Monday, November 25, 2019

CEFR English Exercise - say - said - says - saying

Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.              Little _______, soonest mended.
2.              It _______ my uncle killed my mate and daughter, not the bandits.
3.              The newspapers _______ that the yen will go up soon .
4.              _______ she's improved comes over as a backhanded compliment.
5.              The boy justified himself by _______ he did not begin the fight.
6.              My friends think I'm nuts for _______ yes.
7.              Teacher _______ it was a day-dream, and she thinks you would be delighted to hear it.
8.              No promise, only _______ not over of lies.
9.              Jack was being perverse and refusing to agree with anything we _______.
10.         He doesn't _______ those silly things that unthinking people _______.
11.         The director _______ he had been vindicated by the experts' report.
12.         If they _______ you are good, ask yourself if it be true.
13.         I couldn't hear what he was _______ over the thunder of the waterfall.
14.         The reservation system _______ they have availability.
15.         Your boss _______ you're the best thing that ever happened to the diner.
16.         The paper _______ she was extremely distraught and sedated, and under a suicide watch.
17.         Freedom is the freedom to _______ that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows.
18.         On ethics, Locke _______ very little, although that little is hedonist and determinist.
19.         The doctor _______ you can come home Friday if you continue to improve, she _______.
20.         You call it unjust, he _______ in effect, that you should be punished.
21.         I calculate he is wrong in _______ that.
22.         That's when I knew what everyone _______ about old mines being dangerous is true.
23.         Evil [Ill] will never _______ well.
24.         A good leader makes a good team the best, as my father _______.
25.         The company has issued warning notices _______ that all water should be boiled.
26.         The shopkeeper _______ all his fruit and vegetables are grown locally.
27.         Detective Holt _______: "The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better".
28.         I was secretly relieved when Ed _______ it was time to turn back.
29.         Better _______ nothing than nothing to the purpose.
30.         Don't _______ that I changed,just _______ you tired.
31.         She _______ she needs time to think it over.
32.         I'll thump you if you _______ that again.
33.         I couldn't catch what you _______.
34.         I _______ "boys" advisedly because we are talking almost entirely about male behaviour.
35.         Do you give credit to what the man _______?
36.         I want to get near to the speaker, I can't hear what he's _______ from the back.
37.         The doctor _______ I can take it out of the sling when I'm resting.
38.         The doctor _______ she should be taking vitamin supplements.
39.         Do what the demon _______ and almost have a fifty percent chance of surviving.
40.         She shuffled out of the chores by _______ she felt ill.
41.         The man, Aristotle _______, " was by race a Jew out of Coele-Syria.
42.         Another man _______ the locomotive moves because its wheels go round.
43.         Not in so many words, but it _______ women shouldn't dress in men's clothing.
44.         They did not see the sign by the gate _______ 'Beware of the bull'.
45.         Speak well of your friend, of your enemy _______ nothing.
46.         I need hardly _______ what a pleasure it is to introduce our speaker.
47.         Mr. Winston _______ you know the whole business— how the dough fell out of the sky.
48.         The doctor _______ you're going to be here for a few more days.
49.         Someone stolen my house!' she _______ in dismay.
50.         "Well, I have shown you how to do this before, " she _______, unable to disguise her impatience.
51.         She also _______ Alex is there and he does not look well.
52.         Alex _______ it's best to let them alone, but Casper is used to being around me.
53.         Smith _______ that if one man tried to make pins by himself, he might make one per day.
54.         The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists _______ is under threat.
55.         She paid me the double-edged compliment of _______ my work was "excellent for a beginner".
56.         At the concluding press conference, both leaders _______ that the talks had been constructive.
57.         At first the boy had not seemed much interested in what the teacher was _______, but when the teacher called him, he began to sit up.
58.         You must be Annie,' he _______ in a friendly tone.
59.         Whom we love best to them we can _______ least.
60.         The least _______, the soonest mended.(or Least _______, soonest mended).
61.         They _______ the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.
62.         He wants us to do everything he _______ without question.
63.         I wish you wouldn't _______ things like that.
64.         I'm not perfect,I make mistakes,I hurt people,but when I _______ sorry,I mean it!
65.         _______ the veterinarian who envisioned steak lines on the buffalo.
66.         Doing is better than _______.
67.         Mansr _______ there will be water as long as I'm on Anshan.
68.         The neighbor we woke up _______ he's been around and he drives a dark blue van.
69.         That wasn't a very tactful thing to _______!
70.         He was very scathing about the report, _______ it was inaccurate.
71.         His critics _______ he's just being silly and petulant.
72.         The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others _______ you cannot do.
73.         A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you _______ you are a feminist.
74.         Katie _______ I'd better find a way to communicate with you.
75.         What I'm _______ is another matter.
76.         One of our agents in the Midwest _______ his grandson was found after a weird tip.
77.         Rachel, you must have misunderstood her! Ellie would never _______ something like that.
78.         He tore off before we could _______ a word.
79.         The doctors think she was molested, like the others, but she _______ she wasn't.
80.         What an extraordinary thing to _______!
81.         He _______ he'd picked the woman up in a bar.
82.         "When I clap my hands, you must stand still, " _______ the teacher.
83.         The Employment Minister _______ the reforms would generate new jobs.
84.         Good, he _______, is the fulfilment of man's destiny, evil the thwarting of it.
85.         He _______ his goodbyes knowing that a long time would pass before he would see his child again.
86.         His wife, a strange little mouse, never _______ anything.
87.         Are you _______ they paid a quarter of a mill for that house?
88.         "You _______ you'd stay till tomorrow." — "I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back."
89.         "You couldn't see my tears cause I am in the water.""Fish _______ to water.
90.         If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not _______ it.(If it is not broken, do not fix it.).
91.         Sorry about the leg, but Mr. Winston _______ to keep the light off.
92.         A guy who whispers in your ears, _______ " It's alright, I'm here." Holds you when you're sad, and treasures everything about you. That's the guy I want to give my heart to.
93.         The notice on the door _______ that the library was closed.
94.         This just proves what I have been _______ for some time.
95.         Do you mean to _______ you don't know how to ride a bicyle?
96.         For our sins, _______ the Russian chronicler of the time, " unknown nations arrived.
97.         We also realize the truth of that old _______: Charity begins at home.
98.         He paid scant attention to what was _______.
99.         He _______ this Baratto thing is too hot to waste time.
100.     The voyd church was made fast, and the keys keeped by the magistrate, _______ Baillie.
101.     Love, but not to talk, from no words to _______ nothing.
102.     The doctor _______ her mind is too active; but how are we to keep her from thinking?
103.     Pardon me - I didn't hear what you _______.
104.     Under normal circumstances, I would _______ 'yes'.
105.     Are you _______ that it's a bad idea?
106.     She _______: 'I shall love him always, but let him be free.'
107.     The judge _______ that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.
108.     " I told a fib about my age, " little Tom _______.
109.     If you don't invest in these shares, you're _______ no to a fortune.
110.     They left in haste, without even _______ goodbye.
111.     The man who has made up his mind to win will never _______ " Impossible".
112.     What are you trying to _______?
113.     Whatever he _______, there's a direct tie back to us!
114.     I tried to phone her, but all I got was a recorded message _______ that she was awayfor the weekend.
115.     I'm not _______ what he did was good, don't misunderstand me.
116.     If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can _______ will persuade her.
117.     They _______ that it will rain.
118.     She seemed to be listening to what I was _______, but I couldn't help noticing her surreptitious glances at the clock.
119.     She _______ she had thrown up after reading reports of the trial.
120.     She was _______ how true-to-life the characters in the film were.
121.     Believe what your heart tells you, not what others _______. Your heart knows what's best.
122.     We've had an urgent message _______ that your father's ill.
123.     If the child believes in what she is _______, she will carry conviction .
124.     Nick finished what he was _______ and jumped down from the platform.
125.     I couldn't hear what they were _______.
126.     _______ and doing are two different things.
127.     Julie _______ I should just lie and _______ I don't know him and have no idea who he is.
128.     He excused his absence by _______ that he was ill.
129.     Ought I to write to _______ thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought .'
130.     They're gone and the street _______ they're history and now there's a contract out on me!
131.     Am I correct in _______ that you know a lot about wine?
132.     "That's the old foresters" garden,' she _______ in reverential tones.
133.     The travellers _______ the police are hounding them.
134.     Police _______ a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
135.     Allen back-pedalled, _______ that he had had no intention of offending them.
136.     But I digress. To get back to what I was _______, this poem reflects the poet's loveof nature and his religious beliefs.
137.     John Johnston in his Coronis martyrum _______ he died in exile in 1556.
138.     Rhyn _______ to send you his way when you're done here.
139.     He tried to fudge the issue by _______ that he did not want to specify periods.
140.     I can just imagine him _______ that!
141.     This brings a birthday message especially to _______ how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.
142.     Don't be shy-come and _______ hello.
143.     I suppose there's no harm in going after such a thing to-day, _______ he.
144.     _______ and doing are two things.
145.     I _______ that it might rain.
146.     There is an element of truth in what you _______.
147.     He _______ the mate of the Dark One can do whatever she wants.
148.     He left, _______ he had pressing matters to attend to.
149.     I think we've got our lines crossed somewhere I _______ Venice, not Vienna.
150.     I don't understand what he's _______.
151.     It is _______ that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out.
152.     He _______ that the order was outgrown for the situation.
153.     Don't _______ bad things about others.
154.     What Bracey is _______ is tantamount to heresy.
155.     Mary excused her absence by _______ that she was ill.
156.     He _______ she is his sister.
157.     I could hear every word they were _______.
158.     She blinked away her tears _______ nothing.
159.     Some critics _______ the show was good in parts - those less charitable _______ the whole thing was a disaster.
160.     When I _______ some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you.
161.     I didn't pay attention to what she was _______.
162.     A spokesman for the dockyard _______ they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.
163.     He is haywire to _______ that.
164.     As they _______, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
165.     He that would live in peace and rest must hear and see, and _______ the best.
166.     You shouldn't _______ things like that.
167.     I told him what she had _______ about him and he did his nut.
168.     To _______ little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds.
169.     He _______ that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.
170.     Why did you walk away from me like that? H ave I _______ words to offend you?
171.     I don't care what anyone _______, not Dr. Williams, not my sister, not you!
172.     If you want a pretence to whip a dog, _______ that he ate the frying-pam.
173.     Music is the only language in which you cannot _______ a mean or sarcastic thing.
174.     The doc _______ there're two in the front seat, came word later.
175.     Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of _______things, and hence its importance.
176.     My father had always _______ that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect.
177.     Better to do well than to _______ well.
178.     Jack duked me because he _______ I had insulted him.
179.     My brother _______ your home is very different, that we need to teach you everything.
180.     The shop assistants didn't really want to discuss the matter, _______ it was just my hard luck.
181.     When a woman _______ something like that, she's waiting for you to fill in the details.
182.     I don't object to what she _______, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of _______it.
183.     You of all people ought to have been able to understand what he was _______.
184.     Grandma _______, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
185.     Take me away,' _______ she, 'don't let me perish with my little children!
186.     The police _______ that this was one of the most vicious attacks they'd ever seen.
187.     Your cousin _______ you haven't dated anyone in four years, he _______.
188.     It's very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she's _______.
189.     I'm feeling rather tired,' he _______, his eyes glazing.
190.     "No fast food", she _______ emphatically.
191.     The best way of summing up the situation in our office is to _______ that it is 'absolute chaos'.
192.     We couldn't hear what they were _______ on the tape - there was too much backgroundnoise.
193.     _______ she was wrong was a difficult climbdown for Sarah.
194.     I _______ little but I think the more.
195.     Dan _______ the condos were leveled about two days after the helo went down.
196.     She _______ she hates to leave what she has here in Keene.
197.     Tracy _______ the cabin was haunted.
198.     And I don't believe a word that Hardenburg _______, or Haugwitz either.
199.     Don't let me go. Don't _______ goodbye. Don't let this love die.
200.     It was difficult to hear what he was _______ over the hubbub.
201.     Not to _______ well, but to do well.
202.     Dr Boutros Ghali _______ the operation would overstretch resources.
203.     He's always harking back to his childhood and _______ how things were better then.
204.     The doctor _______ I can talk, but I think he is trying to avoid a law suit.
205.     He tried to console her, but she kept _______ it was all her own fault.
206.     I wouldn't be _______ this unless I were sure of the facts.
207.     He _______ he wanted to go to town.
208.     She didn't even call to _______ she wasn't coming.
209.     Mr Kennedy _______ that progress on reforms would be incremental.
210.     True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go isone way of _______ I love you.
211.     Experts _______ a 'yes' vote is still the likely outcome.
212.     Of course, it goes without _______ that you'll be paid for the extra hours you work.
213.     Those who used to _______ never separated, have scattered in the horizon.
214.     The police _______ they had no reason to suspect foul play .
215.     You naughty girl!' Mom _______, wagging her finger at me.
216.     Marijuana is _______ to be psychologically though not physically addictive.
217.     Didn't you hear what I _______?
218.     _______ is one thing and doing another.
219.     I asked my mother if she'd lend me some money, but she _______ no.
220.     The benefits of nuclear technology, she _______, had been grossly overestimated.
221.     He _______ blond hair and amethyst eyes are a killer combination.
222.     I don't want to give the game away by _______ too much.
223.     The least _______, the soonest mended.
224.     There is much to be _______ on both sides.
225.     The newspaper _______ someone talked with Byrne—an employee.
226.     He _______ no more until their final parting.
227.     So, he's a jerk—but that doesn't mean everything he _______ is a lie.
228.     Father _______ he can fly nearly all day without stopping.
229.     He speaks highly of Taran, _______ he is an honorable man.
230.     Learn to _______ before you sing.
231.     Katie _______ you're questioning my intentions toward you and your property.
232.     _______ "Goodbye" and hoping you know that warm wishes are with you wherever you go!
233.     I'm going now,' she _______, fastening her coat.
234.     I'm hungry, and Adrienne _______ she's always hungry.
235.     You can ask him again if you like, but it won't make any difference - he'll still _______ no.
236.     She hasn't phoned, even though she _______ she would.
237.     Mr. Catlin at the bank _______ he's as honest as they come.
238.     To _______ is one thing; to do is quite another.
239.     No sooner _______ than done.
240.     She passed me in the street without even _______
241.     Nought is another way of _______ zero.
242.     His mother, Martha's Aunt Rose _______ he's not the same person.
243.     The lighted dial of her watch _______ 1.20.
244.     I'm sorry to _______ that the project's funding has been cancelled.
245.     They _______ the bodies were found when rebels recaptured the area.
246.     There is a _______ that behind every successful man there's a woman.
247.     And what comes to-morrow who can _______.
248.     Teacher _______ she can see Venus from our window, and it is a large and beautiful star.
249.     She identified the bag as hers by _______ what it contained.
250.     The doctors were _______ there wasn't much hope of me getting better.
251.     Don't _______ love, a promise is a debt owed.
252.     School officials _______ they welcome parental involvement.
253.     She's an accomplished liar?they believed every word she _______.
254.     Never _______ of another what you would not have him hear.
255.     I don't recall what he _______ at the meeting.
256.     Jackson _______ her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.
257.     I have no quarrel with what you _______.
258.     She's swanking just because they _______ her es_______ was the best.
259.     Just "Happy Birthday",Dad,isn't much to _______,yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes,too,for happiness on your birthday and always,all year through.
260.     The bank manager is _______ to have issued fake certificates.
261.     And Fedya, with his noble spirit, loved him and even now never _______ a word against him.
262.     He swallowed all the criticism without _______ a thing.
263.     It is better to do well than to _______ well.
264.     I can't draw any conclusions from what she _______.
265.     My natural inclination was to _______ no.
266.     She _______ she'd seen him last week and he was alive and kicking.
267.     Please pay attention to what I am _______.
268.     People _______ things they don't mean when they are angry.
269.     what is usually called spiritualism) "is supported," _______ Serjeant Cox.
270.     He pretends to fall into a swoon and _______ senseless things that should have ruined him.
271.     He tried to avoid _______ anything that would implicate him further.
272.     Howie _______ the guy was tall and skinny and acted strangely.
273.     The government has _______ it will reform the military police.
274.     The doctor _______ the next few hours and days will tell the difference.
275.     Duff _______ he would be demanding a rematch.
276.     She had no inhibitions about _______ what she felt.
277.     I might _______ that success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.
278.     But did you notice, it _______, 'for consultation'? _______ Pierre.
279.     The most painful goodbyes are the ones that never _______, but your heart already know it's over.
280.     Politeness is to do and _______ the kindest thing in the kindest way.
281.     It's too soon to _______ if he'll survive.
282.     "Don't let that get you down," he _______ ruffling Ben's dark curls.
283.     If she wants water she _______, "Give Helen drink water."
284.     You haven't been listening to a single word I've been _______.
285.     He proposed to me and I _______ yes .
286.     He _______ Count Orlov never gave such a dinner as ours will be!
287.     Well, what did she actually _______?
288.     Will you suddenly appear, in a coffee shop around the corner, I will bring the smiling face, and you _______, not to _______ once upon a time, just _______, _______ to you, just _______, long time no see.
289.     Chance created the situation; genius utilized it, _______ history.
290.     We read the world wrong and _______ that it deceives us.
291.     It's obvious from what she _______ that something is wrong.
292.     Something the boy _______ to him teed him off.
293.     He might have had the grace to _______ he was sorry!
294.     In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never _______ fail.
295.     What an absurd thing to _______!
296.     With regard to the causation of variation Darwin _______ (Origin of Species, ch.
297.     It was like a Whitehall farce the way I was sent from department to department and everyone _______ it was someone else's job to help me.
298.     What you _______ is irrelevant to the subject.
299.     When he _______ that, I had to agree.
300.     This time, Xander _______ Darian's fate is not the same as his predecessor.
301.     She gave me a sharp jab in the ribs with her elbow to stop me from _______ any more.
302.     The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, _______ it smacked of racism.
303.     Never _______ die! Up man, and try.
304.     I can't hear a word you're _______.
305.     To _______ the movie was bad is an understatement .
306.     "No, go that way, " I _______, pointing in the opposite direction.
307.     Of this, he _______, every man shall judge for himself.
308.     Sure. It _______, 'I'm going to hell for what I did,' doesn't it?
309.     He _______ that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.
310.     The forecast _______ there would be sunny intervals and showers.
311.     What was I _______, before we were so rudely interrupted?
312.     Now, Brother Felix _______ I can read almost as well as he.
313.     Toby _______ you're going to kill me, she _______, heart hammering.
314.     He's just _______ that to prove a point .
315.     If a woman _______ no and a man does it anyway, isn't that rape?
316.     I paid little attention to what the others were _______.
317.     The man who has made up his mind to win will never _______ "impossible ".
318.     He quoted Mr Polay as _______ that peace negotiations were already underway.
319.     Uncle Henry _______ 'Eureka' means 'I have found it.'
320.     She added a PS to _______ 'hi' to my brother.
321.     To _______ I'm disappointed is an understatement.
322.     But,' he _______, 'go up to ours and they are all rotten and maggoty.
323.     Excellent beer,' he _______, wiping the froth from his mouth.
324.     Dr. Cohen _______ I should address the issue, whatever that means.
325.     Oh, hello,' _______ Eileen, with forced brightness.
326.     Good of you to arrive on time,' George _______, with heavy sarcasm .
327.     He sketched out what he had _______.
328.     Politicians are always _______ that they want to help us but their hands are tied.
329.     He _______ nobody in their right mind would skip out on her.
330.     She swore against me, _______ I had stolen her purse.
331.     I don't grieve for myself,' he _______, 'God, it seems, has chastened me.
332.     She rationalized the expense by _______ that the costly carpet she had bought wouldlast longer than a cheaper one.
333.     Mike _______ along the Mississippi, all the towns are like this.
334.     I'd just like to sum up by _______ that it's been a tremendous pleasure to work withyou.
335.     He greeted her by _______ 'Good morning'.
336.     The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also _______ that his opponent should pay the court costs.
337.     You're nearly twenty, yet you keep _______ silly things like that.
338.     Who should I _______ is calling?
339.     If he really has lots of money, like everyone _______, why did he move up here?
340.     Be careful what you _______ because he's touchy.
341.     Any admission by her usually means a lot more than what she _______.
342.     My son nears the age where my uncle _______ the demon must claim him as a host.
343.     The spokeswoman _______ that Nimby attitudes were delaying development of the site.
344.     She astonished us by _______ she was leaving.
345.     The police officer _______ the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.
346.     He has an unerring knack of _______ the wrong thing.
347.     Could you hear what I was _______?
348.     He _______ she's moved them into the Otradnoe enclosure.
349.     They goaded him into entering the pitch dark basement by _______ he was a coward.
350.     Either way, he _______, "'So in love, _______ everyone.'"
351.     The meeting seemed to be endless, but I extricated myself by _______ I had to catcha plane.
352.     That is as much as _______ I am a liar.
353.     The paper _______ that 100,000 non-resident workers would have to be sent back to their home villages.
354.     I thought of you immediately when they _______ they wanted someone who could speak English.
355.     I disapprove of what you _______, but I will defend to the death your right to _______ it.
356.     Oh, I guess I'm just being foolish like Claire _______.
357.     Don't _______ you won't fall_______ you'll get up.-Miriam Homann.
358.     Jim _______ that his brother had cheated at cards.
359.     They appeased him by _______ sorry.
360.     Although the relationship is no longer as concerned about it, but how can you _______ broken off.
361.     They _______ a good sweat will cure a cold.
362.     There are only two families in the world, as a grandmother of mine used to _______, the haves and the have-nots.
363.     Under interrogation, he refused to _______ anything at first.
364.     The country, Josephus _______, was full of " robbers " and " wizards."
365.     "It's very difficult, " I _______. "Impossible, " she chimed in.
366.     What the old headmaster _______ at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind.
367.     So what you're _______ is, there's none left.
368.     He has _______ he will cooperate fully with the police enquiries.
369.     Are you _______ you're better than I am?
370.     He calls at weird hours and you must do what he _______.
371.     Police _______ they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.
372.     Slurring her words, she _______, I'm, I'm gonna drive.
373.     Macmillan wrote back _______ that he could certainly help.
374.     The doctor _______ he should recover completely, though.
375.     He hated his mother's way of alluding to Jean but never actually _______ her name.
376.     Optimism, on the other hand, _______, "There is a way."
377.     I'll give you grain, indeed!' she _______, voices in the crowd were heard _______.
378.     So I _______ the horses and chickens are mine and Alex _______ the other animals are his.
379.     I had no intention, 5 he _______ in the Method, " of attempting to master all 2 lb.
380.     They were in the next room and we could hear every word they _______.
381.     I have to _______ I don't much care for modern music.
382.     He received a letter _______ that the appointment had been cancelled.
383.     The commander _______ that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
384.     The accent _______ otherwise, but I was born in New York.
385.     Linda _______ you make a killer grilled chicken, Traci called from the kitchen.
386.     I _______: 'Papa wants to sleep!' but she _______, 'No, he's laughing.'
387.     The staff _______ there is no formal structure for negotiating pay increases.
388.     Modern doubt does not _______ there is no God; it _______, We don't know.
389.     Love is an unknown place that no _______ from all around the worldcan explain.
390.     I have to _______ in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.
391.     What you _______ is partly right.
392.     He _______ Memon agrees to your banquet, but in two days.
393.     I distinctly remember Jane _______ that the show started at eight.
394.     Military science _______ that the more troops the greater the strength.
395.     How impudent u are to _______ such a thing.
396.     "It's wonderful," he _______ with apparent sincerity.
397.     I belong to Alice... at least, that's what she _______.
398.     Dustin _______ … "… women are the true scourge of mankind.
399.     They spoke in low voices so I would not hear what they were _______.
400.     _______ wait for you, I would not leave.
401.     Do as I _______, not as I do.
402.     Die? I should _______ not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J.
403.     The laws of Nature, that is to _______ the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.
404.     This is who I am. Nobody _______ you had to like it.
405.     He _______ it's only a few miles away and we'll be right back.
406.     He _______ to enter the main house by the first entrance you find.
407.     Thiers, a Bonapartist, _______ that Napoleon's power was based on his virtue and genius.
408.     She stutters a bit, so let her finish what she's _______.
409.     Fancy her _______ such unkind things about you!
410.     Pete, ever the optimist, _______ things were bound to improve.
411.     It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was _______.
412.     There was a large notice on the wall _______ 'No Parking'.
413.     Officials _______ that one or two engines fell away from the plane shortly after takeoff.
414.     A UN official _______ aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.
415.     Folks,' she _______, 'are all gone, so why,' she _______, 'don't we go?'
416.     We stood around _______ goodbye for a while.
417.     I think it would be true to _______ that the show was a success.
418.     Don't _______ sorry, because we never mind.
419.     Lon _______ he's not … normal, if you'd call any of them normal.
420.     Gladys _______ they really got along great, Cynthia _______, with a smile.
421.     Mary could make little of what John was _______.
422.     Some of his colleagues _______ that he's loud and obnoxious.
423.     He issued a terse statement, _______ he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.
424.     Don't misunderstand me / what I'm trying to _______.
425.     I'm so tired,' she _______.
426.     We _______ good - bye, then he turned and walked off without another word.
427.     _______ well is good, but do well is better.
428.     They _______ there are brigands hiding along the way.
429.     It's curious that she left without _______ goodbye.
430.     _______ not all that you know, believe not all that you hear.
431.     The prince _______ nothing about that, he remarked gently.
432.     Ten bucks _______ I know who he's looking for, Dean answered.
433.     When you're done, perhaps I can _______ something.
434.     I lied when I _______ I didn't like you. I lied when I _______ I didn't care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.
435.     _______ that as soon as peace is made all foreign mercenaries are to be banished.
436.     He called her up one day and _______ that he and his wife were coming to New York.
437.     The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never _______ and never explained.
438.     There's no _______ what will happen.
439.     What she _______ was fair comment .
440.     Besides, the cops only had eyes for me, like the song _______.
441.     She had the disconcerting habit of _______ exactly what she thought.
442.     Excuse me for interrupting, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were _______.
443.     Elise _______ you used to call her to kill bugs in your room.
444.     My chief _______ for us not to break our butts wasting any more time chasing him down.
445.     That, if you'll pardon my _______ so, is neither here nor there.
446.     Was she asking for a lift? I must have misheard her/what she was _______.
447.     He had nothing to _______ apropos of the latest developments.
448.     That was marvellous,' _______ Daniel.
449.     She opened her mouth to _______ something.
450.     Tradition _______ he was ensnared and poisoned by Stephania, the widow of Crescentius.
451.     He is quoted as _______ he disagrees with the decision.
452.     God is Love, I dare _______, but what a mischievous devil Love is.
453.     Everyone _______ Caleb, Darian _______ over his shoulder with a grunt.
454.     He began by _______ a prayer.
455.     I'm only going on what I overheard him _______ to Chris, but I think he's planning to leave next month.
456.     Don't let it end like this . Tell them I _______ something. Pancho villa, Mexican revolutionary.
457.     Police refused to _______ if the couple died in a suicide pact.
458.     Russia, he _______, had reached the point of no return on the road to reform and had to go forward.
459.     He quickly interpreted to us what the Russian was _______.
460.     What he _______ had not much bearing on the problem.
461.     If they _______ you are good, ask yourself if it be ture.
462.     From what Fred _______ after snooping on the Internet, Mr. Westlake is quite wealthy.
463.     Almost three in four clinics _______ they face closure by the end of the year.
464.     Conversely, you might _______ that it is ridiculous.
465.     They _______ that time heals all wounds.
466.     Do well is better than _______ well.
467.     I was sorely tempted to _______ exactly what I thought of his offer.
468.     He _______ the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.
469.     Don't _______ a word about the accident to my mother.
470.     It goes without _______.
471.     He tried to justify himself to me by _______ that he was late.
472.     There's no shame in _______ 'I don't know'.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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