Tuesday, November 26, 2019

CEFR English Exercise - getting - thinking - going to - planning - plan to - want to

Please complete the following sentences with a “ getting / thinking / going to / planning / plan to / want to ”.
Please point out the errors if you come across any. (There are some really special gifts reserved for you)
Please send us your answers incase you’ve completed the entire exercise; there’s a gift for you too.
Always remember – “practice makes perfect; thus, we are what we repeatedly do”

1.                    As you can guess, the more specific a card's reference is to religion, the less generally sendable it's _______ be.
2.                    If they _______ express solidarity and sympathy, they tend to seek common features in their behavior.
3.                    Happiness isn't about _______ what you want. It's about loving and being grateful for what you have received.
4.                    Like everyday,I am _______ of you with love on your birthday!
5.                    I would dearly like / love to know what he was thinking.
6.                    _______ your route using a map leads to being stranded at motorway on-ramps.
7.                    I _______ expand my tofu kit business and start tofuburger restaurants around the country, just like McDonalds.
8.                    Seven years ago, 49 Republican senators backed a _______ require a supermajority to pass tax increases.
9.                    On Friday, the President is scheduled to attend an informal meeting on the _______ launch an anticorruption campaign.
10.               Davis is currently the Harvard GSD's Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional _______ and Urbanism.
11.               It's a poor system, because if you _______ do such-and-such you must first find that function in a long and disorderly list.
12.               We're _______ have to get a second telephone line installed at our house, because the teenagers spend so much time talking to their friends.
13.               He who would catch fish must not mind _______ wet.
14.               My trustees are _______ lend Earl Blessington sixty thousand pounds on a Dublin mortgage. Only think of my becoming an Irish absentee!
15.               Tesco _______ kit trolleys out with DVD players for kids, according to this news article.
16.               In 1406, English pirates captured the future James I of Scotland off the coast of Flamborough Head as he was _______ France.
17.               A Global Family _______ Programme Effort Index measured programme strength.
18.               An ambitious _______ convert two acres of unused allotments into recreational facilities was launched today.
19.               What Kuwaiti fans lack in numbers, they _______ make up for in noise and enthusiasm when their team take on Australia in the Asian Cup.
20.               I'm _______ of investing in a new house.
21.               I don't know the answer to that, so I'm _______ let my lawyer answer for me.
22.               In the coming months, they _______ form a design team and develop a master plan for the project.
23.               Lou snapped off a bin-bag from the roll. In her present mood, there were some things she wasn't _______ shy away from any more.
24.               Beauman lost contact with the BEF GHQ and was also unable to discover if Allied troops were _______ dig in on the Somme or further south.
25.               _______ for the drill required coordination among many individuals.
26.               Minutes later, unseen by the defenders, he semaphored back across the valley that he was _______ make a fresh attempt.
27.               For_______ someone doesn't mean never think of him, but _______ of him with a calm heart.
28.               She is continually abusing her position/authority by _______ other people to do things for her.
29.               Many will _______ know how this Home at Gait beshapes itself, and would be amused in seeing my varied occupations of the past week.
30.               They _______ establish their children in the family business.
31.               It is her _______ represent Scotland as a lock forward at Rugby that causes both her mother and me the most concern.
32.               From two monologues we hear many voices describing the lovers' adulterous affair and their _______ kill Kesa's husband.
33.               Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
34.               The commission kept its peace, but brought news to Rome that Hannibal was prepared and was _______ strike soon.
35.               The President did not _______ alienate Southern legislators whose votes he needed on his New Deal legislation.
36.               If you're _______ of _______ a new car, now is a good time to buy.
37.               Jimmy was _______ help me with the prank, but he punked at the last minute.
38.               That October, he formally exposed the military's secret _______ develop an atom bomb.
39.               I was driving along, _______ about Chris.
40.               I'm _______ the DMV this afternoon to get my driver's license renewed.
41.               If you _______ attend, please indicate this on the Congress registration form and remit the appropriate fee.
42.               Like inquiry can be active thinking, like exercise can improve physique, like mountain forest can recover one's original simplicity, love alone can study hard, like wind builds muscles.
43.               If I _______ use the charged Montana battery to boost my old Summit where do I connect the negative cable on the good battery of the Montana?
44.               I believe in weight training and work out myself, but do not _______ make recommendations on that topic.
45.               An agreement was reached, and the allies tacitly recognised that the wall was _______ remain in place.
46.               The humanitarian aid groups _______ see foreign aid depoliticized.
47.               Applicants must come from farm families and _______ pursue a career in the field of agriculture.
48.               I just _______ know the truth, you are expressing your concerns, but I also want there to be some candor between us.
49.               She's taking flute lessons, but she really doesn't seem to be _______ anywhere with it.
50.               Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of _______ from the new.
51.               Obviously, we are _______ relook at all these numbers for upcoming consultations.
52.               In the original version of the ending, Brock and Lizzy see the elderly Rose at the stern of the boat and fear she is _______ commit suicide.
53.               Balanda! If Aborigine e says something... e _______ stop im Balanda... e might listen.
54.               You _______ go to the stadium? Go straight on until you reach the park, take the first left and Bob's your uncle!
55.               Do you know there is someone _______ of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.
56.               The Steiner School offers kindy through to Year Six and we _______ open a new playgroup soon on Fridays.
57.               In our society we _______ believe in the absolutes of what is right and what is wrong.
58.               If you _______ empty a crowded room strong body pong will usually do the trick.
59.               We're _______ tile the bathroom.
60.               The man always remember,lonely life of every man,as i kept _______ of you!
61.               I think we are _______ have the most adversarial relationship with those entities of any media outlet with a profile.
62.               If established medicine does not understand that, they are _______ lose their clients.
63.               He was ecstatic when he heard that he was _______ be a father.
64.               I'm not _______ tankety-tankety after his tail, like a Tantony pig any more.
65.               It's all been planned.They're _______ Mexico!
66.               _______ for extra food and windbound days is especially important in the outer exposed islands such as Outer Island and Devil's Island.
67.               He had four months to make a special-effects extravaganza that had to make every _______ wear a Batcape next Halloween.
68.               I heard a rumour that they are _______ married.
69.               How's he _______ along these days?
70.               She also says he was _______ star in This Sporting Life but had to drop out when Guns of Navarone went over schedule.
71.               So it might be me projecting my desires onto archer to _______ just get away from work for a few weeks.
72.               I got on to him and explained some of the things I had been _______ of.
73.               I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my sister would _______ go to the concert.
74.               The farmers are _______ the crops in now that they are ripe.
75.               They also _______ prosecute if bar staff continue to serve alcohol to people who are drunk.
76.               We're not going anywhere. We've never gone anywhere. We're not even _______ the playoffs.
77.               Perhaps the _______ Office of Bromley would like to pay us a visit to appreciate the result of this decision.
78.               His staff _______ shoehorn an extra stop into his already packed campaigning schedule.
79.               Take me over the sea, where the Alleyman can't get at me. Oh my, I don't _______ die, I _______ go home.
80.               Your childish temper tantrums are not _______ change my decision on this matter.
81.               Or they must be stubbornly resisting dominant norms because they did not _______ fit in.
82.               The most retweetable word in my data set was the word you. Twitter users _______ hear you talk about them, not yourself.
83.               The Government now demands every fire authority in the country produces a risk assessment _______ best use resources.
84.               We always _______ play in the National Championship final, if that isn't our goal we aren't setting the bar high enough.
85.               However, with the Ashes _______ Australia in the event of a drawn series, there was still all to play for at The Oval.
86.               If you have any doubts about how the alder buckthorn you _______ use has been aged, do not use it.
87.               She made very positive noises at the interview about me _______ the job.
88.               _______ worse and worse all the time.
89.               He exerted considerable influence on the _______ of the scientific community on these issues.
90.               We freshened up before _______ the party.
91.               Barbara Castle's imaginative _______ connect the state pension to earnings was junked.
92.               The president received a briefing on the situation before _______ the press conference.
93.               Dining should be fun. Eating should be fun. It should be like a kid _______ Chuck E. Cheese for the first time.
94.               _______ officers are not expected to prepare a report for councillors before late October and a site visit would follow.
95.               I'll be talking with a leading senator who has a _______ legalize millions of illegal aliens in this country.
96.               President and founder Zaim Hajdari is a Chartered Retirement _______ Counselor with 18 years of experience.
97.               The idea that I might simply _______ express my independent thoughts was alien to them.
98.               The government thinks these stupid camel jockeys are _______ come to America and take revenge.
99.               There are various ways of _______ to the station.
100.           Our party has been on the political sidelines for too long - we must now work towards _______ into power.
101.           I was aware of what he was _______ about.
102.           Also, proponents of deregulation claim that if officials _______ regulate prices they should standardize the measures rather than command prices.
103.           Storms over the Pacific today forced America's premier airwoman to abandon her _______ start on her 27,000-mile round-the-world flight.
104.           If you're _______ knock off a nooner with a co-worker at a bad motel you have to scrawl your worn Hancock on the desk blotter.
105.           You better hurry up and get strong, if you _______ carry me across the stoop.
106.           I hate to burst his bubble, but he is _______ be disappointed if he tries that idea.
107.           This new phone looks good, but I _______ go to the mall and showroom it before buying.
108.           They also _______ erect a standing stone in New York City's Central Park, carved with Viking runes in honour of Eriksson's 1000th anniversary.
109.           Most of the deer I see are _______ be out of range. For someone with a gun, 50 yards is a chip shot. For a bowhunter, it's no shot.
110.           Elinor is _______ about emigrating to the United States.
111.           They made the big mistake of _______ they could seize its border with a relatively small force.
112.           That move left the Sequani between him and the Jura mountains, not a tolerable situation for either if they were not _______ be allies.
113.           We've been having trouble _______ staff.
114.           All topsoil and vegetative overburden shall be removed and separately stored along the north eastern boundary of the site to the satisfaction of the Local _______ Authority.
115.           _______ documents can be complex and there can be hidden clauses within certain policies.
116.           I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is _______ come into your life.
117.           I _______ run the London Marathon when I am older, so though I am not a fast runner, I can run, and I have the determination to get through it.
118.           I'm _______ of giving my boyfriend a miss tonight.
119.           The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
120.           We _______ ensure you have the information you may need before a hearing is set at your local court.
121.           He talks about his first moment on a slave ship and asked if he was _______ be eaten.
122.           You can leave that food in your locker for the weekend, but it's _______ smell mighty bad when you come back on Monday.
123.           _______ rich isn't worth the sacrifice of your principles.
124.           I _______ occupy the territory, but the territory is an idea and a way of _______ as much as a context that generates objects.
125.           I tell you I am _______ the music shop. I trust to your honour. Lord Rawson, I know, will call me a fool for trusting to the honour of a quiz.
126.           They _______ host a summit next March to focus on the importance of affirmative action for women.
127.           There is nothing either good or bad, but _______ makes it so. William Shakespeare
128.           And Jane, I really do hope you _______ do a story on female scientists one of these days.
129.           I have been _______ I'm not good enough.I'm not perfect,but I'm complete.
130.           Hurry up! Or we'll be late _______ to the station.
131.           Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.
132.           Sheep kept _______ tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.
133.           Alf Adams did not _______ talk rats but he did _______ show me his bottle collection preserved in a dusty shed.
134.           Obviously little would need to go amiss for the financial _______ go awry.
135.           You don't _______ jeopardize your primary source of income or any savings you've socked away in your effort to boost your earnings on the side.
136.           To that end, given the demographics of our workforce, we _______ achieve much of this reduction via attrition and early-retirement programs.
137.           _______ approval was given in January 2014 for an open cast mine at Halton Lea Gate near Lambley, Northumberland.
138.           These mental exercises are designed to break linear _______ habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.
139.           _______ to hitchhike across the country, Sal gets off on the wrong foot.
140.           Actually I can tell you my _______ choreograph the other Shostakovich ballets.
141.           Are you _______ along all right in your new job?
142.           I know you like this s ong most and I know what you are _______ about ,too, I miss you.
143.           I am _______ create a trigger to the feelings of nostalgia, that this time at sea will nowise be lost.
144.           Before the eyes of the nation, Joe Louis, an American hero if ever there was one, was _______ get beaten up.
145.           The committee agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Strategy and _______ to approve the plans, subject to negotiations to secure a one-way system.
146.           And I was _______ shout at him. I was _______ scream blue murder. I was _______ tell him just what I thought of that.
147.           Residents of Sandy Lane have less than three weeks to register their collective protest to Bradford Council _______ office about this new building development.
148.           By the age of seven, children are capable of _______ in abstract terms .
149.           The committee, which is still working on firming their plans, is now assimilating the information on the alumni and how they _______ contribute to the university.
150.           This is popular with Rugby fans _______ the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff or Lansdowne Road in Dublin.
151.           If you _______ grow your label into a brand you may also _______ consider trademarking your company name.
152.           Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without _______ a few drops on yourself.
153.           Don't clear out when the quadrilles are over, for we are _______ have a breakdown to wind up with.
154.           _______ permission for a new tenpin bowling alley was granted by only one vote.
155.           When he was _______ out a problem Tweed's habit was never to isolate himself in his room.
156.           _______ is concerned with the use of and operations on land, not its ownership.
157.           Yeah, I really should go to the quarterly meeting but I think I'm _______ skip it.
158.           What do you _______ do tonight? I wanna see a movie. He wansta see a movie.
159.           Thanks for explaining the situation. I'm _______ give him the rollicking of his life.
160.           I'm _______ body-slam your client at trial until he wishes he had been more cooperative and you wish you had been more persuasive.
161.           I am not here _______ entertain so large a theme as the philosophy of Locke.
162.           For example, if the regulators _______ increase safety, they should make safety statutes or publish a public list of safe taxi operators.
163.           The thing about being an ambivert is you really don't have a clear indication of when you are _______ reach your limit.
164.           If you _______ unstar the review request, just click on the star icon again.
165.           It is _______ harder for the president to dissociate himself from the scandal.
166.           He was _______ a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.
167.           His heart being weak, of course they couldn't draft him, but anyhow they just absitively insisted on his _______ work.
168.           Please come here for a minute. I _______ show you something.
169.           If you're _______ be a good sailor you need to master navigation.
170.           He denounced my son Tim's _______ move to New York City with some very choice language.
171.           I _______ buy some to give to mobileless friends in Fiji, who would rather have a clunker that keeps its charge for 12 hours than nothing.
172.           Even more importantly, ask him to show you the perfection of God's _______ save us and redeem us from these influences.
173.           By my own admission I pfaffed around a bit here but I'm _______ claim that I was merely enjoying the moment!
174.           So, you reich-wing HypoChristians might _______ remove the beam from your own eye before attempting to remove the speck from your neighbor's eye.
175.           Some players now _______ show their disgust by refusing to wear the antiracism shirts during next month's campaign.
176.           _______ permission was first applied for more than two years about, but because the building is listed, the bid had to be checked in detail by English Heritage.
177.           When you've just had a tumble between the sheets and are feeling rumpled and lazy, she may _______ get up so she can make the bed.
178.           Made me _______ read MSR again, and I thought I'd finally kicked that habit.
179.           _______ the support of the Queen was a great encouragement to those involved in the project.
180.           _______ and conditions attached by local or national authorities which affect the town both residentially and commercially, is a highly sensitive issue.
181.           As it is I'm _______ be in big trouble financially if I lose my job and five will get you ten the bastards will try to drum me out.
182.           I'm _______ write a book because I've got all these crazy ideas rolling around in my head.
183.           They are making a hash of the government's _______ get the state-owned corporation into shape for eventual privatisation.
184.           He did everything he was supposed to do when starting his cannabusiness and still ended up facing prosecution and _______ jail.
185.           Similarly, if the money supply were reduced people would _______ replenish their holdings of money by reducing their spending.
186.           She turned and began again to figure the codes, and another _______ get out of this cellar.
187.           If I had the choice between _______ work and staying at home, I'd pick staying at home every time.
188.           If you _______ hang your container, it's wise to choose one that is fairly light weight, rather than one that is heavy clay or terracotta.
189.           Any category you come up with is _______ be imperfect, but that doesn't preclude you from using it or the fact that it has utility.
190.           Coun Brian Jennings backed us up to the hilt and said he was _______ complain to the Chief _______ Officer about this.
191.           I've been _______ that chat room for months, and I know most of the regs by now.
192.           She was very smug and self-satisfied about _______ the promotion.
193.           Later, the new department moved to Guyancourt's Technocentre, which also became the base for Engineering and Product Planning.
194.           _______ law is not easy for laymen to understand, which is evident from your editorial.
195.           Yes, it is a hard-hat area, and you would not _______ let children play in the back or sideyard.
196.           _______ committees are required to decide _______ matters in a judicial way rather than on political considerations.
197.           They think they can do or say whatever they want, whenever they want but they are wrong because I _______ fight every step of the way.
198.           However, where objections have been made, the order will need to be considered by an inspector from the _______ Inspectorate.
199.           i know you like this song most and i know what you are _______ about ,too, i miss you .
200.           The Duchy Originals company was set up in 1992 to use produce from farms on the ducal estate, with some proceeds _______ his charities.
201.           She stopped _______ church but continued to have theological debates with him every Sunday.
202.           They are _______ hold a plebiscite on the question of national independence.
203.           I wouldn't use it, if I was _______ use it I can afford real cocaine. Crack is wack.
204.           _______ well is wise; _______ well, wiser; doing well, wisest and best of all.
205.           Hannibal did not know a great deal about the Alps, but he knew enough to know that it was _______ be a difficult march.
206.           I was recently advised of a splendid _______ unloose some sparrow hawks in Glasgow's parks and squares.
207.           Make a note to yourself to start _______ more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start appearing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you'll know what it means to feel satisfied.
208.           Hendrix was also on the bill, and was also _______ smash his guitar on stage.
209.           This isn't _______ be a competition, College Boy. It's _______ be a walkover. I could beat you one-handed.
210.           We certainly do not _______ take our simple categorical statements and contrapose them into cumbersome natural language.
211.           I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're _______ get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
212.           If the machine is really broken, noodling with the knobs is not _______ fix it.
213.           Renault gave it the same importance as Engineering and Product Planning, participating in product development.
214.           Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop _______ and go in.
215.           Alex is too young to be already _______ of herself as an old maid.
216.           The Liberals have a comprehensive _______ generate five per cent of Canada's electricity through wind power.
217.           Well, the Senate today narrowly approved a _______ drill for oil in Alaska's arctic national wildlife refuge.
218.           Popular alternative routes _______ areas close to Le Havre include Newhaven to Dieppe, and Poole to Cherbourg.
219.           I _______ start a real portfolio similar to that shown above and will hopefully be able to report on the results again at a future date.
220.           Computers are _______ faster all the time.
221.           I also _______ alert you to the broader circumstances of my incarceration.
222.           Their main worry was the _______ move the public car park for the meadows right next to their homes.
223.           When are you _______ bring the rest of your family over?
224.           The story says that there were four monks who did not _______ follow their abbot's rules on austere living.
225.           _______ requirements mean tall residential buildings have setbacks and open areas at grade, making the streetscape discontinuous and usually unpleasant.
226.           Observers say for this _______ succeed, all sides must put aside their reservations and return to the negotiating table.
227.           She bluffed the doorman into _______ that she was a reporter.
228.           We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
229.           _______ a party is a total mare when you're a Hollywood It Girl.
230.           There are just two episodes to go in The affair, and many portents that things are not _______ end well.
231.           Turn is winter,[http://Sentencedict.com] sunshine _______ thinner and pale.
232.           If an actor tells me they can do something more with a scene, I give them the chance, because it's not _______ cost that much time.
233.           The manager's _______ take the flak for taking our star player off the pitch.
234.           But you _______ be a continuous partial attention ninja master because you've been told that all of the cool kids are.
235.           I am not _______ argue with you, and I am not _______ take sides in this discussion.
236.           The lady did not _______ bebother her stylist for an extravagant dress design.
237.           Starbucks _______ roll out coffee kiosks at airports and supermarkets to meet this ambitious target.
238.           _______ the job did wonders for her self-confidence.
239.           This year, I'll be _______ Stratford on holiday. I heard it's lovely in May.
240.           You may _______ seal the windows with plastic to stop drafts.
241.           They don't seem to _______ work to earn a living. They think they can make money out of thin air.
242.           The couple, who now live in Bolton, will celebrate retirement with a holiday in Tenerife where they _______ wind down and relax.
243.           This entices drug traffickers and money launderers who _______ utilize their current economic system.
244.           Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
245.           _______ permission has already been obtained for the terminal and British Gas intends to contract for the use of 2.2 million tonnes a year of capacity.
246.           Now, you get back out there and you bludge! I don't _______ see anyone working, OK? I don't _______ see any pick-axes, any hammers, or nothing.
247.           After a tank is cleaned, provided that it is _______ be prepared for entry, it will be purged.
248.           Since it seemed like _______ a glass of wine was _______ require an act of Congress, I quickly agreed.
249.           I don't _______ fight my sisters, and pornophobia is not quite a recognized social ill at this point, so I just better relax.
250.           I hope that America is _______ hold Cuba accountable in public opinion.
251.           I don't think the theatre will die per se, but it's never _______ be what it was.
252.           My son's always _______ into trouble with the police.
253.           I'm _______ what to do next.
254.           If we can't figure out how to diagnose this problem remotely, we're _______ have to go on site again.
255.           A great many people think they are _______ when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. William James
256.           A former Goldman partner, a minister, and seminary president have an biblically ambitious _______ help the company do just that.
257.           One’s words reflect one’s thinking.
258.           Both Trusts have a joint management structure and financial recovery _______ get them out of the red over the next three years.
259.           I'm _______ have my bedroom feng shuied. Maybe this will finally bring me good luck.
260.           We don't _______ blaze a trail when we can imitate something that has already been done.
261.           You're really _______ get some brownie points from the teacher for that fantastic essay!
262.           The best time to eliminate weeds and grass is the season before you _______ plant your garden.
263.           My interest is in the future because I am _______ spend the rest of my life there.
264.           If this was _______ be MSTies' final chance to see their beloved show, the hope was that they would be able to go out with a bang.
265.           Is this _______ take long? I've got a hot date to drill the flautist at the symphony tonight.
266.           If you _______ be a successful bootstrapper, you have to take the red pill and determine how deep the rabbit hole called your organization goes.
267.           The established main companies _______ open new outlets to cater for the deluge of cash being wagered by city gamblers.
268.           Having thankfully rowed back on the _______ re-introduce third level fees, he has announced a package of E42 million for educational disadvantage.
269.           _______ Commission voted 6-1 to recommend denial of a proposed quarry on Frontage Road that has been opposed by scores of residents.
270.           His positions are based on political calculation of what voters _______ hear.
271.           We _______ see how far our readers can get the best impression of an ordinary, commonplace, ugly, commercial, shoppy or warehousy street.
272.           I _______ use fiber concrete, without rebar or mesh, and to pour the driveway in slabs.
273.           A new system is being introduced for sweeping pressure mines, however counters are _______ remain a problem.
274.           Prohibited from even _______ the comfort room, he had to relieve in his pants until Almendras' arrival.
275.           However, we still _______ return when the meeting reconvenes.
276.           Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, Mohamed's former Minister of _______ and International Cooperation, was later named permanent Prime Minister.
277.           We _______ build a worldwide network of artisanal and traditional foods, and to use our network to promote those foods.
278.           If you are satisfied with your existing layout and _______ live in your home for a few more years but want a new style then consider refacing your kitchen.
279.           Johnny is _______ on like a house on fire in French.
280.           _______ the rebels to disarm will not be easy.
281.           I'm _______ masquerade as the wikipede. What are you _______ dress up as?
282.           It was _______ be hard not to blow with a girl like her sucking on his crank.
283.           _______ on nipping down to your local electrical retailer sometime soon for a new fridge or maybe even to treat yourself to a home cinema system?
284.           To my way of thinking, it would just be a massive waste of money.
285.           Hotel guests may _______ think twice now before walking off with that bathrobe.
286.           In Islam, it is recommended not to eat raw garlic prior to _______ the mosque.
287.           However, the Inca Huayna Capac who grew tired of _______ war decided to peacefully settle things.
288.           The Royalist can't help but wonder where the after-party is _______ be.
289.           She explained the _______ behind the campaign.
290.           It's a long drive across Texas, so we're _______ stop off in Austin for a night.
291.           After engagement it quickly became clear which of the fencers was _______ prevail.
292.           Given that, it was abundantly clear that NBC was _______ star-cast the lead in Peter Pan with a famous person.
293.           He who would catch fish mush not mind _______ wet.
294.           I'm not _______ pry into your life, but I wish you'd tell me how you got to the South Carolina Lowcountry. That trip must be some kind of story.
295.           What we read influences our thinking.
296.           A few of our guys were _______ about going over the hill.
297.           Jessie was _______ wear pants to school, but her brother persuaded her to wear shorts to preserve normality.
298.           Throughout the week, the education workers _______ set up a tent at the Education Ministry and to conduct teach-ins to inform the public about their plight.
299.           I'm sure his goons will go through the ship like a business of ferrets, and they'll _______ look in our baggage.
300.           _______ of you still makes my heart beat fastest!
301.           listening to my heart beating. seeing how much i love you ,i dare to admit how much i love you .when _______ of you, i hope you can receive the passionat words i left for you!
302.           Town End residents asked Kirklees Council's Huddersfield _______ Sub-committee to knock back the plan at yesterday's meeting.
303.           As the hour grows late, I know that I'm _______ have to get him out of here so I can clean and defunkify this bedroom.
304.           At the moment he wondered why anyone would _______ visit Khatka, let alone pay some astronomical sum for the privilege.
305.           What is the current _______ on this question?
306.           The two main parties crossed swords over the Midland Regional Authority's Draft Regional _______ Guidelines at Monday's County Council meeting.
307.           We've managed to survive, and I _______ be a part of that tradition.
308.           I also _______ be in regular attendance at Neighbourhood Watch, as well as local Pub Watch meetings.
309.           He was not _______ squat henlike on his place as the cockies around him did.
310.           We _______ replace our third-floor carpet and vinyl floor coverings with tile.
311.           She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and _______ work.
312.           It was plain that Giles was not _______ agree.
313.           To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you _______ bind to.
314.           It's all pretty simple. If you _______ get hairs out of a carpet, you need a whirling brushbar of death. No amount of suck will do it.
315.           When you _______ be the boss, but you can't, it's not a lot of fun to be second banana.
316.           Outline _______ permission was granted and design plans, together with artists' impressions were made available.
317.           They are also popular to hobbyists who _______ breed marine species in captivity.
318.           They _______ improve the condition of every member of society, even that of the most favored.
319.           You had better crack the books if you _______ have any chance of graduating this year.
320.           There is only a murha in the opposite corner and I do not _______ be uncomfortable now. I lower myself into my father's chair.
321.           The credit union raffled three cars last year and _______ do the same this year.
322.           Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When _______ of you,[sentencedict.com/thinking.html] I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you!
323.           _______ permission is not required for the sub-division of the altered building into separate self-contained retail units.
324.           Hatching a _______ win the Indian boy, Oberon sends Puck in search of a flower called love-in-idleness.
325.           How are you _______ on ? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!
326.           As far as I know, he isn't attached, so I'm _______ invite him out on a date.
327.           There was no way I was _______ get sleep unless I did yoga-nidra or shavasan.
328.           _______ for a second edition already began in 1957, four years before the first edition was finished.
329.           Community _______ is in ecstasy over the spending increases they can expect from the new council.
330.           I went away to college _______ it would be wall-to-wall parties and all the freedom I wanted.
331.           I stifled a yawn as she launched into a monologue about how she is _______ become a famous star.
332.           A separate investigation is ongoing into the disappearance of petty cash from the Council's _______ Office.
333.           The government is trying to brainwash the people into _______ that a war is necessary.
334.           So you're _______ about a bit again? Not shutting yourself away?
335.           _______ becomes more important when one considers the long-term nature of consequential decisions.
336.           So that was the angle that I think this movie had that made me _______ jump into it.
337.           She was _______ about her childhood days.
338.           This is a trial version, and is _______ expire in 30 days! Please register!
339.           Count backwards from the date you _______ transplant to calculate seed starting date.
340.           The pair _______ make a short fuel stop today in Narsarsuaq, Greenland, before flying straight to Iceland.
341.           Concerted people pressure defeated a _______ hold a weekend market and car boot sale at two Morden car parks.
342.           There are plenty of fish in the river, and good baits on my line, but the fish are _______ clever and refuse to rise to the bait today.
343.           Silicon Valley is not _______ suddenly take an Ambien and stop innovating.
344.           I'm not sure what he is _______ about.
345.           Politicians who _______ win elections wear large rings with albino powder hidden inside, she said.
346.           _______ permission looks set to be granted for backland development in a street in Childswickham at risk from flooding.
347.           We _______ assemble a program that combines the method described here with a kinematics method to permit fulltime operation.
348.           In 2008, Rowling agreed to publish the book with the proceeds _______ Lumos.
349.           Please do not expect a big bang event in 2015 where everything is _______ happen overnight when the ASEAN Economic Community comes into being.
350.           What some other languages convey with prospective aspect, English conveys with expressions like _______ drive the car home.
351.           He keeps _______ at me and I really don't know what I've done wrong.
352.           If you _______ be more than just ordinary then at some point you’re _______ have to learn to burn your boats.
353.           The last thing we'd _______ be seen doing...is using shanks mare, even though the day is holding up well.
354.           If you are _______ continue your Nahuatl studies, you have no alternative to acquiring a copy of Molina.
355.           Besides, now that I know you to be a confirmed Bunburyist I naturally _______ talk to you about Bunburying. I _______ tell you the rules.
356.           Pending future revelations, I'm _______ assume that the present is like the past, and that this is more of the same old same-old.
357.           The top three students had a bet on which one was _______ book their intellectual property class.
358.           He keeps delaying his decision because he doesn't _______ commit himself.
359.           _______ and implementing a comprehensive program of premarital education in the congregation is not easy.
360.           There's a lot of violence and bad language in this programme. Are you sure it's _______ be airable?
361.           I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was _______ stupid.
362.           The Administration's _______ changed as the war progressed.
363.           _______ an ongoing marketing campaign ensures a steady stream of new business leads.
364.           I patted Fang's sides for his spleen, wondering just what I was _______ do if I could feel it all swollen and explodey and stuff.
365.           Most of my colleagues in biology are still very mechanistic in their thinking.
366.           New Orleans leaders said the city was _______ welcome the AFL All-Stars, which included 22 black players, with open arms.
367.           I'm _______ stair-step from East 3rd and 50th down to West 44th and Seventh Avenue.
368.           Pearce said that players who did not _______ be included would be able to inform him of their wishes at that stage.
369.           At first, when the Apollonians converged on her, Mary Theresa thought she had made a major mistake by _______ the battle.
370.           He has even begun winning commissions from Foster, including a _______ regenerate a site at Elephant and Castle in south London.
371.           My nose is bunged up. I must be _______ a cold.
372.           Any machines that are _______ be worked on must be electrically disconnected, usually through the motor starter, so that it cannot operate.
373.           _______ permission to carry out the major conversion work on the building and create 22 apartments was granted in May.
374.           I can't help _______ of my happy childhood.
375.           It throws light on a fantastic _______ animate the promenade of the resort by building a series of four giant follies.
376.           They spent an immense amount of time _______ the engine into perfect condition.
377.           I thought the fieldwork in the course I was taking was _______ be hard, but it was just interviewing people.
378.           The _______ is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.
379.           But even for children struggling to care for elderly parents on their own _______ abide by tradition.
380.           Insiders have revealed that the company has abandoned its _______ build a theme park in the city.
381.           we are never ever _______ back together.
382.           _______ is already under way for next year's Summer Exhibition.
383.           I've grown so lonesome, _______ of you.
384.           The national environment programme devotes a separate action _______ greenhouse gas emissions.
385.           If I _______ get out of it at any time I can, but I can also make unlimited overpayments and that is something I _______ make use of.
386.           They're not _______ play the patsy where they carry the can for all the woes caused by a tanking in oil prices that's already happened.
387.           Keighley Area _______ Panel, which meets on Thursday, is being recommended to approve the scheme.
388.           Yet the oil companies and the governments of Alberta and Canada _______ expand.
389.           Their incautious behavior is _______ get them into trouble someday.
390.           _______ ahead is a great strategy... until life throws you a curveball.
391.           The Government has not prepared a _______ rehabilitate these people and the money given to them is not enough to construct a good house with all facilities.
392.           This afty, I'm _______ a funeral of a toe rag that we once did a few jobs with.
393.           Ay, chihuahua! The computer crashed and I'm _______ have to start all over again.
394.           Australia topped the table and Great Britain were the underdogs _______ the final, held at the Sydney Cricket Ground.
395.           In 1845, whilst visiting Carclew in Cornwall, he met several Cornish miners who were _______ Australia.
396.           I would enjoy having a swimming pool, but I don't _______ deal with the upkeep.
397.           He's in a bad mood today, so you might _______ tread lightly if you talk to him.
398.           She had a reputation for clear _______ and pragmatism.
399.           Examples of such interstate compacts are the Great Lakes Commission and the Tahoe Regional _______ Agency.
400.           Where are we _______ summer?
401.           Stupples was _______ study polymer science in the UK before deciding to go to university in the United States.
402.           It is run by the London Fire and Emergency _______ Authority and is the third largest fire service in the world.
403.           This topic requires a lot of deep thinking.
404.           The WDC players decided that if they were not _______ be recognised by the BDO they would no longer play in the Embassy tournament.
405.           As a result, it gives the greatest degree of energy resilience and the energy system is _______ electrification.
406.           For young children, _______ dressed is a complicated business.
407.           If it was just Papes, if they were _______ fight ye, ye would just fight them back.
408.           I've always had an aversion to _______ up early.
409.           I'm _______ have another cup of coffee.
410.           Try not to take things personally. You do not _______ overinternalize events for which you are not responsible.
411.           With their input, he created a _______ reduce the Maple City margin excesses and bring the account back into authorized limits.
412.           It's also worth noting that even if people don't apply for an absentee ballot, in many states you can vote early, which is what I _______ do.
413.           In this period, many Sami practiced their traditional religion at home, while _______ church on Sunday.
414.           Dear. When _______ of you some happiness. Well some sad.
415.           We're _______ Japan at the beginning of July.
416.           It may well be that RevolutionWear is _______ find out the hard way that it takes more than money to start an actual revolution.
417.           Sometimes running to the football, you're _______ overpursue, and he may break it all the way out back out the back door.
418.           For example, if there is a CALL 3140 and we _______ skip this call, we can NOP it out.
419.           Locals won't notice many changes in the first six months, but Brown said they _______ retile, add a stage, and someday even have additional stores in other cities.
420.           When both kids _______ ride shotgun with Mom, they'll just have to take turns.
421.           Keen to build on the success of their recent market day, they now _______ hold monthly markets on Saturdays.
422.           For a brief instant, I thought she was _______ fall.
423.           An original _______ make sure all taxis were painted black-and-yellow was dumped after cabbies baulked at the cost.
424.           He must be _______ near retiring age.
425.           The time for _______ is past, we must now act.
426.           Former Chilean Minister of _______ Felipe Kast noted the excessiveness with which ideology governs politics, particularly in Latin America.
427.           The government's _______ reform the subsidy system is running into fierce opposition.
428.           They _______ take on authority and comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable and all that hoo-ha.
429.           If you _______ quit smoking, you have to make a serious effort.
430.           I _______ go back on Wednesday to do some quick-and-dirty mapping and interviews for him because he wants to better understand how people find their way around.
431.           It's this agnosticism, he argued, that leaves BDSers open to accusations that they _______ see the country destroyed.
432.           I don't _______ give too much away, but it's looking to be our most 'mature' album.
433.           I _______ learn how to play, and that's all puzzles and problems, and what do I care when I go to play a game about parallels and bifolds?
434.           Although this is obviously a love song, I'm _______ assume that Allen husband is no one minute man. Can't you work things out, girl?
435.           At school we had a free gill of milk each morning break as part of the government's _______ build a nation of healthy young things.
436.           Everthing downcame today Anne the world's spinning out and I spec we finally all _______ be riding raw.
437.           The workers are _______ up a petition for tighter safety standards.
438.           The game is _______ tenser all the time.
439.           I'm _______ plump for the vegetable curry.
440.           It isn't very much effort for us at all, but if it can help people, then we _______ do it.
441.           _______ is, or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that.
442.           In this case it is obvious that they _______ emphasize the change of regime they pretend to introduce.
443.           These hotels are good for driving trips where you only _______ spend a limited amount of time and then hit the road again.
444.           Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When _______ of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!
445.           He was a former member of the Oxford _______ Board and was a member of the American Society of Dowsers.
446.           She opened the door to her bedroom, _______ how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.
447.           I'm not _______ settle for second best .
448.           The government stepped back from its initial _______ build a shopping mall in the park and proposed a referendum on the issue.
449.           The heat was _______ to be too much for me.
450.           My neighbours were _______ build an extension but they didn't get planning.
451.           The researchers _______ test their screening technique to find microbes that break down carcinogenic chemicals at coal tar waste sites.
452.           Is it true they're _______ married?
453.           The criteria presented above apply to all tour operators that _______ be awarded the Blue Flag.
454.           He told his sailors not to untie him as it would only make him _______ drown himself.
455.           Julian has been _______ up new ways of raising money.
456.           Oh, not the middle of nowhere like the rest of Indiana, but a nowhere so flat and ugly you _______ lie down in a ditch and never get up again.
457.           The manager deluded her into _______ he would give her the job.
458.           It's wonderful to see how she has grown as a person since _______ college.
459.           The question everyone wanted to know the answer to was how Britain was _______ stay ahead.
460.           This was the first time we were _______ sleep together, ever. I climbed into her bed naked as she. Two chestless wonders.
461.           As you get older though, you will definitely _______ be able to serve overhanded.
462.           Gill had been out of work for a year and was _______ very despondent.
463.           Anyway, they are paying me a buttload of money to do this series, and I _______ share my good fortune with you and that's that.
464.           You are _______ go from being a toxic-thought overreactor to a toxic-thought zapper.
465.           Thorn Marine's lease expired in the summer and Peel Holdings _______ redevelop the site for housing.
466.           I _______ set up a folding table and buy an inexpensive office chair and an area rug to cozy it up.
467.           We were _______ ready to go out.
468.           We _______ make sure that the United Kingdom continues to have that influence.
469.           I _______ redo the kitchen and put in new cabinets and new appliances.
470.           _______ for a massive Spring Offensive in 1918, it resumed the sinking of all merchant ships without warning.
471.           All we _______ see is that our three hundred quidlets are sitting comfy in the bank.
472.           I know we're never _______ agree on the merits of vegetarianism so let's agree to disagree, shall we?
473.           For instance, if the aneurysm involves the arteries to the kidneys then surgeons need this information if they _______ operate.
474.           I think basing your actions off an assumption like that is a slippery slope that is _______ get you in trouble.
475.           He was _______ excited just _______ about the trip.
476.           Her health is _______ steadily worse.
477.           _______ permission is next to impossible to get in this neck of the woods.
478.           In an interview, the projects manager resoundingly endorsed the _______ build a training centre there.
479.           Workplace _______ and Deployment Agency is citizen-centered, delayered and mission-focused, and leverages e-government and competitive sourcing.
480.           I don't know about you, but I don't _______ grovel through a bunch of code blocks to track down a typo or thinko.
481.           The conference starts on the 12th, but the building will be open on the 11th if you _______ scope out the room ahead of time.
482.           However, now they have to illustrate what they _______ do in the next four years, the term of their office.
483.           _______ permission is being sought for a local gas pipeline which would fuel the local economy but could damage marine life.
484.           And what if we _______ unsort an array? The shuffle function uses PHP's random number generator to re-arrange the elements of an array randomly.
485.           With strong customer support, we _______ nurture the relationship of developer and gamer to levels above and beyond today's standards.
486.           If you're _______ of _______ a new car, now is a good time to buy.
487.           He must be _______ on for 80 now.
488.           Make up your mind after _______ it over carefully.
489.           _______ officers argue the vicarage garden is open so the new houses would be overlooked by existing properties.
490.           Soon the day will come when I am officially bilingual, and the moment this is achieved I _______ start ridiculing unilingual people.
491.           I _______ eat some good old-fashioned unbarbecued food that has been cooked in pots over electric elements.
492.           Chelsea's artful and stylish Portuguese manager courts controversy so often that it's clearly part of his game _______ provoke and unsettle the opposition.
493.           There are major disagreements within the Coalition and politicians always _______ retain room for manoeuvre.
494.           _______ of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.
495.           His _______ get the old lady back for her minor rudeness was coming to literal fruition.
496.           She headed for the docks, _______ that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.
497.           And we can talk about whether we _______ allocate fewer resources to the aged.
498.           If you _______ make things better, you need to get involved.
499.           He'd refused to say anything more, because he didn't _______ distract her with his problems on the eve of the Quals.
500.           Meanwhile, Jeff's _______ scam the scammer was taking shape.

Great you’ve come to the end of the activity. Now please email us your answers or comments to jsenglishggn@gmail.com

John Smith’s English Centre is dedicated to helping you become a super star English learner and speaker.


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