fighting words in _______ nearly half-Latino city where Tex-Mex restaurants outnumber all others.
21.      The government has also been airlifting food and non-food supplies to _______ villages that are not accessible by road.
22.      At _______ rear of _______ engine is _______ pair of rectangular metal grids that are charged with 6,000 volts of electric potential.
23.      In this study, over 1,200 people were texted five times _______ day over _______ course of three days.
24.      I saw _______ friend and she had tourtiere for dinner, except without meat and with seitan instead, so it actually tasted good.
25.      The world's biggest country is having _______ busy time dealing with _______ Internet explosion.
26.      By exacerbating _______ contradiction between self-determination and self-abasement, _______ way was cleared for _______ epochal resolution.
27.      The Prison Service has _______ duty of care to its prisoners and also _______ duty to protect society.
28.      Cynthia was waiting outside of _______ piercing parlor when we arrived and she greeted us both with _______ air kiss and then led us inside.
29.      But _______ carefully modulated tones of this career diplomat were not _______ red meat that Fleet Street desired.
30.      As _______ regular traveller, I am glad that _______ airlines, in _______ main, have banned smoking on all flights.
31.      An alert Sailor called for someone to summon _______ corpsman and then he dropped to _______ deck to close off _______ blood loss by use of _______ tourniquet.
32.      Scientists are not sure whether aqueous humor does not drain out of _______ eye sufficiently or whether _______ ciliary bodies are producing _______ excessive amount of _______ fluid.
33.      Initial airing of _______ commercial last summer created 40 percent volume peaks, Dannon reports.
34.      Frequently he would return to _______ ward at night to check _______ plaster or that _______ tourniquet had not been left in situ inadvertently.
35.      Five years after this textbook was published, this result became _______ different result!
36.      All to see what kind of textual support might emerge, to endorse _______ reading of this dream.
37.      I would also point out that many of our clients can't cook their own meals and don't own _______ microwave oven.
38.      The Guides and Brownies have enjoyed _______ busy year and raised funds for _______ tsunami relief and children overseas.
39.      One artistic embrace of _______ textile comes with _______ specific political message.
40.      The show provides _______ vivid insight into how he overcame his spinal cord transection he was born with to become _______ athlete.
41.      It is defined as _______ energy lost or gained by _______ electron as it passes through _______ potential difference of one volt.
42.      This species substitutes for _______ proton on _______ electron rich carbon in _______ benzene ring.
43.      A trio of companies will be also reporting on _______ state of _______ airline market.
44.      I'm going to swim against _______ stream here and say I don't really understand _______ fuss about visual quality.
45.      How _______ text messaging service is getting aid to _______ most remote areas hit by Sandy.
46.      The service has proved hugely popular in previous years, but parents and students are advised to be patient if _______ lines are busy.
47.      You know, it's easy for people, oh, he's _______ tout and informer.
48.      We begin with _______ analysis of _______ historical development of British industrial relations.
49.      The deal was signed while hundreds of police armed with truncheons and riot equipment remained on standby outside _______ hotel.
50.      He has _______ few rounds of shadow-boxing with Ahriman, recites some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, and that's it.
51.      The 5500 rpm 60 mm fan is mounted onto _______ metal shroud which is screwed into _______ base.
52.      In conjunction with some hard foam strips, _______ chrome shrouds raise _______ fans away from _______ radiator surface to give _______ plenum area for each fan.
53.      If you have booked with _______ charter airline, contact _______ travel agent or tour operator through which you booked _______ flight to find out if it is still operating.
54.      Like most clays, bentonite is _______ hydrated compound of aluminium and silicon oxides, but it differs in ways that are useful to wine-makers.
55.      Its curved frame suggests almost _______ modern reinterpretation of _______ bentwood chair.
56.      The former Labour Chancellor may quit politics rather than take _______ Shadow Cabinet job.
57.      You are so busy enjoying them because they are brisk and witty that you fail to notice until much later that _______ whole thing doesn't add up.
58.      The women on _______ other boats were usually too busy being harangued to enjoy themselves.
59.      Aging vehicles trundle along tracks on _______ road, usually bursting at _______ seams with passengers and in _______ mild state of disrepair.
60.      The landowner has _______ duty of care to _______ community dependent upon him.
61.      In place of seating for _______ centre rear passenger is _______ container combination of two trays and separate lidded section that has two cup holders, _______ ashtray and cigar lighter.
62.      An airy, feminine voice giggled as _______ delicate hand snatched up _______ plastic packet of wafers away from Wayne's hand.
63.      And _______ people who have this disorder have also _______ disturbancing modifying or modulating emotional response and sometimes it can be quite violent.
64.      Ile des Chenes did not win _______ game at _______ tourney but came away with _______ experience of _______ lifetime.
65.      We take our responsibilities very seriously and must be seen to put safety first and exercise _______ proper duty of care.
66.      A derivation of this technique is to use _______ silica in combination with _______ microwave oven.
67.      The increasing trend in demand for this service requires new solutions and _______ expansion team professionally trained transcriptionists speech.
68.      For limb wounds, _______ pneumatic tourniquet should be used if possible to reduce blood loss.
69.      These days, you just might hear bloodcurdling screams coming from one of _______ shadowy side streets, where _______ grizzly murder is indeed taking place.
70.      But in _______ tourney loaded with talent, anything can happen on _______ final day when pressure is at its peak.
71.      The apparatus is advantageously used in _______ interferometer to form _______ device that modulates _______ amplitude of _______ optical signal.
72.      The Kapsiki people of northern Cameroon, for instance, keep _______ cattle breed specially for _______ skins, which are made into burial shrouds.
73.      Dads Guitars are also _______ only stockist in _______ North West to sell Cigar Box Guitars which are _______ inexpensive way to begin to learn to play.
74.      So, if you want to get ripped off, get your holiday money from _______ tour operator, travel agent or bureau de change.
75.      Obeying _______ guru required discipline and self-abnegation, _______ exercise that was always beneficial to _______ spiritual aspirant.
76.      On Sunday afternoon, _______ two girls left in Vanessa's small dusty car, trundling slowly down _______ rutted driveway through _______ field.
77.      Use _______ microwave oven or counterop appliances instead of your stove top or oven.
78.      Sedimentary rocks such as mudstones often contain _______ variety of clay minerals, including swelling clays such as bentonite.
79.      They created electricity running at 10 volts with _______ milliamp current, enough to power _______ small lightbulb.
80.      If booking your dives through _______ tour operator or travel agent in Britain, ask their advice for reputable dive centres.
81.      Also they had _______ idea that Mrs. jones possessed something of which they were anxious to get hold.
82.      The blinds in _______ living room cast off _______ eerie glow of white light, slants thrown across _______ room.
83.      Armed with two cigarette lighters, he let gas leak out of _______ cooker for half _______ hour as last year's Boxing Day row reached _______ terrifying climax.
84.      He enjoys _______ experience of being in _______ center of _______ windstorm for it is _______ only calm part of _______ tempest.
85.      Just like microwaves from _______ microwave oven, they pass right through _______ food and leave no direct contamination.
86.      Its most toxic ingredient is benzene, _______ volatile organic compound that increases _______ risk of cancer.
87.      Expecting Herbert all _______ time, I dared not go out, except when I took Provis for _______ airing after dark.
88.      If you have cold leftover cooked potatoes, plain or mashed, reheat them in _______ microwave oven until steaming, then measure.
89.      Do not use _______ tourniquet or try to cut or suck _______ venom from _______ wound.
90.      The matsu bento features attractive tuna and salmon sashimi, accompanied by _______ butterfly shrimp and zucchini tempura with _______ side bowl of dipping sauce.
91.      Martha Treadway might seem at first to be _______ unlikely subject for historical study.
92.      You owe _______ duty of care to _______ ex-employee in providing _______ reference to _______ prospective employer.
93.      Tal made his way into _______ town, admiring _______ plain folk who were too busy enjoying their simple lives to notice them.
94.      The whole book is _______ exercise in self-love, disguised as _______ exercise in self-abnegation.
95.      The old guy was still up, sitting on his bentwood chair, and gave me _______ knowing nod as I passed him.
96.      Before we could reach him he had been airlifted to _______ neurosurgical unit at _______ Southern General Hospital in Glasgow.
97.      The rain had lessened to _______ drizzle, and _______ eerie, shadowy mist hung around _______ trees.
98.      People can take what they can from 15 minutes with _______ object rather than 15 minutes with _______ textbook.
99.      You don't imagine for _______ instant that they'll maroon us and hoist _______ Jolly Roger, do you?
100.  Once she was about to release _______ energy she was suddenly thrown back into _______ wall by _______ invisible force.
101.  Jack had just opened _______ door, but pulled it shut again when _______ line of heavy camouflage-painted vehicles came trundling up _______ road.
102.  I had recently attended _______ wedding because _______ text message had referenced some questionable behavior.
103.  What emerges is as complex and textured as any novel while providing _______ primer on _______ use of power in _______ democracy.
104.  Basically, after years of self-abnegation, Britain now has _______ old fashioned tax-and-spend government.
105.  Glucose modulates _______ fluorescent signal by binding reversibly to _______ boronic acid component attached to _______ quencher molecule.
106.  A few days later, he received _______ text message purportedly from Dawn explaining that she was leaving town.
107.  Seriously, if _______ strange girl is texting you at midnight, how is your girlfriend crazy for asking who it is?
108.  His hair is _______ shadowy shade of black and his eyes are _______ dark brown, nearly black.
109.  When _______ tower came down, it brought fearsome rolling thunder and _______ windstorm carrying concrete and steel.
110.  This was _______ battle between _______ no-frills airlines and _______ package tour operators.
111.  The doctor uses _______ hand or _______ tourniquet to temporarily block off _______ blood flow in _______ veins.
112.  Other important historical contexts for lavish works of this kind were _______ splendid funerary shrouds placed in royal burials.
113.  However, of late I've taken to using _______ bentwood chair on set, but I am writing my next film so I'll be getting _______ old chair out again.
114.  The amplitude gain is determined by _______ detected photocurrent, which is used to modulate _______ amplitude of _______ local oscillator.
115.  Start to relax _______ hour before bedtime with _______ hot bath or your favorite music.
116.  Like 220 volts of current being forced through _______ 110-volt kitchen appliance, _______ system is becoming overloaded, and _______ smoke is rising.
117.  Later, _______ German designer started using bentwood rods to construct _______ frames of chairs and other furniture.
118.  Food cooked in _______ microwave oven does not present _______ radiation risk.
119.  A spotlight appeared on all four screens and _______ shadowy figure walked into it.
120.  Callers to _______ college complain of _______ endless cycle of relievers or incessant ringing when all lines are busy.
121.  The system consisted of _______ impeller displacement transducing part, _______ fluid flow transducing part, _______ fluid force transducing part, and _______ signal processing part.
122.  Belief in _______ religion is belief in _______ idea and in particular historical figures whether Muhammad, Christ or Joseph Smith.
123.  The truncheons behind _______ shield bearing _______ duke's Arms refer to his office as Earl Marshal.
124.  The U.N. announces food airlifts into _______ west African nation, where more than _______ million people are at risk now of starvation.
125.  Instead of _______ usual little back belt, why not add _______ entire placket that is laced up with tubes of self fabric?
126.  The 1850 event corresponds with _______ date of two intense windstorms and was _______ only disturbance event large enough to recruit white pine.
127.  The data is then formatted with _______ proper timing marks and modulated into _______ digital serial stream.
128.  It was _______ interruption of his concentration upon _______ interminable playing of dominoes, or cards, or throwing dice.
129.  Huge sand bags are being airlifted to try to stem _______ rush of water in that area.
130.  There is _______ lot of gambling on _______ tourney, but it's _______ friendly, friction free kind that even novices can get involved in.
131.  Doctors warned today of _______ dangers of eggs exploding after being heated in _______ microwave oven and leading to serious injuries.
132.  If you like to mingle and air kiss your way through _______ crowd then you have _______ found _______ place to call home.
133.  As it was, _______ explosion was centered in _______ very busy marketplace full of book sellers and street merchants.
134.  During _______ ground contact event, _______ payload streams data in real time through _______ series of software pipes.
135.  It's that overall volume that counts if you're thinking of travelling with _______ major tour operator.
136.  There are no therapeutic targets for TNBC, thus we aim to use _______ integrated genomics approach to identify master transcriptional regulators of this subtype.
137.  The company is _______ tour operator and central reservation office for European tourists to Namibia.
138.  But I think even _______ long, detailed, textured article would come in _______ end to two questions and two fairly clear answers.
139.  We believe government has _______ duty of care to provide safe and efficient public transport for all _______ populace, and to properly maintain its infrastructure.
140.  Five further episodes, not screened in _______ first run, have turned up in repeat airings.
141.  In later writings they modulate into fables, culminating in _______ brilliant Kafkaesque miniatures of With One Skin Less.
142.  Soften _______ palm sugar in _______ microwave oven at high heat for about 10 seconds.
143.  I'd tried calling her _______ night before but _______ line was busy and I really wanted to clear _______ air.
144.  On _______ most lucrative routes, _______ airlines may be assigned different time slots.
145.  Hence, _______ play-in game would be considered part of _______ tourney, and participants would receive _______ full share of tournament revenues.
146.  The characteristic voltage is about 2 volts per cell, so by combining six cells you get _______ 12-volt battery.
147.  Bork's textualism was also not likely to overturn _______ ton of democratically created laws.
148.  A local resident fears _______ plans will also mean up to 25 lorries _______ day trundling past her house.
149.  The petroleum company's newbuild pipelayer is expected to come on stream in _______ fourth quarter of this year.
150.  This sound is then modulated into speech by _______ precise movements of _______ tongue and lips.
151.  The light bulb from _______ ceiling caused _______ shadows to be thrown at _______ odd angle to _______ left.
152.  I tried phoning _______ house _______ couple of times, but _______ line was busy, Billy's sister was probably using it.
153.  My breath was stuck in my stomach, my limbs benumbed, my senses catapulted into _______ no-go area where terror meets exhilaration.
154.  Amy watched _______ world speed past as _______ bus trundled along until they came to Sara's stop.
155.  The wind tousled his hair and it became _______ little messy, and I laughed.
156.  Paranoid and deeply unlikable curmudgeon that he was, O'Brian had used his shadowy false identity as _______ screen against _______ prying eyes of _______ world.
157.  It was really very embarrassing to me, for of course I could not tell her that _______ jook had declined _______ honor of _______ introduction.
158.  The flushed cheeks didn't disappear when _______ arm was thrown carelessly about his shoulders.
159.  Given _______ choice to recant, martyrs chose instead to face their murderers and stand in witness to their beliefs.
160.  Not until after midnight, in _______ eerie twilight, do we sideslip around _______ medial moraine and discover two gigantic black holes in _______ silver glacier.
161.  They'll be too busy enjoying _______ dry wit and chummy storytelling that has established Strong's enthusiastic following.
162.  The clerk made numerous calls to _______ election supervisor, but _______ lines were constantly busy.
163.  Rather, _______ quartz crystals are cleanly truncated at _______ contacts, or they wrap themselves around _______ pyrites.
164.  The demonstrators were attacked by _______ police, who employed tear gas and truncheons and beat and arrested _______ number of _______ protesters.
165.  The front housing portion comprises upper and lower grooved shrouds extending forwardly from _______ front wall.
166.  Local people enjoyed _______ busy fun day at _______ opening celebration with games and stalls and Mr Shepherd stepped in to officiate at _______ launch.
167.  The public airing of information gathered in _______ police investigation runs _______ real risk of contaminating that investigation.
168.  In _______ airline industry _______ pilot who reports _______ error is immune from disciplinary action.
169.  The book consists of _______ interesting introduction followed by _______ biblical, theological and historical study.
170.  In areas that have _______ limited clay source, bentonite can be mixed with certain soils and compacted into place, forming _______ free-swelling water barrier.
171.  It was _______ odd sort of grin, and Jolly Roger caught it over his shoulder.
172.  Make _______ complete volte or turn about on _______ toe of _______ right, bringing _______ left foot well behind it.
173.  I've truncated _______ entries here on _______ main page after realizing _______ scroll had reached ridiculous lengths.
174.  Actually he made just one bad move in _______ whole tournament and this wasn't exactly _______ short tourney.
175.  Together, these proteins are known as immune deficiency pathway signal transducing factors, and are analogous to _______ electrical circuit.
176.  This _______ distribution power line, and _______ utility crews have told me that these sorts of lines normally carry 7,600 volts of electricity.
177.  Everyone did _______ 200 meter time trial to seed for _______ tourney.
178.  Further insight can be gained by studying _______ historical development of _______ author's thought.
179.  Each laser source modulates _______ input signal onto _______ wavelength that is distinct from _______ wavelength of each other laser source.
180.  It was Halloween, 1999, when _______ mysterious, shadowy figure appeared on _______ Montreal music scene.
181.  The new targets relate to _______ number of chemicals including benzene, carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
182.  In _______ sense, since I still can't watch with ironic or benumbed remove, my fright speaks well of _______ film's potency.
183.  And suddenly, someone threw _______ arm around my waist and yanked me back, right off my feet.
184.  She stared and directed her resonant voice into _______ distance as if to _______ unseen audience, and modulated her tones like _______ orator.
185.  Transcriptomes are less expensive than sequencing _______ entire genome and have been developed for other insect pests.
186.  Then it rushed _______ deal through via _______ urgency committee which truncated public debate and scrutiny.
187.  Drain blood from _______ finger and apply _______ tourniquet using _______ rubber band or _______ small Penrose drain at _______ base of _______ affected digit.
188.  You will be questioned as to how often you invite guests for meals and whether you have _______ microwave oven, _______ refrigerator and _______ deep freezer.
189.  For example, _______ belief that radio waves or microwaves can be used to cause _______ person to hear voices transmitted to him seems unlikely.
190.  Interestingly, we found that survivin is transcriptionally downregulated and proteasome-degraded by TIIA in _______ array of TRAIL-resistant ovarian cancer cell lines.
191.  Her burial shroud was tattered and ripped, her feet were stripped to _______ bone and _______ disgusting, black tongue wriggled around in her mouth.
192.  He actually told me he'd always wanted to meet me because he'd got _______ cigarette card with my picture on from _______ old Park Drive packet.
193.  Is there some further development planned in _______ future which has not yet had _______ public airing?
194.  Behind them trailed _______ small escort of equally benumbed guardsmen, every one with weapons, if not in hand, then at _______ ready.
195.  We have _______ duty of care to our pupils and we can't put pupils at risk.
196.  We had trouble getting dial tones on _______ land lines, everyone's line was busy.
197.  Food and other supplies were airlifted by national helicopters to _______ workers.
198.  Ten policemen, waving truncheons _______ little too enthusiastically, have closed _______ road so that _______ dialogue can be recorded.
199.  Believers want to prove that _______ shroud is not art, that it is _______ one, true burial shroud.
200.  The men in this novel are mostly shadowy figures who seem to appear at _______ right moment to fill out _______ necessary niche.
201.  Not surprisingly, Bob and I immediately got into _______ pickup 1830 game in preparation for _______ 1830 tourney to begin that night.
202.  Sakura raced down _______ path of _______ park, her hair streaming like ribbons in _______ wind, with Sin walking slowly behind her.
203.  New Zealand will follow _______ contrary course and move against _______ stream if this legislation is passed.
204.  Governors and headteachers will soon have _______ contractual duty of care to _______ work-life balance of teachers.
205.  However, when her line was busy I tended to dash onto _______ internet hoping to find her there.
206.  You have formed _______ contract with _______ tour operator or _______ airline, depending on whether you booked _______ package holiday or flights only.
207.  He was _______ quick-witted, well-meaning man who went with _______ stream instead of having _______ vision and strength of judgment to stand out against it.
208.  City traffic is _______ significant source of pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, particulate matter, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
209.  Flags are bits of coloured cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people's brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury _______ dead.
210.  There were two lamps hanging from _______ ceiling near _______ door that gave _______ place _______ strange shadowy glow.
211.  The chip then modulates _______ waves that _______ tag sends back to _______ reader and _______ reader converts _______ new waves into digital data.
212.  While all natural disasters can bring destruction to _______ area, windstorms typically produce _______ most damage.
213.  But that is not stopping any potential owner of _______ frost-free refrigerator or _______ microwave oven.
214.  Coffins were in use for _______ wealthy in _______ Middle Ages, but many people were buried simply in shrouds.
215.  At _______ last of six therapy sessions, Samuel had been streamed within _______ public school system into _______ program for creative children.
216.  The incremental cost to add _______ new process is higher than _______ cost to increase _______ throughput of _______ existing process.
217.  Employers have _______ duty of care that extends beyond _______ workplace.
218.  With _______ leaf from _______ old English book, _______ jonquil will serve for _______ pen.
219.  Of course, any attempt to modulate _______ activity of these enzymes requires _______ understanding of _______ catalytic steps at _______ molecular level.
220.  Well, this is _______ first time in _______ emergency that _______ World Food Programme has done airlifts of food into some of _______ worst affected areas.
221.  We've had nine airlines go out of business in this country in _______ last dozen years.
222.  Even _______ smallest of _______ ITV stations at times tried hard to get _______ airing for some of _______ special programmes that they had made.
223.  The burial shroud was lying where _______ body had been placed and _______ headpiece was folded neatly and put in _______ different part of _______ tomb.
224.  The damaged aircraft was itself airlifted out of _______ valley by _______ giant Chinook military helicopter on Wednesday.
225.  My mom was reading _______ romance novel in _______ kitchen when I arrived home, promptly air-kissed me and asked how my work was.
226.  The armoured shrouds on _______ four turbines looked tattered like ancient lace.
227.  Similarly, bring any problems about _______ package holiday immediately to _______ attention of _______ tour operator's representative at _______ resort.
228.  Consumers should be aware that there is _______ duty of care imposed on each insurance policy holder.
229.  From here supplies were airlifted to soldiers deployed in _______ wars in _______ Balkans and in Afghanistan.
230.  He was carefully maneuvering around to keep his weight off of me, but I was too busy enjoying _______ closeness to notice.
231.  Modulation in herbal medicine means to counteract _______ effects of stress and bring _______ process back to normal levels.
232.  It was his responsibility to decide whether _______ wind speeds were sufficiently low to climb.
233.  Those macabre photographs that benumbed _______ civilised world were worth _______ million words each.
234.  Laois County Council say they have _______ duty of care to house people, but they also have _______ duty of care to people already housed.
235.  Rolling _______ ball turns _______ chopper wheels, which in turn modulate _______ signal received by _______ photodetectors.
236.  A light and airy story about _______ trials and tribulations of love, _______ play will appeal to many.
237.  The corporate wing of _______ Democratic Party is busy brokering _______ back-room deal.
238.  It boasts _______ impressive cast, with Scarlett Johansson, Hillary Swank, Josh Hartnett and Aaron Eckhart donning _______ fedoras and cigarette holders.
239.  The film is characterised by _______ fine balance between truncated anecdotes and _______ nuanced sense of time passing.
240.  Mervin, _______ inventive individual, devised _______ electric baby-bottle warmer that could be plugged into _______ automobile dashboard like _______ cigarette lighter.
241.  Before long, _______ duo were sprinting full pace down _______ busy streets of dawn.
242.  Many surgeons use _______ tourniquet around _______ thigh, which reduces blood flow around _______ knee.
243.  Hackneyed, undisciplined and utterly rubbish, it ended with _______ shadowy stranger in black springing Myers from prison for no discernible reason.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be

CEFR English Exercise – there is – there are – there was – there were – there will be Please complete the following sentences with a “ ...