Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CEFR English Exercise – Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement - 2

Please complete the following sentences with a “ Prepositions of Time, Place and Movement ”.

Preposition of time
ü inside
ü used to show an exact position or particular place
ü table
ü events
ü place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)
ü attached
ü next to or along the side of (river)
ü used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it.
ü left, right
ü a floor in a house
ü used for showing some methods of traveling
ü television, radio
by, next to, beside, near
ü not far away in distance
ü in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects
ü at the back (of)
in front of
ü further forward than someone or something else
ü lower than (or covered by) something else
ü lower than something else.
ü above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other.
ü more than.
ü across from one side to the other.
ü overcoming an obstacle
ü higher than something else, but not directly over it
ü from one side to the other of something with clear limits / getting to the other side
ü from one end or side of something to the other
ü in the direction of
ü bed
ü towards the inside or middle of something and about to be contained, surrounded or enclosed by it
ü in the direction of, or closer to someone or something
ü used to show movement into or on a particular place
ü used to show the place where someone or something starts:
ü expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
Preposition of time
ü days
ü weekend (American English)
ü months / seasons / year
ü morning / evening / afternoon
ü period of time
ü night
ü weekend (British English)
ü used to show an exact or a particular time:
ü from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
ü used to show an amount of time.
ü back in the past; back in time from the present:
ü at or during a time earlier than
ü used when saying the time, to mean before the stated hour
ü telling the time
ü until a particular time, marking end of a period of time
ü used to show the time when something starts
till / until
ü up to (the time that)
ü not later than; at or before

Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

501.                    Workers must be able _______  access and manage their communications _______  the fly, and _______  a moment's notice _______  anywhere _______  the world.
502.        All seven men were also ordered _______  pay 11 million kip each as compensation _______  the family _______  the victim, said the sources.
503.        A few years ago, the town enjoyed a nice boomlet, but _______  then times have been tough.
504.        I peered outside _______  fishermen _______  green quilted waistcoats sat sheltered beneath big umbrellas _______  a pond rippled _______  raindrops.
505.        I worked _______  the two new etchings and the four monoprints that I started _______  Christmas.
506.        As noted below, however, any clear distinction _______  Cumbric and Welsh is difficult _______  prove.
507.        The kidneys and urinary tract filter and eliminate these waste substances _______  our blood.
508.        The novel is studded with gems _______  images, brief and evocative, describing her mother's interjections _______  her thoughts.
509.        If a hog barn is built _______  _______  my farm and affects my quality _______  life and property value, I can't be compensated.
510.        Somehow, he had wandered _______  the lower part _______  the James mansion, the sub-basement.
511.        Don't hold back _______  expressing concerns, clarifying misperceptions, or acknowledging gaps _______  your capabilities.
512.        An American circus-goer, gazing _______  the tattooed man _______  the sideshow, relives his own _______  _______  untold centuries back.
513.        However, _______  the Destruction _______  the Second Temple, about two thousand years ago, taking Nazirite vows was a common feature _______  the religion.
514.        Lord Justice Sedley upheld the argument and referred the case back _______  the county court _______  reconsideration.
515.        This normally takes the form _______  two witnesses _______  the crime or one witness and corroborating evidence, usually _______  the form _______  forensic evidence.
516.        Most _______  the time, reflux is associated with hiatus hernia or prolapse _______  stomach _______  the food pipe, which is quite troublesome.
517.        Lloyd Webber accepted the challenge _______  managing the UK's entry _______  the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, _______  be held _______  Moscow.
518.        Dirty winemaking still exists _______  course and _______  the years experience has taught me that filthy cellars produce filthy wine.
519.        He chafed a begrimed hand _______  a similarly soiled mouth, maw gaping wide _______  a grin, _______  reveal ebony teeth with fallow flashes _______  gold.
520.        Then his view _______  the window was suddenly rushing forward, directly _______  the blue.
521.        The walls were wallpapered _______  a warm red color, with a single oak bed angled _______  _______  a large window overlooking the fields _______  us.
522.        When this was done, the arm _______  the ligature was cool and pale, while _______  the ligature it was warm and swollen.
523.        I ran _______  my wages _______  two days. Now I've got _______  live _______  _______  _______  nothing _______  Friday!
524.        With a 179 majority after 1997, he could afford _______  ignore it altogether and rule _______  an inner cabinet.
525.        However, whatever the visitors were lacking they will never be short _______  pride and spirit.
526.        Although the Severn is visible _______  British Camp, it is nowhere _______  it, so this battle must have taken place elsewhere.
527.        His search _______  such connections _______  forms and names has led him, _______  degrees, _______  the sculpture-installation.
528.        But the contractor has started clearing the site so that the riverside walk can be open _______  the festive period.
529.        Ancient Greeks and Romans observed it _______  its potassium salt form as a by-product _______  the production _______  wine.
530.        The woman moved _______  stand _______  _______  him, and Lexa felt a jolt _______  surprise as she recognized the weapon _______  the man's hand.
531.        There's also the problem that _______  streams with lots _______  miller's thumbs, rocks _______  hide _______  are the limiting factor.
532.        That was many years ago, twenty years or more, and during this time Okonkwo's fame had grown like a bush-fire _______  the harmattan.
533.        The helicopter's rotor blades began _______  spin, and _______  the rebels could even think _______  rescue, he had taken off.
534.        Taking a break _______  signing autographs, he seemed pleased with the way things had gone.
535.        The earliest known proboscideans, the clade that contains the elephants, existed about 55 million years _______  around the Tethys Sea area.
536.        This is a rare instance _______  direct personal allusion _______  Sep, wherein he discusses the role _______  poetry as devotion.
537.        Ever _______  she was placed _______  the gifted program, she's become so high and mighty that no one wants _______  be _______  her.
538.        Disraeli devoted much _______  his campaign _______  decrying the Liberal programme _______  the _______  five years.
539.        All around, people queued _______  a polite but formal way _______  pay their respects.
540.        Armed with a booming drive, he is not short _______  confidence, and it is more than his golf that will help him _______  stand out.
541.        Strabo says that the Romans use Hispania and Iberia synonymously, distinguishing _______  the _______  northern and the far southern provinces.
542.        They put these viewing platforms all _______  the place so that people can see _______  whatever area has been walled off.
543.        Bowling underwent an evolution around 1760 when bowlers began _______  pitch the ball instead _______  rolling or skimming it _______  the batsman.
544.        As the ice retreated 10,000 years _______  the lake reconnected _______  the sea, becoming brackish and then fully saline once again.
545.        The short essay then quickly moves _______  _______  a concern about how we should read Nietzsche's texts.
546.        For some time _______  I have been the recipient _______  very marked attentions _______  a young lady.
547.        Above him was the strong willow's branch, he braced his feet against the trunk _______  him, and pushed.
548.        The protest organisers are asking fans _______  take along banners, horns and whistles.
549.        All _______  all, his break _______  his instrumental _______  proves moving and well judged.
550.        In older books I found tales _______  desert caravans, raids _______  Bedouin clans, _______  starvation, and hard-won spiritual enlightenment.
551.        Eleanor remained Henry II's prisoner _______  his death, partly as insurance _______  Richard's good behaviour.
552.        Branched DNA can be used _______  nanotechnology _______  construct geometric shapes, see the section _______  uses _______  technology below.
553.        In some shale horizons, layers _______  laminated chert occur along anastomosing foliation planes that are subparallel _______  bedding.
554.        In fact, the inscriptions _______  the cartouches _______  the top _______  each scroll were taken _______  Genshin's treatise.
555.        Standing _______  the edge _______  the cliff, we watched the waves crash _______  the shore far below.
556.        If I could do things _______  again, I would go back and play a small part _______  Fellini or a walk-on _______  Bertolucci.
557.        The idea _______  sharing Christmas cheer surrounded _______  warm sands and crashing surf sounded wonderfully alluring.
558.        Boys who binged _______  booze and smoked marijuana daily were three _______  four times more likely _______  be found suffering _______  depression a year later.
559.        He had earlier used seven _______  his own clubs _______  a vain attempt _______  keep the ball _______  the short grass.
560.        When we went back _______  the barn the reticent band _______  withdrawn British people had become excited and chatty.
561.        I've blathered about this before, but it still drives me crackers _______  a regular basis.
562.        Argentine midfielder Jonas Gutierrez added a superb second when he surged _______  four challenges _______  fire _______  low.
563.        When the unclean spirit is gone out _______  a man, he walketh _______  dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
564.        Obviously I've not played _______  this level _______  so I had _______  get my head down and concentrate and I thought it went quite well _______  be fair.
565.        It's not so long _______  that Argentina looked _______  be _______  complete control _______  this match. Now Paraguay are forcing their backs _______  the wall.
566.        Above the church stalls _______  the left _______  the altar, however, hangs a small painting that is deceptively unassuming.
567.        They will consider whether the family should be rehoused or housed _______  accommodation provided _______  the local authority.
568.        The copper turned the arrowhead _______  a lethal weapon capable _______  splitting chain mail and armour.
569.        By sticking _______  this pattern he would manage _______  get his head down _______  90 minutes _______  a time.
570.        The feedback _______  this case showed that the sole witness _______  the apparition was a six year old boy named Roddy.
571.        The level _______  the provinces, the clubs, has probably suffered somewhat _______  the professional era.
572.        Although it has _______  been suggested that he had the blood disease porphyria, the cause _______  his illness remains unknown.
573.        I missed the plane, and the _______  available flight doesn't leave _______  tomorrow.
574.        A substantial British force met the Romans _______  a river crossing thought _______  be _______  Rochester _______  the River Medway.
575.        Carbon atoms are linked _______  hexagons, and the hexagonal pattern makes up the walls _______  a cylinder only nanometers wide.
576.        She felt uncomfortable, shifting _______  the gaze _______  the old woman, which seemed _______  bore right _______  her.
577.        I'm not a racing man myself, but the pubs stay open _______  2.30, so who's complaining?
578.        In 2015, he was awarded the Golden Duke _______  Lifetime Achievement, the special award _______  the 6th Odessa International Film Festival.
579.        We are all joined _______  an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts _______  all barriers _______  time, convention, philosophy and definition.
580.        Vehicle break-ins have been rife _______  the area _______  recent months, with thefts _______  cars and _______  the cars themselves becoming a serious problem.
581.        Around 11,700 years _______  marked the beginning _______  the Holocene geological epoch, which includes the Holocene glacial retreat.
582.        From the mountain chain _______  them emerged a terrifying creature, a monster, a demon _______  be precise.
583.        She arrived _______  the doors _______  the convent while the abbess was praying _______  _______  _______  the church's crucifix.
584.        The author claimed the soldier was an ordinary sepoy who, _______  the influence _______  bhang, committed a reckless act _______  which he was hanged.
585.        She persevered _______  her studies and graduated _______  the top _______  her class.
586.        After the most gentle _______  warm-ups he suddenly went white and, bending _______  _______  _______  _______  the press gallery, he proceeded _______  spew copiously.
587.        I placed our raffia sleeping mats _______  the corners _______  the room, _______  _______  our bags and food.
588.        I run away _______  netballs, swerve _______  avoid hockey sticks, grind _______  a halt _______  the sack race.
589.        Joe made his way slowly _______  the barn and _______  the cattle byre where the milk cow stood _______  her stall, chomping _______  the hay.
590.        They then demanded the complete abolition _______  serfdom, and were not pacified _______  the young King Richard II personally intervened.
591.        Unipart Dorman make LED traffic lights _______  Meols Cop railway station _______  Blowick, east _______  Southport.
592.        He grasped the handle _______  the shield and the hilt _______  the sword, and felt himself being pushed along.
593.        Insects were transferred _______  sweep nets _______  labeled plastic bags, frozen, and sorted _______  morphospecies.
594.        The news was greeted with delight yesterday _______  the Hope Foundation's head office _______  Cork.
595.        It's during these inept stabs _______  drama that the director displays how far _______  _______  his head he is.
596.        In the _______  it was a custom _______  drink Sljivovica _______  breakfast and after that Slatko with water.
597.        From 2008 _______  his retirement, Adidas had sponsored the cricket bat used _______  Tendulkar.
598.        We stayed up _______  eleven, sitting _______  the stairs, _______  the floor, and scrouged _______  the day room, surrounded _______  stacks _______  GI clothes.
599.        Above 7,000 feet, dehydration increases, so Tom stayed off the booze, which slows acclimatization.
600.        The kiosk is linked _______  a database _______  information, and _______  the website _______  Temple Bar Properties _______  a broadband connection.
601.        Many people are now asking why he would do such a thing, blaming his famous ego _______  getting the better _______  him, as it has before.
602.        Behind the band, they carried stretchers, symbolic _______  the operational role played _______  the bandsmen _______  action.
603.        I sighed deeply and took a seat _______  the grass, bracing _______  _______  a tall white oak tree.
604.        The temperature plummeted _______  _______  zero, enough _______  make one's teeth chatter!
605.        Okay, so I'm going _______  try _______  get _______  the window, and you guys have _______  hold _______  _______  my ankles, and then I'll unbar the door so we can get out.
606.        Neither he nor any _______  his predecessors _______  1807 have pursued their claim.
607.        I would have sensed if there had been any anxiety, but it was only the night _______  the race that he began _______  be monosyllabic.
608.        New York's historic sister cities are denoted _______  _______  the year they joined New York City's partnership network.
609.        Baines requests gradually increased intimacy _______  exchange _______  greater numbers _______  keys.
610.        The death _______  any kinsman or woman _______  any cause might give rise _______  the hope _______  their spirit being reincarnated.
611.        It has a county council based _______  Matlock and eight district councils and _______  1997, a unitary authority area _______  the City _______  Derby.
612.        She was certain she was about _______  kick up dust about her mother just as Setsuka had done about Mitsu's death eighteen years ago.
613.        We're taking it as a foregone conclusion that Dean is going _______  skate _______  the primaries unscathed.
614.        The disease repeatedly wiped out the rodent carriers so that the fleas died out _______  a new outbreak _______  Central Asia repeated the process.
615.        With the retirement _______  Istabraq we are short _______  stars but this lady could soon be a darling with racegoers everywhere.
616.        For this scene, four horses pulling two full-size chariots were led _______  a massive treadmill _______  centerstage.
617.        Bisexuals, she said, glommed _______  lesbians because they feared their fathers, or had been devastated _______  ex-boyfriends.
618.        Given the likely significance _______  knowledge spillovers _______  industries it is important _______  use an economy wide measure _______  the patent rate.
619.        The raise falls _______  the category _______  social allowance, which was first applied _______  1987 _______  deal with the deterioration _______  public sector wages.
620.        Such Biblical allusion was _______  stark contrast _______  the welter _______  less printable comments being bellowed _______  the faithful.
621.        Because _______  their _______  crimes, everything they do now will be subject _______  scrutiny.
622.        An umbilical cable attaches _______  the waistcoat _______  my drysuit, with an external switch _______  the chest area.
623.        The Ordovician spanned _______  approximately 488 million years _______  approximately 443 million years ago.
624.        Behind these violent and ugly displays _______  rank bullying lies a profound irony.
625.        The incident spotlights the shell game being run _______  state campuses _______  North America _______  the guise _______  free speech.
626.        What is verifiable is that the ice cores indicate Greenland has had dramatic temperature shifts many times _______  the _______  100,000 years.
627.        Although hip hop _______  Africa is based _______  the North American template, it has been remade _______  produce new meanings _______  African young people.
628.        Above all, it needs _______  recognise that it has two main radio stations, and that they compete _______  a multichannel radio world.
629.        As the road dipped down _______  the floor _______  this prehistoric lakebed we were struck _______  waves _______  searing heat.
630.        Combined with the GPS functionality _______  such devices, this allows readings _______  be recorded and later downloaded _______  a map.
631.        Witnesses later confirmed Bill stopped _______  the liquor store _______  the county line and downed a fifth _______  whiskey _______  driving _______  town.
632.        It was not _______  August 1297 that he was finally able _______  sail _______  Flanders, _______  which time his allies there had already suffered defeat.
633.        To the left, filling the screen, appeared the crease _______  a leg and a buttock, fringed _______  skimpy gold shorts.
634.        Above the drums, singing, and stomping _______  feet, women ululate shrilly _______  express their excitement.
635.        When experienced traveler Madeleine takes monthly business jaunts around the country, she brings along her trusty black overnighter.
636.        They dug trenches _______  the river _______  redirect the flow _______  the water.
637.        A recovery vehicle drove the car back _______  Huddersfield and the couple are hoping _______  make a donation _______  the fire service as a way _______  thanks.
638.        I netted a beast, all 11 lb 10 oz _______  it, _______  the York water _______  Beningbrough Park last Friday.
639.        Never give the least touch with your pencil _______  you have well examined your design.
640.        The village square is dominated _______  a pristine, thatched church enclosed within a walled yard.
641.        The procession, headed _______  a military-style cadet band, will set off _______  Malsis Road _______  2pm.
642.        The book reveals the cold calculations that were _______  the government's policies.
643.        They offer free, unbiased, anonymous credit advice and will help you sort _______  your debt.
644.        The star, which they saw _______  the east, went _______  them, _______  it came and stood _______  where the young child was.
645.        Sculpted landforms, called yardangs, are up _______  tens _______  meters high and kilometers long and are forms that have been streamlined _______  desert winds.
646.        When the assistant referee refused _______  flag, the Dutchman angled a low shot _______  the goalkeeper and inside the far post.
647.        Two large washtubs or large gourds are placed _______  _______  each other and partially filled with water.
648.        At this point there is no effort _______  co-ordinate services _______  Government Departments.
649.        He started his homework two hours _______  and he still isn't finished.
650.        Picking up the washcloth _______  his bed, she wiped the sweat _______  his forehead.
651.        Having said all this, there are _______  least three future classics here and it's still head and shoulders _______  what most contemporaries are achieving.
652.        Skelton said the two suspects were seen running _______  a service road _______  the mountain _______  two plain clothes West Vancouver police detectives.
653.        Soldiers who spoke _______  the Evening Gazette today said they had not seen any need _______  supplement Army issue desert kit _______  buying their own.
654.        One biker identified _______  police as Christopher Cruz _______  New Jersey, can be seen cutting _______  _______  _______  the Range Rover.
655.        Above his locker was his nameplate, brandishing both his name and his number.
656.        We baled the hay _______  the weekend, and stacks have been pushed _______  every day _______  then.
657.        The leader and his entire coterie are a study _______  relaxation and resilience going _______  what should be a trying week _______  the seaside.
658.        There are, _______  India, ghosts who take the form _______  fat, cold, pobby corpses, and hide _______  trees _______  the roadside _______  a traveller passes.
659.        In the _______  graph we have plotted the monthly price _______  U.S. dollar Gold and the year-to-year change _______  U.S. currency circulation, inverted.
660.        The one we parked _______  _______  _______  had an Astroturf lawn and white picket fence.
661.        Bermudians will still be able _______  gamble _______  horse racing, the football pools, _______  the bingo halls and _______  internet gaming sites.
662.        Above all, the stones remain and endure and, as he rightly reminds us, they too have a story _______  tell.
663.        In 1954 Blyton adapted Noddy _______  the stage, producing the Noddy _______  Toyland pantomime _______  just two or three weeks.
664.        By the 13th century windmills had come _______  use _______  pump water out _______  areas _______  sea level.
665.        Behind a door _______  the back _______  the kitchen hides an extensive wine cellar stacked with choice Riojas.
666.        In the 1830s, _______  the height _______  the Chartist movement, there was a general tendency _______  reformism _______  the United Kingdom.
667.        Bodies _______  the United States are usually kept _______  the funeral homes _______  the wake is done.
668.        To the north, Aria Assistance is _______  the B2028 _______  Haywards Heath railway station.
669.        The churches _______  Nazareth were mentioned as tourist sights, shown _______  guests _______  the beginning _______  Intifada, but not as places _______  symbolic value.
670.        For much _______  the 20th century there was considerable antagonism _______  rugby league _______  rugby union.
671.        Harsh persecution pushed many Anabaptists underground and _______  rural hideaways.
672.        Behind this is the family room which has rich red walls, a moulded timber ceiling and a cast-iron open fireplace with slate hearth.
673.        The couple had left England when Arthur was promoted _______  head the Bloemfontein office _______  the British bank _______  which he worked.
674.        The Chinese Spring Festival, or New Year, occurs _______  January 21 and February 20 _______  the Western calendar.
675.        He has also learned the Greek alphabet, capital and lowercase, and has begun _______  make the distinction _______  consonants and vowels.
676.        I think it would be unique _______  have an actor playing him _______  the very early days as a midshipman, _______  _______  he's an Admiral.
677.        For wildlife sound recordist Chris Watson, listening _______  the dawn chorus is like eavesdropping _______  a secret world.
678.        In 2016, The British Museum moved its bag searches _______  marquees _______  the _______  courtyard and _______  the rear entrance.
679.        Yes, we now use satellites _______  measure yardages, space-age fabrics keep us dry and entry signs are carved _______  stone _______  lasers.
680.        Throughout the Middle Ages, Suffolk was dominated _______  the two liberties and the many other religious houses.
681.        We got a bunch _______  people together and went _______  the Surrey office and the social worker gave her a check.
682.        Julius Asclepiodotus landed an invasion fleet _______  Southampton and defeated Allectus _______  a land battle.
683.        Instead, you'll stand _______  _______  _______  monuments where civilization took a quantum leap forward.
684.        Above a carefully cut animal skin, an arc _______  wood is stretched taut _______  a rope.
685.        Ecgric's successor Anna and Anna's son Jurmin were killed together _______  654 _______  the Battle _______  Bulcamp, _______  Blythburgh.
686.        Above the faint rumble _______  the air conditioning, their cutlery clinks and clanks, the sound _______  a knight _______  full armour.
687.        Special courts _______  such proclamations tried and punished those who transgressed against the orders _______  the military authority.
688.        The mysterious opening becomes increasingly agitated _______  an irate accelerando launches the Allegro _______  its wayward path.
689.        Hardwicke recounts the real life events that led _______  the development _______  the script.
690.        I wanted _______  go _______  South Pattaya Road along No 3 Road and asked _______  private charter.
691.        Additionally, the National Greyhound Association holds their membership _______  strict standards _______  the care and handling _______  the athletes.
692.        Samples could be taken _______  the original, and plans could be made, but genning could not be initiated _______  death had occurred.
693.        The idea _______  sharing Christmas cheer surrounded _______  warm sands and crashing surf sounded wonderfully alluring.
694.        The dart _______  a blowpipe could strike there, but very few pipers could drive a dart hard enough _______  penetrate _______  the flesh _______  the brain.
695.        Ireland had known continuous war _______  the rebellion _______  1641, with most _______  the island controlled _______  the Irish Confederates.
696.        On 25 October 1415, _______  the plains _______  the village _______  Agincourt, a French army intercepted his route.
697.        A man _______  great style and charisma he put his heart and soul _______  a stylish performance.
698.        Off we went, me with an accumulator _______  each hand and she swinging her shopping bag and skipping along _______  me.
699.        But schools _______  Colchester are only too aware _______  the impact _______  conflict and overseas postings _______  children _______  Army families.
700.        Bosal was the UK's leading manufacturer _______  car exhausts _______  Walton Summit, _______  the M6 and M61 _______  they closed operations.
701.        Standing _______  the heart _______  the village and _______  _______  the busy road, it was a risk the parish council could not afford _______  take.
702.        The story begins with three stylishly dressed men striding _______  a warehouse, where they confront a gang armed with knives.
703.        The Department _______  Health, _______  a bid _______  curb binge drinking among young people, pushed _______  a 50 per cent increase _______  duty _______  spirits.
704.        They had existed _______  us, beneath us rather, flaring up like brushfire _______  the first humanoids left the trees.
705.        Learned grown-ups and leaders have _______  move with a sense _______  purpose, _______  a fixed direction.
706.        End now all unkindness. Let us put the Jew _______  ransom, _______  the leopard will not change his spots, and a Jew he will continue _______  be.
707.        And how is the knowledge that all gay men aren't effeminate and all straight men aren't butch going _______  help you pick _______  the men exactly?
708.        It will reinforce the idea _______  the endosymbiotic theory which is suggested as the basis _______  the formation _______  eukaryotic cells.
709.        The committee is asking Metro Council _______  tack new restrictions _______  Metro licences, including... an expanded ghost car program.
710.        It does not obey the law _______  conservation _______  mass _______  the reactants and products have different compositions _______  elements.
711.        Some other scholars have argued that it may have derived _______  a script used _______  a non-Chinese people living nearby, called the Yao.
712.        Each matrix was constructed _______  subtracting the differences _______  values _______  populations.
713.        Behind this zone _______  environmental invasion is a wave _______  cell senescence, death and necrotrophic disappearance.
714.        As well as webbed feet, turtles have very long claws, used _______  help them clamber _______  riverbanks and floating logs upon which they bask.
715.        Their effect _______  blood pressure can be worsened _______  taking them along with certain antidepressants, such as tricyclics.
716.        They check _______  my legs with a wand that makes a noise. They do all _______  this _______  _______  _______  other passengers.
717.        Other connotations _______  _______  centuries are sometimes seen, and are sometimes heard _______  everyday speech.
718.        A bone scan falls _______  the category _______  nuclear medicine, which means that it uses tiny amounts _______  radioactive materials called tracers.
719.        Astronomers believe the Earth began _______  accrete more than 4.6 billion years ago.
720.        As a North American, I don't have much _______  the way _______  ingrained cultural understanding _______  cricket.
721.        He accepted their silence tolerantly and moved _______  _______  stand _______  Kaezik.
722.        The Report argued that the provision _______  public libraries would steer people _______  temperate and moderate habits.
723.        Above the clypeal arch are two lateral clusters _______  strong basiconic sensillae, but no definite antennary rudiments are _______  be seen.
724.        The Push _______  Talk service is offered _______  a wired network, allowing _______  a far wider range than traditional walkie-talkies.
725.        Above us are snorkellers looking down _______  us and diving groups below, _______  and ahead.
726.        Behind every green hill there's another hill, with eucalyptus groves and banana trees and terraced fields _______  sweet potato and manioc and corn.
727.        If the ball goes _______  the crossbar, a goal, worth three points, is scored, and a green flag is raised _______  an umpire.
728.        The cartoon version _______  relativism he is describing does not pervade society, because it does not exist _______  all.
729.        Some _______  the tricyclists have been _______  waste-collection courses _______  Wongpanit.
730.        The interactions _______  volatile and non-volatile flavour compounds could, however, play an important role _______  the rate _______  flavour release.
731.        Some brat even threw a rotten apple core _______  me and sped away _______  his blasted tricycle contraption _______  I could catch him.
732.        Brixton didn't take it kindly but with me standing right _______  _______  Lita, there was nothing he could do but curse out loud a few times.
733.        The decline _______  the world's fish stocks is, _______  _______  global warming, probably the greatest problem afflicting our environmental commons.
734.        Sold _______  the trade name Dursban, the chemical is the most widely used household pesticide _______  the United States.
735.        The commander _______  chief with the main force defeated a Vandal fleet _______  Sicily and landed _______  Cape Bon.
736.        A woman who had been walking _______  _______  _______  him began sprinting, too, _______  an alarmed manner.
737.        She crawled _______  and lay _______  _______  him, looking _______  the log _______  see a family _______  deer, a doe and three babies, their horns barely coming up.
738.        A few years ago, the town enjoyed a nice boomlet, but _______  then times have been tough.
739.        Other units may be found _______  the table below, where the more often used terms are _______  bold.
740.        They were just out _______  sight when the quiet sounds _______  footsteps became audible _______  the street _______  them.
741.        She heads _______  the northern-most part _______  mainland Britain, _______  Caithness, _______  north-eastern Scotland.
742.        The derivations _______  all _______  the inhabited islands _______  the Hebrides and some _______  the larger uninhabited ones are listed below.
743.        It splats against your ears like the spineless sea creatures that crawl _______  its back cover.
744.        Electronic search engines located _______  kiosks outside the streetscape will direct attendees _______  the products serving their industry segments.
745.        Button did, however, record several impressive outings _______  the end _______  the season, especially when rain was prominent.
746.        She is trying _______  manage her ageing mother and he's trying _______  cope with losing his job and rejection _______  his daughter.
747.        I picked him up, gave him a wake-up cuddle, and plonked him down _______  _______  _______  his breakfast dish, still half-full with perfectly good food.
748.        The September moon fulls _______  the 20th _______  24 minutes _______  midnight, and is called the harvest moon.
749.        When Edmund finally stands up _______  _______  _______  the expectant graduates, Everything Is Going _______  Be Okay takes an absurdist turn.
750.        Waltrip hit the wall, slid down the track and eventually flipped _______  _______  the infield.
751.        The Bill also allows the victims _______  rape or incest _______  abort the fetus _______  18 weeks.
752.        The attendant looked _______  the man, then _______  the phone book and shrugged _______  hurling it _______  the wall _______  the waste area.
753.        During the Late Cretaceous, about 85 million years ago, all _______  modern mainland Europe except _______  Scandinavia was a scattering _______  islands.
754.        Having loved and lost, he yearned _______  the sort _______  redamancy only the classical love _______  years gone _______  may have once known.
755.        I slammed _______  the brakes, slid sideways and stopped just _______  careening _______  a state road truck.
756.        Once they survived Sanft's penalty, they had _______  dig deep _______  defend their own try line as Kirkcaldy tried _______  bludgeon their way through.
757.        Above the splenium _______  the corpus callosum, the cingulate sulcus turns abruptly upwards _______  reach the superior margin _______  the hemisphere.
758.        Breaking down _______  helpless giggles _______  his dramatization _______  a country hick's accent, it took me a while _______  I was capable _______  answering him.
759.        A legacy is something which we deposit _______  this life that will outlast us _______  generations _______  come.
760.        The Last Glacial Maximum, the maximum extent _______  glaciation within the last glacial period, was approximately 22,000 years ago.
761.        It takes many forms, _______  contracting out construction _______  handing _______  the whole shebang _______  contracts loaded _______  favour _______  new operators.
762.        The food one chooses after a nuit blanche, _______  that glorious, liberated, will-to power moment _______  the hangover kicks _______  is uniquely dramatic.
763.        A mountaineer had _______  cut off his right arm _______  free himself after being trapped _______  a falling boulder.
764.        In an airplane, most objects _______  interest are _______  the aircraft, so it is sensible _______  define down as a positive number.
765.        The EBU thoroughly denied racism _______  its show, and insisted it unites Europe _______  three nights _______  a year.
766.        Above it will be an upper-deck patio with concession stands and permanent restrooms.
767.        Around four fifths _______  oceanic debris is _______  rubbish blown _______  the water _______  landfills, and urban runoff.
768.        The village _______  Murma is _______  shock _______  the brutal killings _______  two young boys _______  their teacher.
769.        The course _______  study embraces everything _______  tractor operation and maintenance _______  bookkeeping, personnel management, botany and soil science.
770.        The sheep halted, and _______  the whistle the dog proceeded with short flanking runs which headed them _______  the gap.
771.        He glanced _______  the girl _______  _______  him, holding her head so regally and high, her back ramrod straight.
772.        Alex took her _______  the arm and led her _______  the course _______  where he had set his observation station.
773.        While I'm not saying that he deserved _______  die, those last few stumbles _______  his _______  the swimming pool now seem strangely satisfying.
774.        The Pinedale lasted _______  approximately 30,000 _______  10,000 years _______  and was _______  its greatest extent _______  23,500 and 21,000 years ago.
775.        That, according _______  Parliamentary legal adviser Eshaam Palmer, can be done only _______  both houses _______  Parliament sitting together.
776.        They sifted _______  more than 4,000 poems _______  drawing up a shortlist _______  the 12 finalists.
777.        Slosh Farm _______  Appleby is run _______  Robert Baxter and has 180 head _______  beef cattle and 150 head _______  sheep.
778.        Behind the sofa is one _______  the places _______  a home where all the lost things end up.
779.        So they laid her _______  a bier, and all seven _______  them sat down _______  it and wept and wept _______  three whole days.
780.        The final development _______  Indian religious thinking, _______  a time just _______  Buddhism, was that _______  monotheistic belief.
781.        I think the mum with the kid _______  the swing _______  _______  me didn't know where _______  put herself.
782.        Allegory cuts _______  metaphor and metonymy, the image is both fragment and performs a figurative function.
783.        To avoid dependence _______  the nobility _______  military recruitment, he pursued a policy _______  peace _______  France.
784.        That, according _______  Parliamentary legal adviser Eshaam Palmer, can be done only _______  both houses _______  Parliament sitting together.
785.        She was wrecked _______  Fair Isle, _______  Orkney and Shetland, where she broke up _______  a V-shaped cleft, depositing her contents _______  a deep gully.
786.        Representatives are elected _______  proportional representation with a single transferable vote.
787.        He was referring _______  a flight _______  steps along a stretch _______  riverbank opposite Clohessy's Bar.
788.        Russells made a donation _______  the Soldiers' Charity _______  Rowling's behalf and reimbursed her _______  her legal fees.
789.        The fleet was not sighted _______  England _______  19 July, when it appeared off The Lizard _______  Cornwall.
790.        You can columnize an entire document, everything _______  the position _______  the cursor, an entire section, or selected text.
791.        The pre-dive briefing took around an hour and the warning that heads this article was read _______  both beginning and end.
792.        Under the austerity programme _______  the Cameron governments expenditure _______  the NHS, which had risen fairly steadily _______  1950, was restricted.
793.        She falls heavily _______  her side, tugs a bodypillow up _______  her, throws a leg _______  it.
794.        Seedlings were then transplanted _______  clay pots and grown _______  16-hour days _______  the University greenhouses.
795.        Incense burned _______  the altar and pilgrims were deeply absorbed _______  their prayers _______  _______  _______  the statue.
796.        On the lane below, more orangetips nectared _______  spring beauties and violets.
797.        A couple _______  minutes later and the home side broke quickly _______  a free-kick _______  their own box.
798.        It's been a year _______  I moved here and I still haven't unpacked all _______  my books.
799.        The figures _______  1972 do not count _______  the total as badminton was a demonstration sport.
800.        Above the stern a large steering quadrant is still attached _______  the rudder post.
801.        From a distance the house sticks out like a sore thumb _______  the countryside.
802.        East Timor comes _______  as a series _______  lands within a land, with different tongues and customs.
803.        In the morning when the golden sunshine touches the snow-white peaks, thin smoke begins _______  rise _______  the tents _______  the lakeside.
804.        Kiln casting glass involves heating chunks _______  glass _______  a kiln _______  they are liquid and flow _______  a waiting mold _______  it _______  the kiln.
805.        In the Kennet district the traffic warden is employed _______  the police but _______  a contract with Kennet which pays the costs _______  the service.
806.        Police are warning boat owners _______  take extra care following a recent series _______  break-ins and thefts _______  boats.
807.        He came _______  looking upon the ground, and did not see Bathsheba _______  they were less than a stone's throw apart.
808.        I have sat _______  several council meetings where cabinet members cannot answer a question about the area they have responsibility for.
809.        Fivescore years ago, a great American, _______  whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
810.        Furniture was pushed out _______  place, walls spattered with teabag stains and the floor was covered _______  glitter.
811.        A large stone known as Maen Du'r Arddu, _______  Clogwyn Du'r Arddu, is supposed _______  have magical powers.
812.        The quality cannot be guaranteed, but they come _______  all corners _______  the Cork county final, knowing they are witnesses _______  a unique event.
813.        Dawn was breaking as Marie rose _______  her first restful night's sleep _______  two weeks.
814.        Sandstone has been used _______  domestic construction and housewares _______  prehistoric times, and continues _______  be used.
815.        Edward is said _______  have fought a successful skirmish _______  Southampton, and then retreated back _______  Normandy.
816.        Fourthly, the IOC has every host city collaborate with the United Nations _______  work _______  addressing environmental health objectives.
817.        Connor advises birders _______  wait _______  late _______  the winter _______  look _______  irruptives.
818.        Major changes _______  design did not become common _______  the Age _______  Enlightenment, when there was rapid progress _______  design.
819.        Janus Dyes. Named after the God, Janus with two faces _______  they often exhibit two colors.
820.        The Mayor recently chaired a meeting _______  discuss the problem _______  streetwalkers plying their wares along the city's beaches.
821.        Osileani pulled his weapon _______  _______  _______  the crone's haggard faces, warning them off with a cautious step.
822.        All _______  the swimmers will be sponsored and if you are asked _______  chip a few euro _______  the kitty then please don't hesitate _______  do so.
823.        A rainbow is a heartsome thing, _______  it reminds us _______  a promise made long ago, and faithfully kept.
824.        Arthur charges, but kills a mere 470, ten more than the number _______  Britons ambushed _______  Hengist _______  Salisbury.
825.        As feely homies, when we launched ourselves _______  the gay scene, polari was all the rage.
826.        The village pub is only 39 steps away and when things begin _______  flag we can take them _______  _______  revitalise the proceedings.
827.        This was their main residence _______  the rest _______  their lives and the place where Christie did most _______  her writing.
828.        In England, it was not _______  1823, that the medieval epidemic was first called the Black Death.
829.        The fairest diamonds are rough _______  they are polished, and the purest gold must be run and washed, and sifted _______  the ore.
830.        Because Geoffrey _______  Monmouth's work was regarded as fact _______  the late 17th century, the story appears _______  most early histories _______  Britain.
831.        Pilots are qualified professionals who know the river well enough _______  guide ships _______  the dangerous sand banks around the mouth _______  the river.
832.        They will consider whether the family should be rehoused or housed _______  accommodation provided _______  the local authority.
833.        Behind them stood Jasmine and her Father, waiting _______  the wedding march _______  begin.
834.        Clearly I have touched a nerve as you can tell _______  reading Aaron's comment.
835.        Humans have a special connection _______  the freshwater biome _______  they cannot live without it.
836.        Gently go _______  your dog's face with the washcloth _______  it's clean. Be sure _______  wash the flews, or the hanging skin around the mouth.
837.        From here, it heads west _______  meet the Rhyd Ddu Path _______  a standing stone shortly _______  the summit _______  Snowdon.
838.        Deputy chair _______  Scottish Enterprise, he bangs the drum _______  business formation, pushing resources _______  the best growth prospects.
839.        In the event, he left the magazine _______  home and the kiosk had sold out so he had _______  buy the Times and fold it _______  the size _______  the Listener.
840.        Arriving a few minutes late, I saw a freeway off-ramp blocked _______  debris and large objects.
841.        Behind it was a thick trail _______  sticky slime, almost like that _______  a slug, only more _______  a discolored yellow.
842.        The bishop planned and began a much larger church as his cathedral, _______  which was attached a priory, with the bishop's palace _______  it.
843.        In recent seasons fetishwear has found its way _______  the catwalk, with vinyl, PVC and lycra featuring among the most unlikely designer offerings.
844.        The clouds were threatening, black and so heavy that we could see nothing and wished earnestly that we were back _______  the green earth once more.
845.        The baby would have been Darrell Waters's first child and it would also have been the son _______  which both _______  them longed.
846.        That is the greatest impediment _______  the political and economic reconstruction _______  the country.
847.        Evidence _______  the use _______  cow's milk comes _______  analysis _______  pottery contents found _______  the Sweet Track.
848.        In 2011 the award was won jointly _______  David Logan _______  Half Sick _______  Shadows and Michael Logan _______  Apocalypse Cow.
849.        If _______  experience is any guide, we're _______  _______  a long and difficult project.
850.        About 40,000 years ago, anatomically modern humans entered the Iberian Peninsula _______  Southern France.
851.        These puppies need _______  be placed _______  foster homes _______  approximately one year.
852.        And after the situation had cooled _______  oblivion, I was left with an enlightening feeling _______  how being purposely outcasted feels like.
853.        And _______  top _______  that, it's just a conspiracy facturd that she went _______  the trunk _______  retrieve a piece _______  brain matter.
854.        It obeys the law _______  conservation _______  mass _______  the amount _______  phosphorous and oxygen remains the same throughout the reaction.
855.        At the same instant, _______  the boy could act, a hundred other bows twanged _______  all around the house.
856.        All sites dealing _______  other languages do quote or translate _______  time _______  time, which falls _______  fair use.
857.        It is important _______  recall that not very long _______  cell phones did not exist.
858.        I noticed a blown-up black-and-white photograph _______  the wall _______  where we were sitting.
859.        That results _______  their New Zealand business being thinly capitalised _______  tax purposes.
860.        Mary drafted plans _______  currency reform but they were not implemented _______  after her death.
861.        The harness was still hanging _______  the stables and the milking equipment was still _______  the byre.
862.        Crossing _______  _______  pop music stardom _______  movie stardom is a killer assignment, no matter how big you are as a pop phenomenon.
863.        Above all, the appearance _______  diverse chordates and agnathans greatly expands our knowledge _______  the Cambrian explosion.
864.        They were suffered _______  have rope enough _______  they had haltered themselves.
865.        Two _______  the main ingredients _______  this are sugar and refined flour, both _______  which are seriously short _______  nutrients.
866.        These mammoths lived _______  northern Africa and disappeared about 3 or 4 million years ago.
867.        Running down the long corridors he took a wrong turn, crashing _______  a group _______  girls _______  he realised his mistake.
868.        Indeed, the cupholders _______  every occupant _______  the row _______  _______  _______  me actually had chocolate milk _______  them.
869.        There have been a lot _______  changes during the _______  two decades.
870.        He rocks the boat _______  his feet so we bob and toss _______  the green skim _______  milfoil.
871.        This is an excellent book _______  the bereaved and _______  the un-bereaved who walk _______  them.
872.        Additionally, privatization _______  _______  had made important contribution _______  economic growth _______  transition economies.
873.        Lok got _______  his feet and wandered along _______  the marshes _______  the mere where Fa had disappeared.
874.        Essentially an electronic book, it contains _______  400 definitions and essays, _______  abracadabra _______  zombies.
875.        A voltage difference applied _______  the crystal _______  way _______  source and drain electrodes then causes current _______  flow _______  the charged region.
876.        It's ironic that computers break down so often, _______  they're meant _______  save people time.
877.        A large French assault _______  the end _______  November broke the allied lines, forcing a general retreat _______  Genoa.
878.        You'll find primitive bridges and such all along the routes taken _______  the old pack horse caravans.
879.        The service over, he strides down the pew aisle, wiping fingers _______  his brow.
880.        Stewart's like a young Jodie Foster, _______  that actress took a turn with Taxi Driver.
881.        Technically speaking, the Bhopal tragedy was an accident, _______  that it was not done _______  purpose.
882.        Behind us stood a few _______  those _______  the most extremist _______  the settlers, not very satisfied that we had arrived _______  Hebron.
883.        Above the banking hall is a brick-clad volume containing cellular conference rooms and offices which require a greater degree _______  seclusion.
884.        These hexoses were taken up and sucrose was synthesized and exported _______  the hypocotyl.
885.        As the man entered _______  the windows, she changed her position and sat upright _______  the bed.
886.        She pushes him back _______  the ground and they kiss passionately _______  _______  _______  the fireplace.
887.        It clings tenuously _______  the stony mountainside _______  a thin line _______  hairpins _______  dropping out _______  sight.
888.        Any archaeological trace _______  them, however, either lies _______  the city or was disturbed long ago.
889.        The Prime Minister's speech was short _______  any vision that addressed those matters.
890.        The head waiter gave parties every night _______  the kitchens, _______  which he and his local friends drank the cellars out.
891.        At the London office, a visual taunt was projected _______  a wall prior _______  Houghton's speech _______  the team.
892.        Making a historical drama that purports _______  be based _______  truth is a tricky business.
893.        While most successful cartoonists stick _______  either magazine gags or newspaper strips, he's been successful _______  both.
894.        This may lead _______  ovarian cysts developing, along with pain and swelling _______  the abdomen.
895.        We need _______  look back further _______  the _______  _______  find the cause _______  these problems.
896.        Reading a book _______  plays is another great way _______  get some reading _______  when you're short _______  time.
897.        An ecumene _______  the lands _______  the winds.
898.        Its aim was _______  find a new Joseph _______  his revival _______  Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
899.        But all the authorities are agreed that the worst aspects _______  crucifixion were the raging thirst and the excruciating cramps that racked the victim _______  he died.
900.        Furthermore, the similarities _______  the Nordic countries make Sweden and Finland reasonable countries _______  compare _______  Norway.
901.        Amperage describes the amount _______  current _______  a circuit, which is the rate _______  which electric charge flows _______  a point _______  a circuit.
902.        I must confess that I myself had been inclined _______  Monotheism _______  this time.
903.        Mohamed works _______  the library _______  the police's head office communications services.
904.        Round provided a family tree _______  embody his essential findings, which is adapted below.
905.        Chad watched Amy _______  _______  the room as Odette spilled the news about Kenny's death.
906.        He'd been untouchable _______  the _______  decade, but now Roy Grace had finally banged him _______  rights.
907.        The game still looked _______  the balance and Rhodes continued _______  urge Kendal _______  with his constant ranting _______  the back.
908.        They also urged the public _______  come forwards with information _______  case they came _______  corrupt government servants.
909.        I saw the pale student _______  unhallowed arts kneeling _______  the thing he had put together.
910.        He tries hard _______  _______  _______  the judges, but they're just not impressed.
911.        National symbols and patriotic assertiveness are _______  some countries discredited _______  their historical link with _______  wars, especially _______  Germany.
912.        When she surfaced, something brushed _______  her arm, a yellow heart-shaped leaf with serrated edges.
913.        He welcomed another measure now set _______  be adopted _______  the agency, _______  which the westbound carriageway will be split _______  two separate lanes.
914.        John failed and then had worse luck when it was discovered Richard was alive, which wasn't known _______  this point.
915.        Shares _______  the privatised utilities were sold _______  their market value _______  ensure quick and wide sales, rather than maximise national income.
916.        Behind him, leaning against the wall, was a young woman with long blonde hair and startling green eyes, wearing a flowing gown _______  deep scarlet.
917.        Above all, he must be seen _______  all political groupings _______  be unaligned and impartial.
918.        Behind it rear an assortment _______  rolling hills and mountains, dominated _______  Ben Lui.
919.        In Britain, the limited loading gauge precludes this, so the sandboxes are mounted just above, or just below, the running plate.
920.        Many parents worry that their kids won't return _______  their studies after taking a break _______  them.
921.        The drawing _______  mandalas or yantras _______  the high traditions, floor and wall paintings _______  women _______  folk traditions, all display a magical structure.
922.        There was no breeze _______  _______  the deserted highway, but the air was filled with prickly wintriness.
923.        She also served as sign language teacher _______  Paquin, earning three screen credits.
924.        Of these earlier incidents, only one led _______  people being hurt, but _______  the Apollo Theatre 76 people needed medical treatment _______  their injuries.
925.        Consequently, the logical and rational response _______  a new paradigm _______  most people is rejection.
926.        The driver flips _______  flashing lights, plugs _______  a bootleg tape _______  an Asian girl singing Cyndi Lauper songs, and flies north out _______  Mogaung.
927.        The Golden Plaza Tower, which also houses shops and a school, is crowned _______  the revolving restaurant.
928.        When we got there it was hanging _______  a farm byre with water running down it and holes _______  it, so I had _______  make a decision there and then.
929.        Between 45,000 and 43,000 years ago, this new tool technology spread with human migration _______  Europe.
930.        As their name implies, Mormon metalmarks are mostly a species _______  the Great Basin, and do not occur _______  most _______  the Pacific Northwest.
931.        Mikey gave me a disapproving tut _______  he walked off _______  ask Murdock something.
932.        The Indian subcontinent drifted northeastwards, colliding with the Eurasian plate nearly 55 million years ago, _______  the end _______  Paleocene.
933.        In effect, this means that if there is any difficulty _______  placing the shares, he and his associates will put up the money.
934.        Chitting describes the process whereby seeds are placed _______  layers _______  damp kitchen towel and allowed _______  sprout prior _______  planting.
935.        Alan Thompson misplaced a pass, Shota Arveladze, a substitute, seized _______  the error and passed _______  Nacho Novo.
936.        Behind it is a large street level parking lot accessible _______  Richmond Street.
937.        These increase the production _______  urine, and so help remove excess fluid _______  the body.
938.        Behind it are the braes _______  the Carse and the Sidlaw Hills and nearby are the villages _______  Longforgan and Inchture.
939.        Although I've known him _______  years, we didn't become close friends _______  recently.
940.        Of all the millennial projects, the extension _______  the London Underground, _______  the direction _______  Roland Paoletti, is one _______  the most admirable.
941.        They cultivate and survive _______  the bad environment, and are _______  short commons.
942.        I'm driving slowly, but I have _______  jam _______  the brakes twice _______  avoid hitting pedestrians who walk _______  _______  _______  my car.
943.        The upper plate moves seaward, and a massive tsunami can be produced along with catastrophic destruction _______  earthquake shaking.
944.        However, there exists considerable support _______  Newton, Billinge and Ashton also.
945.        Emily was sitting _______  a chair, _______  _______  the washtub, talking _______  Hannah, who was kneeling _______  the tub helping a girl bath.
946.        This, _______  a greater willingness _______  woo the American press and fans, may have helped a number _______  them _______  achieving international success.
947.        He flew up _______  where Element was situated, his sword floating up _______  _______  _______  him like a rhino's horn.
948.        But not without that bike _______  _______  _______  me with a big jukebox _______  distract me _______  being a beat-up little kid.
949.        Intracranial and subarachnoid hemorrhages may evolve _______  intraventricular hemorrhage and hydrocephalus.
950.        Once enemies, they became friends _______  an unlikely chance encounter _______  the wastes _______  the ocean.
951.        Beck and his bandmates hammered out fourteen songs _______  fourteen days, although just twelve made it _______  the album, 1998's Mutations.
952.        Above it all, dark shapes hang suspended, almost motionless, swaying with the breeze.
953.        There was a fourth bureau _______  miscellaneous issues, which was put _______  Polybius _______  his execution _______  treason.
954.        I have had a look _______  that, and I think the reason is apparent _______  the face _______  it.
955.        Similar sentiments will recur _______  everyone familiar with his writings all _______  them _______  the very end.
956.        They hang _______  all these kinds _______  thing, and insist that only what offers contact and touch is a thing that is.
957.        In addition, the Cape Cod Canal Railroad Bridge carries railway freight and limited passenger services _______  the Cape.
958.        Her plan is based _______  the underlying assumption that the economy will improve _______  the _______  future.
959.        I also did some detours _______  the organ world, but piano remained the most important instrument _______  me.
960.        For the first era _______  canals _______  toll cuts _______  combat railway competition family boating did not exist.
961.        The posterior part _______  each alisphenoid forms a triangular process which fits _______  the angle _______  the squamosal and the petrosal.
962.        It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, _______  they are meant _______  save people time.
963.        Behind the spectacles and the twin set _______  the demure secretary runs the hot blood _______  a rampaging minx.
964.        Brave International Combat Week 2017 will take place during 12 November _______  19 November _______  the Kingdom _______  Bahrain.
965.        A city garbage truck hit him and left him where he stopped rolling, _______  the road _______  a hill half a mile _______  the house.
966.        The Severn is often mentioned _______  Ellis Peters' Cadfael novels, set _______  or around Shrewsbury Abbey, _______  the river.
967.        Biographer Michael Starr asserts that Sellers showed enthusiasm _______  these roles, although the airline campaign failed commercially.
968.        The syncytial nature _______  the Siphonales was not revealed _______  1879. The existence _______  syncytia constitutes an exception _______  the cell-theory.
969.        I was highlighting sections as I went along and thought I might as well post the bits that I found worthy _______  the highlighter.
970.        There is some resistance _______  this _______  religious grounds but more or less continues _______  this day.
971.        As the game wore _______  and Arsenal continued _______  misplace passes, the crowd's frustration grew.
972.        About a mile further down the road, another dog ran out _______  _______  _______  the taxi.
973.        Population density is _______  15 persons per square kilometer _______  land area, well _______  the world average _______  50 persons.
974.        For two weeks PG and I have been unable _______  call anyone successfully _______  home but put the sim _______  an old Nokia 3310 and hey presto, no problem!
975.        The Listener withdraws those remarks and apologises _______  the club and its members.
976.        On 28 July 2005, the Provisional IRA declared an end _______  its campaign and has _______  decommissioned what is thought _______  be all _______  its arsenal.
977.        As Above, So _______  finds Julian _______  a calmer mood than the usual galloping momentum _______  his octet line-up.
978.        Like Aerosmith _______  its best, Buckcherry has both the rhythmic sway _______  go with its rock-and-roll stomp and the raw charisma _______  get away with its period pretensions.
979.        The 20th century brought competition _______  road haulage, and only the strongest canals survived _______  the Second World War.
980.        And we may get talky _______  times too, but it won't be _______  its own sake, or _______  pull the wool _______  people's eyes.
981.        If you're short _______  time and desperately _______  need _______  a one-stop option _______  all _______  your green needs, you're _______  luck.
982.        He knelt _______  Crusher and watched, briefly useless, as she passed her medscanner _______  the body. Except that it wasn't a body.
983.        Ravi Shankar is the man renowned _______  popularising Indian classical music and combining Eastern and Western musical styles _______  the sitar.
984.        About 50,000 years ago, there was a marked increase _______  the diversity _______  artifacts.
985.        The long built-in bench _______  _______  the fridge offers extra storage and an out-of-the-way spot _______  sip a juice box.
986.        At a study site _______  Sidney, he's distributed tiny meteorological sensors _______  a field.
987.        Daddy longlegs adults are weak flyers, falling _______  the water surface _______  the lightest _______  breezes, and even _______  calm days.
988.        More than 1,000 people _______  25 European countries put their heads together _______  Salzburg _______  the weekend _______  discuss ideas _______  reverse the trend.
989.        Air Canada now flies one daily non-stop flight _______  Toronto and Hong Kong.
990.        Other attempts _______  reduce size made _______  yapp are leaving out whitespace, and avoiding use _______  the system library.
991.        This was only the second general election _______  World War II _______  return a hung parliament, the first being the February 1974 election.
992.        Forty years _______  the crumpled and complex Mobile Belt _______  Newfoundland would have been considered a typical result _______  a deformed geosyncline.
993.        What is reasonable _______  a given case depends _______  the purpose _______  which the bail is demanded.
994.        The 50p coin depicts the lowest point _______  the Royal Shield, with the words FIFTY PENCE _______  the point _______  the shield.
995.        Shipbuilding did not begin _______  Middlesbrough _______  1833 when a wooden sailing ship called The Middlesbro' was built.
996.        She blocked the hall _______  _______  _______  him, bent _______  the water cooler.
997.        Mayor Derek Benfield headed a list _______  local VIPs who assembled _______  Waterstone's _______  the Brunel Centre _______  yesterday's ceremony.
998.        Sculpted landforms, called yardangs, are up _______  tens _______  meters high and kilometers long and are forms that have been streamlined _______  desert winds.
999.        Instead, they _______  a middle ground, choosing _______  teach _______  example rather than _______  browbeating.
1000.   Some people tend _______  keep their pentacle hidden _______  their shirt because they fear being harassed _______  Bible-thumpers and the like.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to

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